State Courses
This category represents the official course catalog for the state of Georgia, including state Course Codes, Course Titles, and other related information as downloaded from the state.
Note: The State Courses category is only used for public schools.
State Course Listing and CTE Courses View
The State Course Listing view captures the valid list of all downloaded Georgia courses. The CTE Courses view captures only CTE courses and their associated Career Pathway types. This information is downloaded from the state and stored in the PowerSchool publishing tables, and is used with data quality checks to ensure all data is compliant before uploading to the state ODS.
This resource represents the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences provided for the instruction of students on a regular or systematic basis.
Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.
Data Element | Description | Data Type | Stored in [Table]Field | Req'd |
educationOrganizationId | A reference to the related EducationOrganization resource. | Integer | SEAId - Data element downloaded from State: '48856' Stored in: [CST_PubCourse]EduOrgId | R |
code | The code that identifies the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences provided for the instruction of students. | String | Data element downloaded from State Stored in: [CST_PubCourse]Code Matches: [S_WI_CRS_RSTR_X]Course_Code (if entered) | R |
title | The descriptive name given to a course of study offered in a school or other institution or organization. This is the state Course Title in the downloaded Course entity. | String | Data element downloaded from State Stored in: [CST_PubCourse]Title The title may or may not match the local course title in PowerSchool. | R |
numberOfParts | The number of parts identified for a course. | Integer | Data element downloaded from State Stored in: [CST_PubCourse]NumberOfParts | R |
academicSubjects | The intended major subject area of the course. | String | Data element downloaded from State Stored in: [CST_PubCourse]AcadSubjectDesc | O |
description | A description of the content standards and goals covered in the course. Reference may be made to state or national content standards. | String | Data element downloaded from State Stored in: [CST_PubCourse]Description | O |
identificationCodes A standard code that identifies the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences provided for the instruction of students. | R | |||
/courseIdentificationSystemDescriptor | A standard code that identifies the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences provided for the instruction of students. | String | [CST_PubCourse]NewCode if courseIdentificationSystemDescriptor = Replaced By: 'Replaced By' if courseIdentificationSystemDescriptor = Deprecated: 'D' Otherwise: null | R |
/identificationCode | A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a space, room, site, building, individual, organization, program, or institution by a school, school system, a state, or other agency or entity. | String | Data element downloaded from State Stored in: [CST_PubCourse]AlternateCode, where courseIdentificationSystemDescriptor = 'SCED 5.0' or 'CWCS' Matches: [S_WI_CRS_CWCS_X]CourseCode used for mapping PowerSchool courses to downloaded courses when [S_WI_CRS_RSTR_X]Course_Code is blank | R |
levelCharacteristics | An unordered collection of courseLevelCharacteristics. Indication of the nature and difficulty of instruction: Remedial, Basic, Honors, AP, IB, Dual Credit, CTE, etc. | String | Data element downloaded from State Stored in: [CST_PubCourse]LevelCharacteristics Multiple values are stored as a comma-seperated list. | O |
gpaApplicabilityType | An indicator of whether or not this course being described is included in the computation of the student's Grade Point Average, and if so, if it weighted differently from regular courses. | String | [CST_PubCourse]GPAApplicabilityType = null | O |
highSchoolCourseRequirement | An indication that this course may satisfy high school graduation requirements in the course's subject area. | Boolean | [CST_PubCourse]HSCourseRequirement = '1' | O |
careerPathwayType | The career cluster or pathway representing the career path of the Vocational/Career Tech concentrator. | Integer | Data element downloaded from State Stored in: [CST_PubCourse]CareerPathType, where courseIdentificationSystemDescriptor = 'CTECareerPathwayType' | O |