P01 - Student Class
This version of the Student Class layout should be used for 2019-20 reporting. For 2018-19 reporting and earlier, use P01 - Student Class 2018-2019 - Legacy.
The report extracts basic information found in a student's schedule such as the course, section, class period, class start and end dates for each student, and the teacher's assignments. In addition, the layout collects program information, which enables schools to better describe the types of instructional services students receive in a given class.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report.
Student Selection
The report selects records from the [Students] table based on the following criteria:
The student must have a school enrollment with the school included in the report.
The student's school enrollment entry date must occur on or before the report run date.
The student's school enrollment exit date must occur after the report run date.
The student's school enrollment exit date must occur after the entry date.
The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
Section Enrollment Selection
The report selects records from the [CC] table based on the following criteria:
The section enrollment exit date (date left) must occur on or after the report run date.
The section enrollment entry date (date enrolled) must occur on or before the report run date.
The course number associated with the section enrollment must not begin with 00.
The course must not be excluded from state reporting.
Extracting Stored Grade and All Enrollments Records
The report extracts records from Stored Grades (entered manually or automatically) and All Enrollments, as follows:
If a student has an All Enrollments record and not a Stored Grades record, the All Enrollments record is extracted.
If a student has a Stored Grades record and not an All Enrollments record, the Stored Grades record is extracted.
If a student has both an All Enrollments record and a Stored Grade record, only one instance of the record is extracted.
If a student has a Stored Grade record but there is no section associated with the record, the record is extracted.
marked a Stored Grade as "Exclude from Student Class" and the record is not part of All Enrollments, then the record should not be extracted on Student Class
Exclude from Student Class
When "Exclude from Student Class" is selected for Stored Grade or All Enrollments, records are extracted as follows:
If a Stored Grade record is marked as "Exclude from Student Class" and the record is part of All Enrollments, then the record is not extracted.
If an All Enrollments record is marked as "Exclude from Student Class" and the record is not part of Stored Grades, then the All Enrollments record is not extracted.
If an All Enrollments record is marked as "Exclude from Student Class" and the record is part of Stored Grades, the All Enrollments record is not extracted. If there are multiple Stored Grades for the All Enrollments record, none of the Stored Grade records are extracted.
If there are multiple Stored Grade records for a class and only one of them is marked as "Exclude from Student Class", then the rest of the Stored Grade records are extracted as they normally would be and only the excluded record is not extracted.
If the 'Stored Grade' option is selected, the report will be blank for a stored grade if the numeric grade and alpha grade are blank for a dropped course. If option 'Z' is selected, the report will show a 'Z' for a stored grade in the case numeric grade and alpha grade are blank for a dropped course.
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Select Schools | If run at the district level, choose one of the following:
If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list. |
Current Selection Students | Run the report for the current selection of students or all students. |
Report Start Date | Enter the start date of the report. Note: Enter the date in the format of MM/DD/YYYY. |
Report End Date | Enter the end date of the report. Note: Enter the date in the format of MM/DD/YYYY. |
Report Count Date | Enter the DOE count date for the report. Note: Enter the date in the format of MM/DD/YYYY. |
Include Local Courses (00.) | Select "Yes" from the popup to include section enrollments associated with course numbers beginning with 00. These are excluded by default (see Selection Criteria above). |
Value for Numeric Grade | Select a Numeric Grade output:
Content Completer for K5 | Select a Content Completer output:
Include Dexter Mosley Student | Valid values:
If this parameter is set to "Yes", all students are included in the report irrespective of their Dexter Mosley status. If this parameter is set to "No", all students marked with Dexter Mosley status as "Yes" are excluded from the report. |
File Path and File Suffix | The File Path and File Suffix must both be valid in order to save the results to a location on the server. The File Name will be the district number, date, and time, in the format dddYYYYMMDDHHmi, followed by the provided file suffix. For example a report run at district 999 on August 1, 2014 at 9:15 AM with a suffix of _AAA.txt will save the results to a file named 999201408010915_AAA.txt in the provided location. If no path is given, or if PowerSchool is unable to write to the given folder, the report will run but will not be saved to the server. |
SFTP Connections | Choose an SFTP connection from the pop-up menu to have the report output uploaded automatically. Please refer to Setting Up a SFTP Connection for details on how to create an SFTP connection. |
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See 2023-02-28_11-27-29_Understanding the Report Output Table 1 for a definition of each column in the table.
Note: The output for the Student Learning Objectives (SLO) element areas is null (blank) for 2016-2017. If you need to extract data because you are using SLOs for "student progress measures", you can use Enterprise Reporting or Data Export Manager.
