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Access for ELLs


This report is used to generate the GA ACCESS for ELLs file to send to PeasonAccessNext (PAN)

Note: This report runs for the current school or district-wide from any school.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report.

Student Selection

The report selects records from the [Students] table that meet the following criteria:

  • The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • The school where the student is enrolled must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • The student must be currently enrolled in the school, where [Students]Enroll_Status=0
  • The student must be currently enrolled as an English Learner, where [S_GA_STU_ESOL_C]ELFlag = Yes
  • The student must be enrolled in one of the schools included in the report.
  • The student must not be a no-show.

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Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Select Schools

Choose one of the following:

  • Current School Only – Includes all student records associated with the current school that meet selection criteria. To change the current school, click the School link at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.
  • All Schools – Includes all student records on the PowerSchool server that meet selection criteria.

Note: The All Schools option is only available when running the report from the District Office.

Current Selection Students

Run the report for the current selection of students or all students.

Report Snapshot Date

Enter the snapshot date of the report.

Note: Enter the date in a format of MM/DD/YYYY.

Select Only Students in These Grades

Select the student grade levels to include in the report. Only students in these grade levels are included in the report output.

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Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Item #Data ElementDescription[Table]FieldNameLength
1State Name Abbreviation

Two letter state abbreviation.

Example: Georgia - GA

2District NameIndicates the name of the reporting district.
3District NumberThe school system code. This is the district number in PowerSchool.



4School NameIndicates the name of the reporting school.
5School NumberUnique School number identifying school within the district





6State Student IDIndicates the student’s state identification number.[Students]State_StudentNumber15
7District Student IDIndicates the student’s district identification number.[Students]State_StudentNumber15
8Student Last Name

Indicates the student's last name.

Note: The legal name field is extracted, if populated.



9Student First Name

Indicates the student's first name.

Note: The legal name field is extracted, if populated.



10Student Middle Name

Indicates the student's middle name.

Note: The legal name field is extracted, if populated.



11Birth Date

The student’s date of birth.

Output format: YYYYMMDD


The student’s gender. Should be consistent with data in the GTID.

Note: The legal gender field is extracted, if populated.




The student’s grade level.

Note: Grade levels -1 and -2 are extracted as PK. Grade level 0 is extracted as KK.



14Primary Disability

Indicates the student's primary disability. The value that is selected for the Special Education Program Primary Area field under the Special Education tab, the same value is populated for the Primary Disability field under the EL/ESOL Programs tab. If you have changed the value under the EL/ESOL Programs tab, then the changed value is displayed in the output overriding the value from the Special Education tab.

Refer to Primary and Secondary Disability Codes for valid codes.

15Secondary Disability

Indicates the student's secondary disability. The value that is selected for the Special Education Program Secondary Area field under the Special Education tab, the same value is populated for the Secondary Disability field under the EL/ESOL Programs tab. If you have changed the value under the EL/ESOL Programs tab, then the changed value is displayed in the output overriding the value from the Special Education tab.

Refer to Primary and Secondary Disability Codes for valid codes.

16Student Type

Indicates the student's student type.

Valid values:

  • N – Non-Public (Private)
  • C – Charter
  • H – Homeschool
  • P – Public (default value)
  • [Blank] – N/A
17LIEP Classification

Indicates the student's IEP Classification.

See LIEP Classification Codes for valid codes.

18LIEP - Parental RefusalIndicates if the student's parent(s) refused language services.[S_GA_STU_ESOL_C]LIEP_Refusal1
19LIEP - Optional DataIndicates up to three, 3 letter codes for more specific program identifiers.[S_GA_STU_ESOL_C]LIEP_Data9
20Length of Time in LEP/ELL Program

Indicates the length of time, in year, by subtracting ESOL Enrollment Date fro ESOL withdrawal date for every record were ESOL participation is 'Yes'.

