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Move On When Ready Course Numbers

(from the Tech Note dated August 11, 2015)

There is some confusion about course numbers to use for FY2016. Due to the new Move On When Ready Law (SB 132), Georgia Student Finance Commission (GSFC) has posted course numbers that do not match with the current 160-4-2-.20 List of State-Funded K-8 Subjects and 9-12 Courses. Please refer to the GSFC list at:

Here is an example of some GSFC course numbers when choosing Oconee Fall Line Technical College:

Students may take MOWR courses that may not have a high school equivalent. In this case, use one of the MOWR course numbers. These course numbers are not in the GaDOE course board rule. CTAE is traveling the state doing workshops on how this new law will be implemented. CTAE will also be doing sessions at the GaDOE Data Collections Conference in late August. Here is the GaDOE website for the new MOWR information:


GaDOE Data Collections department is waiting for a course number file from GSFC that includes the MOWR course numbers. Until this list is available, districts will receive errors on MOWR course numbers because there will be nothing to validate against when districts submit files.

How to set up PowerSchool course numbers for MOWR courses

PowerSchool allows entry of letters into course numbers. PowerSchool does not allow inclusion of the decimal in the course number so the state reports insert the decimal after the first two characters of the course number.

Using the examples from Oconee Fall Line Technical College above, use course number 2545000nn or 250M184nn, where nn is for local school system use. There should be a total of nine digits or characters. When GSFC has a course number listed as 1.0M044 the PowerSchool course number should be entered as 010M044nn so the decimal point is properly inserted with state report results of 01.0M044nn.

Impact to the PowerSchool FTE Method

The FTE Method will correctly handle the GSFC course numbers. Please review the FTE Method. Segment Family Evaluation remains the same. A 4, 5, 6, or 7 as the 3rd digit indicates MOWR-Vocational when the section or course Location of Enrollment (LOE) is 2 or 3. When the 3rd digit is 0 or 3 and the LOE is 2 or 3 then the course is MOWR-General.

As a reminder, the following Location of Enrollments value descriptions are:

(2) TCSG Campus

(3) USG Campus

For questions regarding the course numbers found on the GSFC website please ask CTAE and GaDOE at the Data Collections Conference or via email. Please contact PowerSchool Support is you have questions specific to the PowerSchool handling of course numbers in state reports.

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