ID | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Length | Start & End Positions | |
P001 | Fiscal Year | The fiscal year of the record. The report extracts the year based on the last day in the current school calendar. | [Terms]LastDay | 4 | 1 | 4 |
P002 | Period | The code that represents the reporting period for the collection cycle. Must equal ‘A’ for all periods: 'A' - All PERIODS (July, August, September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April, May, June) | N/A | 1 | 5 | 5 |
P003 | System Code | The 3-digit system code that identifies the school district for state reporting. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=districtnumber | 3 | 6 | 8 |
P004 | School Code | The 4-digit school code that identifies the school for state reporting. School Code will check against the Facilities database for active, FTE data reporting schools (E050). Note: The alternate school number is reported, if populated; otherwise, the school number is reported. | [Schools]Alternate_School_Number [Schools]School_Number | 4 | 9 | 12 |
P005 | Record Type | Identifies the record type. The value is extracted as Pnn where nn is used to list the number of courses assigned to the student, from 01 to 75. | N/A | 3 | 13 | 15 |
P006 | Filler | Filler | N/A | 9 | 16 | 24 |
P007 | GTID | The student’s Georgia Testing Identifier. | [Students]State_StudentNumber | 10 | 25 | 34 |
P008 | Student Last Name | The student last name. Note: The legal last name field is extracted, if populated. | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Last_Name [Students]Last_Name | 30 | 35 | 64 |
P009 | Student First Name | The student’s first name. Note: The legal first name field is extracted, if populated. | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_First_Name [Students]First_Name | 30 | 65 | 94 |
P010 | Student Middle Name | The Student’s middle name. Note: The legal middle name is extracted, if populated. | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Middle_Name [Students]Middle_Name | 30 | 95 | 124 |
P011 | Grade Level | The student’s grade level. | [Students]Grade_Level [ReEnrollments]Grade_Level | 2 | 125 | 126 |
P012 | Filler | Filler | N/A | 25 | 127 | 153 |
P013 | Marking Period | The length of the course for which the final grade is awarded. Note: The report refers to the term associated with the section and uses the term portion field to determine the marking period. The term portion is set when creating terms for the school year via School Setup > Years & Terms > Edit Terms. | [Terms]Portion = 1, 2, 3, 4, or 6 [CC]TermID = [Terms]ID | 2 | 152 | 153 |
P014 | Course Number | The number designating an official course. Note: By default, the report does not include courses with a course number that begins with 00. Note: The Course_Number is formatted with a decimal in the third position. | [Courses]Course_Number | 10 | 154 | 163 |
P015 | Class Section Number | The section number, used to identify a unique meeting of the course. | [Sections]Section_Number | 3 | 164 | 166 |
P016 | Class Period | The start period for the course in the student’s schedule, based on the section expression. For example, if the expression is 2-3 (A-B), then the starting period is 02. | [Sections]Expression | 2 | 167 | 168 |
P017 | Filler | Filler | N/A | 1 | 169 | 169 |
P018 | Numeric Grade | Note: There is a run-time option to control the data in this field. See Report Input information above. Indicates the numerical final grade for the marking period. The report rounds partial percentage grades to whole numbers. For example, 87.49 or less becomes 87; 86.5 or greater becomes 87. Notes:
| [StoredGrades]Percent [StoredGrades]Grade [S_GA_SGR_X]NoGradeExpected [S_GA_CC_X]NoGradeExpected [S_GA_SEC_X]NoGradeExpected [S_GA_CRS_X]NoGradeExpected | 3 | 170 | 172 |
P019 | Alpha Grade | The letter final grade for the marking period. Notes:
| [StoredGrades]Grade [S_GA_SGR_X]NoGradeExpected [S_GA_CC_X]NoGradeExpected [S_GA_SEC_X]NoGradeExpected [S_GA_CRS_X]NoGradeExpected | 1 | 173 | 173 |
P020 | Filler | Filler | N/A | 1 | 174 | 174 |
P021 | Online Course | Indicates if the student is taking this course online. Valid values:
| [S_GA_CRS_X]LocEnroll [S_GA_SEC_X]LocEnroll [S_GA_SCH_X]OnlineSchool [S_GA_CC_X]OnlineCourse | 1 | 175 | 175 |
P022 | Filler | Filler | N/A | 15 | 176 | 190 |
P023 | Teacher Course Code | Identifies the teacher of the course. Note: If the Override Teacher SSN is set up, it will be extracted. | [Users]SSN [SectionTeacher]Teacherid = [Teachers]ID [SectionTeacher]Sectionid = [Sections]id [S_GA_SEC_X]TEACHER_SSN_OVERRIDE [S_GA_CRS_X]TEACHER_SSN_OVERRIDE | 9 | 191 | 199 |
