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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-284625All States/Provinces: Clock In/Clock Links Displaying When not Enabled Causing Excessive Logging

The Clock-In/Clock-Out code is now updated to return a valid studentsdcid and a check has been added. These updates will stop the Clock In/Clock Out links from displaying when it has not been enabled and will no longer cause excessive activity in the logs.

PSSR-279318All States/Provinces: Student Incident Profile Report - Days Count Update

Student Incident Profile Report: Version 1.1

Initially the Student Incident Profile Report has been updated and the Days count will now only factor in in-session days between the action start and end dates.

PSSR-287177CTAE Pathway Do Not Display Assessments or Courses When (") Is In The Assessment Name

CTAE pathways not displaying the course name assessment when we enter the “ in the text. it is not displaying the other courses and assessments when we enter “ in any of the course or assessment. Now it is displaying the course name and assessment even we have entered any of the special character.

PSSR-278951FTE October/March (2021-22) v1.1 Does Not Pull Environment For Inactive Students with a Student Status = C

The FTE October/March (2021-22) report does not pull an environment code in position 170 when an inactive student is student status C, Child Find, has been fixed and its pulling through the environment code.

PSSR-287245Pre-ID Report extract Header Update

Pre-ID report is updated with the header row when running as a CSV to meet state requirements.

PSSR-287550Remove GetCF From Student Class 21-22

Replaced the GetCF Function calls with extended or core tables direct columns.

PSSR-286123The 504 page Auto Selects Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Plan

While creating a 504 record, the 504 Plan is automatically highlighting the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Plan. This has been correct to start with no plan selected.

PSSR-286095Updates on System Level Record Layout (A01) – Psychological Services and Title III

Created a new System Level Record Layout (A01) for 2021-22 version 1.0 and added new fields under A01 Student Record Information for both District and Sub District level.

Private or Home Schooled

  • Student’s Initial Evaluation
  • Student’s Re-Evaluation
  • Student’s Found to be Initially Eligible
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