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Early Care and Learning PK Extract


The Early Care and Leaning report includes pre-kindergarten student information including name, socio-economic category, ethnicity, dual language learner indicator, and waiver reason code.

Districts can generate the needed Pre-K roster extract file as needed, to be used by the Pre-K Director for uploading their students onto Roster 1 in the Bright From The Start (BFTS) Pre-K Roster System known as PANDA.

The output is submitted to the Bright From the Start -Department of Early Care and Learning.

Selection Criteria

The Early Care and Learning extract can be run for all active students or for a selection of students.

When run for all active students, the report will return students in Pre-Kindergarten grades who are active on the report run date and who have a PANDAClassID entered.

When run for selected students, only Pre-Kindergarten students who have PANDA data entry completed should be included in the selection. Students without PANDAClassID will not be included in the report.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Select Schools

Choose one of the following:

  • Current School Only – Includes all student records associated with the current school that meet selection criteria. To change the current school, click the School link at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

  • All Schools – Includes all student records on the PowerSchool server that meet selection criteria.

Note: The All Schools option is only available when running the report from the District Office.

Current Selection Students

Run the report for the current selection of students or all students.

Note: Only Pre-Kindergarten students who have PANDA data entry completed will be included in the report.

Report Run Date

Enter the report run date. This value is used to select active students on this date.

Print report headers

Select the Yes or No from the pop up menu.

Note: The default is No. The report should not include headers when submitting to the state.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Data Element




Site Id

The PANDA Id associated with the school.



Class Id

The PANDA Class Id associated with the student.




First Name

The student’s first name.

Note: The legal first name field is extracted, if populated.       



Middle Name

The student’s middle name. Defaults to ‘NMN’ when left blank.

Note: The legal middle name field is extracted, if populated.    



Last Name

The student’s last name.

Note: The legal last name field is extracted, if populated.     




The student’s name suffix. (Examples - Jr,II,III,IV, V,VI,VII,VIII)


Date of Birth

The student’s date of birth.

Format: MM/DD/YYYY




The student’s SSN.


  • Per state requirements, the SSN value is surrounded by single quotes.

  • If the SSN starts with 99, the SSN will be blank and the Waiver Reason Code and Waiver Reason Detail field values are displayed in the report output. 



(only required if SSN is blank)

Indicates why the student’s SSN is blank.

Valid values:

1 - I need help obtaining an SSN

2 - I need help replacing a lost SSN

3 - I am awaiting a replacement SSN and will provide when it arrives

4 - I forgot to bring the SSN and will provide within 30 days

5 - I choose not to provide the SSN because



Waiver Reason Detail

Provides information about why the student’s SSN is blank.

Required if the waiver reason code is 5.



Student Gender

The student’s gender.

Note: The legal gender field is extracted, if populated.





The student’s birth indicator.



Transportation Indicator

Indicates whether transportation will be provided.



Socio Economic Indicator

The students Socio Economic indicator.

Valid values:

1 – Category 1

2 – Category 2



Category 1 Services - CAPS
(required for Category 1 Students)

Valid values:

  • Y

  • N (default)



Category 1 Services - Food Stamps
(required for Category 1 Students)

Valid values:

  • Y

  • N (default)



Category 1 Services - SSI
(required for Category 1 Students)

Valid values:

  • Y

  • N (default)



Category 1 Services - Medicaid
(required for Category 1 Students)

Valid values:

  • Y

  • N (default)



Category 1 Services - TANF
(required for Category 1 Students)

Valid values:

  • Y

  • N (default)



Category 1 Services - SNAP
(required for Category 1 Students)

Valid values:

  • Y

  • N (default)



Multilingual Learner

Indicates whether the student is a dual language learner. The value is reported as “Y” if the Dual Language Learner field under the Pre-Kindergarten tab is checked, else “N” is reported.

Valid values:

  • Y

  • N



Which language is spoken at home (other than English)?

The language that the student speaks at home. Required if Multilingual Learner = Y.

This field reports the value specified for the Student Primary Language field, under the General Info tab.

This field is a calculated field based on value from:


Does this child receive Special Education Services

Populated based on the logic for Special Education Services.

Valid values

  • Y

  • N

This field is a calculated field and checks for the value in "Special Education Services" field and returns the data, Yes or No.

Special Education Services

For special education services, the system first checks for the presence of an Individualized Education Program (IEP) record.

  • If an IEP record exists, the value is set as Y for "Does this child receive Special Education Services" field.

  • If the IEP record is blank, the system then checks for a Section 504 record within the current school year. If a Section 504 record exists with dates within the current school year, the value is set as Y for "Does this child receive Special Education Services" field.

  • If neither an IEP nor a Section 504 record exists within the current school year, the value is set as N for "Does this child receive Special Education Services" field.

Valid values:

  • IEP

  • 504



This field is a calculated field and checks for the existence of the record in either
of the above tables and returns the data accordingly based on certain conditions.

Is the program receiving Head Start funding for this student?

The student’s funding source.

Valid values:

  • Y

  • N

[S_GA_STU_PK_X]ProgramCode= ‘09’, then Y

Otherwise, default to N




The student’s ethnicity.

The output is a string, including single quotes:

  • Hispanic/Latino

  • Not Hispanic/Latino’



American Indian/ Alaskan Native

Indicates whether the student is American Indian or Alaskan Native.

Valid values:

  • Y=Yes

  • N=No





Indicates whether the student is Asian.

Valid values:

  • Y=Yes

  • N=No




Black/African American

Indicates whether the student is Black/African American.

Valid values:

  • Y=Yes

  • N=No




Native Hawaiian/ Other Pacific Islander

Indicates whether the student is Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander.

Valid values:

  • Y=Yes

  • N=No





Indicates whether the student is White.

Valid values:

  • Y=Yes

  • N=No




Begin Date in Class

The date the student began class, or August 1st, whichever is later.



End Date

The date the student left class, or August 1st, whichever is later. Blank when student has not left by report date.




The student’s GTID.



Parent/Guardian First Name


The first name of the student's parent/guardian



Parent.Guardian Last Name


The last name of the student's parent/guardian



Parent/Guardian Relationship


The relationship of the parent/guardian to the student



Parent/Guardian Zip Code

Limited to 5 digits.


Parent/Guardian Email Address

The email address of the parent/guardian.


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