P024 | Additional Course Teacher Code 1 | Identifies the Additional Course Teacher Code 1 of the teacher assigned to assist this student or all students in the class. | [Sections]GA_AdditionalTeacher1 | 9 | 200 | 208 |
P025 | Additional Course Teacher Code 2 | Identifies the Additional Course Teacher Code 2 of the teacher assigned to assist this student or all students in the class. | [Sections]GA_AdditionalTeacher2 | 9 | 209 | 217 |
P026 | Additional Course Teacher Code 3 | Identifies the Additional Course Teacher Code 3 of the teacher assigned to assist this student or all students in the class. | [Sections]GA_AdditionalTeacher3 | 9 | 218 | 226 |
P027 | # of Paraprofessionals | A paraprofessional employee assigned to provide support to the entire class. | [Sections]GA_ParaPro | 1 | 227 | 227 |
P028 | Co-Teacher | Indicates the class's co-teacher status. Valid values:
Note: If Special Education Delivery Model is "5 Direct Service: Co-Teaching", then Y is extracted for Co-Teacher; otherwise N is extracted. | [S_GA_SEC_X]SPED_Delivery_Model = 5, then Y; otherwise N | 1 | 228 | 228 |
P029 | Charter Waiver Code | Valid Values:
Note: This field is available at the Staff Level and Section Level. When populated, the Section Level value will override the value at the Staff level. | S_GA_SEC_X.CHW_CODE [S_GA_USR_X]CHW_CODE | 6 | 229 | 234 |
P030 | Filler | Filler | N/A | 3 | 235 | 237 |
P031 | Primary Area | Indicates the student’s primary area of exceptionality. Note: Primary Area is only extracted when course numbers end with .8 or .9, or begin with PK.00300xx or PK.00400xx, or when the inclusion code is not blank. | [S_GA_STU_SpecEd_X]PAE [S_GA_CC_XInclusionCode [S_GA_SEC_X]InclusionCode [S_GA_CRS_X]InclusionCode | 1 | 238 | 238 |
P032 | Inclusion Code | The Inclusion Code indicates that a student with disabilities has an individualized education program (IEP) that identifies the general education classroom as the least restrictive environment for the delivery of special education services for that course. | [S_GA_CC_X]InclusionCode [S_GA_SEC_X]InclusionCode [S_GA_CRS_X]InclusionCode | 1 | 239 | 239 |
P033 | Gifted Delivery Model | The Gifted Delivery Model represents the method by which gifted services are delivered. Under the Stored Grade Page, the Gifted Delivery Model for Course, Section, and Stored Grade is available. The report first checks the The report output displays the code of the Gifted Delivery Model corresponding to the value selected for the three fields in the following order of precedence:
| [Sections]GA_GiftedDelivery Or, if blank, then: [S_GA_CRS_X]GiftedDelivery | 1 | 240 | 240 |
P034 | ESOL Delivery Model | The ESOL Delivery Model represents the method through with EL Learner services are delivered. | [S_GA_SEC_X]ESOLDelivery [S_GA_STU_ESOL_C]ESOL [S_GA_STU_ESOL_C]EnrollmentDate [S_GA_STU_ESOL_C]ExitDate | 1 | 241 | 241 |
P035 | EIP Delivery Model | The EIP Delivery Model represents the instructional model used to deliver EIP services to students. | [S_GA_SEC_X]EIPDelivery | 1 | 242 | 242 |
P036 | Credit Recovery | Indicates that the student is taking this course as Credit Recovery. | [S_GA_SGR_X]CreditRecovery [StoredGrades]Sectionid = [Sections]id [S_GA_CC_X]CreditRecovery [S_GA_SEC_X]CreditRecovery [S_GA_CRS_X]CreditRecovery | 1 | 243 | 243 |
P037 | Special Education Delivery Model | Indicates how student's special education service is delivered. Note: If the Primary Area field is blank, then the Special Education Delivery Model is also blank. Logic: The student's special education delivery data is extracted from the Special Education Delivery Model field on the Course Enrollment page first. If that field is blank, the data is extracted data from the Sections page. If that field is blank, the data is extracted from the Courses page. Valid values:
| [S_GA_CC_X]SPED_Delivery_Model, or if blank, [S_GA_SEC_X]SPED_Delivery_Model, or if blank, [S_GA_CRS_X]SPED_Delivery_Model | 1 | 244 | 244 |
P038 | Filler | Filler | N/A | 13 | 245 | 257 |
P039 | Course Credit Hours Earned | The number of Carnegie Units the high school student earned for the course. Note: If Alpha Grade = Z, and the associated Course Number does not have a three (3) as the fifth digit after the decimal (xx.xxxx3xx), this field is reported as null. | [StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs | 4 | 258 | 261 |
P040 | Filler | Filler | N/A | 1 | 262 | 262 |
P041 | Local Course Name | The local course name used to identify the course on the teacher roster and grade book. If blank, default display will be the official course name as defined in board rule. | [Courses]Course_Name | 31 | 263 | 293 |
P042 | Student Class Start Date | The date the student enrolled in the class. | [CC] DateEnrolled | 8 | 294 | 301 |
P043 | Student Class End Date | The date the student exited the class.
