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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-282068All States/Provinces: CRDC 2020-2021 Report: Common PDF Template Updates

The CRDC 2020-2021 Report common PDF template is updated to correct various spelling errors and item label updates.

PSSR-281432CRDC 2020-2021 Report: Common Submission Files Update 

The common (across all states) CRDC 2020-2021 Report's school submission files will no longer insert an extra carriage return or add extra columns under certain data scenarios.


CRDC 2020-2021 Report: Sub-District Validation Improvement

The CRDC 2020-2021 Report is updated to display an informational message in the District (LEA) PDF file letting administrators know when required sub-district setup elements are missing.

Prior to this change, when CRDC LEA ID and School ID values were not populated for sub-districts, the report would produce a blank PDF file.

PSSR-280888GA: Update Special Education Program Secondary Area to match Primary Area

The drop down for Primary and Secondary Area under the tab Special Education Program has been synced up . The extra value in Secondary Area has been deprecated and can no longer be selected.

PSSR-277857P01 - Student Class 2021-2022 v 1.0 - Needs to Pull '5555' in the 'Alternate School Code' For Students With SPED Environment Value of 8

The report has been changed to incorporate the changes wherein if the Special Education Environment is set to 8 and PS institution code is set to 5555 then in the reports alternate school number will be pulled as '5555'.

PSSR-278660Updates on Primary and Secondary Disability in the Access to ELL Report

The Field Definition has been updated with the latest values and two other fields have been deprecated for the Primary and Secondary Disability in the Access to ELL Report

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