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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-250316GA - FTE October/March (2020-21)

FTE October/March (2020-21): Version 1.5
The IEP Services field in position 168 on the report will now extract value (Y/N/S) for students who are withdrawn.

PSSR-249929GA - FTE October/March (2020-21)

FTE October/March (2020-21): Version 1.6
The Title III Served field in position 131 on the report logic has been updated to extract Y or N Based on the latest enrollment date.
If there are multiple EL/ESOL information with no exit dates then the report will extract Title III Served value updated against the latest enrollment date in the system.
If there are multiple EL/ESOL information exit dates then the report will extract Title III Served value of the latest entry if its EL/ESOL Enrollment date is on or before the report's current FTE date and the Exit date is on or after the report current FTE Date.
If none of the conditions are met, then the report will extract N.

PSSR-251161GA - H01 - Student Address v1.5 - Truncates Address in Address Line 1 When More Than 30 Characters

H01 - Student Address Report: Version 1.6
The Street field value and Apt/Suite field value in the Addresses page will be extracted in Address Line 1 and Address Line 2 and will be truncated at 30 characters.

PSSR-253235Pref to Enable Digital Equity and Learning Preference in the Public Portal

A district-level pref is now available to enable the Digital Equity & Learning Preference data entry in the Public Portal. The pref is disabled by default.

This pref can be found on the following page for all states/provinces.
Path: Start Page> District Info > Miscellaneous.

PSSR-253137Security Update - Digital Equity and Learning Preferences Public Portal Data Collection

A security update has been made to the Digital Equity & Learning Preference data collection functionality in the public portal and now records can only be seen and modified for the student tied to the guardian that is logged in.

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