For Example:

  • If a student ESOL participation = yes
    ESOL enrollment date = 8/1/2018
    ESOL withdrawal date = 5/1/2019
    Length of Time in LEP/ELL Program = 00
  • If a student ESOL participation = yes
    ESOL enrollment date = 8/1/2018
    ESOL withdrawal date = 8/1/2019
    Length of Time in LEP/ELL Program = 01
  • If a student has multiple records where ESOL participation = yes
    ESOL enrollment date = 8/1/2017
    ESOL withdrawal date = 5/1/2018
    ESOL enrollment date = 8/1/2018
    ESOL withdrawal date = 5/1/2019
    Length of Time in LEP/ELL Program = 01
Ethnicity - Hispanic/Latino
Indicates whether the student is Hispanic or Latino.[Students]FedEthnicity1
Race- American Indian/Alaskan Native
Indicates whether the student is American Indian or Alaska Native.





Race - Asian
Indicates whether the student is Asian.[StudentRace]RaceCD




Race - Black/African American
Indicates whether the student is African American.[StudentRace]RaceCD




Race - Pacific Islander/Hawaiian
Indicates whether the student is New Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.[StudentRace]RaceCD




Race - White

Indicates whether the student is White.





27Native Language

Indicates the students primary language.

28Date First Enrolled in US School

The date the student entered a U.S. school.

Note: This field is required if Place of Birth is not U.S., Guam, Puerto Rice, U.S. Virgin Islands, or U.S. Minor Outlying Islands.

Output format: YYYYMMDD

29Title III StatusIndicates that the student was served with Title III supplemental fund[S_GA_STU_ESOL_C]Title3Served1

Indicates the student as a migrant.

Valid values:

  • Y – Yes
  • N – No
  • C – Continuation of Services
31IEP Status

Indicates the student has an Individual Education Plan (IEP).

Value values:

  • Yes
  • No
32504 Plan

Indicates the student is enrolled in a 504 program.

Note: Section 504 Enrollment Date is used to determine if a student is an active participant in the Section 504 program.

Derived from [S_GA_STU_504_C]Is504

where enrollment date is during report date range and is504 checkbox is selected.

If no record exists, extract 'N'.


Indicates the accommodations selected for the student.

Valid values:

  • MC - Manual Control of item audio
  • RA - Repeat item audio
  • ES - Extended speaking test response time 
  • IR - In-Person Human Reader
  • RP - Repeat In-Person Human Reader
  • SR - Scribe
  • WD - Word processor or similar keyboarding device to respond to test items
  • RD - Student responds using a recording device
  • NS - Test may be administered in a non-school setting
  • EM - Extended testing of test domain over multiple days

LP - Large Print

Braille Accommodations

  • NC - UEB Contracted ACCESS Grades 01 - 05, UEB with Nemeth Grades 06-12
  • NU - UEB Uncontracted ACCESS Grades 01 - 05, UEB with Nemeth Grades 06-12
  • TC - UEB Math/Science Contracted (Formerly Technical)
  • TU - UEB Math/Science Uncontracted (Formerly Technical), or Blank

In case of multiple accommodations specified for a student, each code value is separated by the Pipe symbol without spaces in between. The Pipe symbol is not displayed for blanks, single accommodations, or after the last code value.

The following value is an example of multiple accommodations selected for a student:

Example value - MC|RA|ES

34Mode of Administration

Indicates the student's preferred mode of test administration

Valid values:

  • P – Paper-based Testing
  • O – Online Testing
  • [Blank] – N/A
35Paper Tier

Indicates the tier for paper tests.

Valid values:

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • [Blank]
36Alternate ACCESS for ELLs TesterIndicates the student requires an alternate ACESS tester.[S_GA_STU_ESOL_C]Alternate_ACCESS1
37State Defined Optional Data
Defined by State
Contact your SEA for instructions for this field.
38District Defined Optional Data
Defined by District
Contact your SEA for instructions for this field.
39Additional field to be used by state if needed.
State Additional Data
This is considered a "pass-through" field and whatever is received will be accepted.
Contact your SEA for instructions for this field.

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