Student Safety Incident Type
The following table contains a list of incident types defined for Georgia State reporting. This list is located in the GEN table of the database and can be located by searching for Cat = disc_incid_cat. The [GEN]Name field contains the numeric value for the action taken while the [GEN]Value field contains the definition text.
Code | Name |
00 | Continuation of Incident |
01 | Alcohol |
02 | Arson |
03 | Battery |
04 | Burglary |
05 | Computer Trespass |
06 | Disorderly Conduct |
07 | Drugs, Except Alcohol and Tobacco |
08 | Fighting |
09 | Homicide |
10 | Kidnapping |
11 | Larceny/Theft |
12 | Motor Vehicle Theft |
13 | Robbery |
14 | Sexual Battery |
15 | Sexual Harassment |
16 | Sex Offenses |
17 | Threat/Intimidation |
18 | Tobacco |
19 | Trespassing |
20 | Vandalism |
22 | Weapons-Knife |
23 | Weapons-Other |
24 | Other discipline incident |
25 | Weapons-Handgun |
26 | Weapons-Rifle |
27 | Serious Bodily Injury |
28 | Other Firearms |
29 | Bullying |
30 | OTHER ‐ Attendance Related |
31 | OTHER ‐ Dress Code Violations |
32 | Academic Dishonesty |
33 | OTHER ‐ Student Incivility |
34 | OTHER ‐ Possession of Unapproved Items |
35 | Gang Related |
36 | Repeated Offenses |
40 | Other Non-Disciplinary Incident |
42 | Electronic Smoking Device |
44 | Violence Against a Teacher |