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Single Sign-On User Reports


The Georgia Single Sign-On User Reports provides the steps to set up and enable Georgia Single Sign-On functionality in order to access the Georgia Longitudinal Data System (LDS) from within the PowerSchool application. The Georgia LDS contains multiple years of school, staff and student data, available for analysis by administrators, teachers, parents, and students.

Once the appropriate roles are set up on the Georgia LDS website and assigned to staff members in PowerSchool, a Georgia LDS link appears for those staff members in the PowerSchool admin or PowerTeacher portals’ main menus. Clicking the link authenticates the staff member in the Georgia LDS system and launches a new browser window with the LDS summary page for that staff member.

Additionally, parents and students may have access to the Georgia LDS link in the PowerSchool Student and Parent portal. Parents have access to the Georgia LDS link when they are viewing a student with a state student number; and students have access to the Georgia LDS link they have a state student number.

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