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Student Class (P01) Report, Additional Course Teacher Code and the PowerSchool Co-Teaching Module

(from the Tech Note dated October 2, 2014)

The Student Class (P01) report has complex scenarios for including Additional Teachers in the extract. To assist districts in determining when additional teachers are to be reported the Georgia Department of Education (GA DOE) Data Collections department has provided two assistive documents on the FY2015 Student Class Resources website.

These documents are:

  • Reporting Delivery Models for Selected Programs
  • Delivery Model Coding Examples

We understand and agree that adding the ESOL, EIP and Special Education Additional teachers onto individual students via the State/Province Course Enrollment Data page is cumbersome. The solution is to use the Co-Teaching module to create specific teacher roles and then assign teachers to a group of students via a section’s ‘Teacher-Section Lead’ and ‘Teachers/Staff-Additional’ fields.

PowerSchool Co-Teaching Roles and State Reporting 

With Co-Teaching functionality PowerSchool users have the ability to define multiple Co-Teaching Roles and assign these roles to section teachers. Beginning in FY2014, state reports began use of Co-teaching Roles to determine which staff members to include in reports. For FY2015 usage is being expanded to define Course Teacher Codes needed for the Student Class (P01) report and the Student Record-Course (D01) report.

Key to Successful Reporting

Start Page > System Setup > Roles Administration > Co-Teaching

There are five pre-defined roles, which may be edited, or new roles may be created. The key to successful state reporting is having the Reference Code set to “GA”. The Alt Code 1 field is used to identify the additional teacher's program area affiliation of ESOL, EIP or SWD.  

Important Note: Please refer to this PowerSource document for detailed instructions on how to setup Georgia Co-Teaching Roles.

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