Note: | [CC]DateLeft | 8 | 302 | 309 |
P044 | Primary Teacher Last Name | The last name of the primary teacher Note: If the Override Teacher Last Name is set up, it will be extracted. | [S_GA_SEC_X]Teacher_LastName_Override [S_GA_CRS_X]Teacher_LastName_Override [S_GA_USER_X]Tch_Legal_Last_Name [Users]Last_Name | 30 | 310 | 339 |
P045 | Primary Teacher First Name | The first name of the primary teacher. Note: If the Override Teacher First Name is set up, it will be extracted. | [S_GA_SEC_X]Teacher_FirstName_Override [S_GA_CRS_X]Teacher_FirstName_Override [S_GA_USER_X]Tch_Legal_First_Name [Users] First_Name | 30 | 340 | 369 |
P046 | Filler | Filler | N/A | 35 | 370 | 404 |
P047 | Alternate System Code | The Alternative System Code from the program enrollment for the program that is linked to the student's section. Notes:
| [Courses]ProgramID [Sections]ProgramID [S_GA_SEN_X]AltSysCode | 3 | 405 | 407 |
P048 | Alternate School Code | The Alternate School Code from the program or school where the student is concurrently enrolled. For example, if the student takes the course at a GNETS program, this is the program code for GNETS. Logic for Dual Enrollment and MOWR:
| [Courses]ProgramID [Sections]ProgramID [S_GA_SEN_X]AltSchNumber | 4 | 408 | 411 |
P049 | Immersion Language | The language the student is learning through a dual language immersion program. | [S_GA_SEC_X]ImmersionLanguage | 3 | 412 | 414 |
P050 | Course Teacher Code 90% Attendance | Indicates whether the instructor taught the course for at least 90% of the class instructional days. Note: Teacher 90% fields will be reported based on the higher priority override fields. If no override is provided, the calculated value of Yes/No will be extracted. Valid values:
| [S_GA_STC_X]CRSTCHCD90PERATTOVERRIDE Or [S_GA_STC_X]CRSTCHCD90PERATTENDANCE Calculated: (Total number of school days the Lead Teacher is assigned to the section/ Number of school days in the term) *100 | 1 | 415 | 415 |
P051 | Additional Course Teacher Code 1 90% Attendance | Indicates whether the additional instructor taught the course for at least 90% of class instructional days. Note: Teacher 90% fields will be reported based on the higher priority override fields. If no override is provided, the calculated value of Yes/No will be extracted. Valid values:
| [S_GA_STC_X]ADDCRSTCHCD190PERATTOR Or [S_GA_STC_X]CRSTCHCD90PERATTENDANCE Calculated: (Total number of school days the Additional Teacher 1 is assigned to the section/ Number of school days in the term) *100 | 1 | 416 | 416 |
P052 | Additional Course teacher Code 2 90% Attendance | Indicates whether the additional instructor taught the course for at least 90% of class instructional days. Note: Teacher 90% fields will be reported based on the higher priority override fields. If no override is provided, the calculated value of Yes/No will be extracted. Valid values:
| [S_GA_STC_X]ADDCRSTCHCD290PERATTOR Or [S_GA_STC_X]CRSTCHCD90PERATTENDANCE Calculated: (Total number of school days the Additional Teacher 2 is assigned to the section/ Number of school days in the term) *100 | 1 | 417 | 417 |
P053 | Additional Course Teacher Code 3 90% Attendance | Indicates whether the additional instructor taught the course for at least 90% of class instructional days. Note: Teacher 90% fields will be reported based on the higher priority override fields. If no override is provided, the calculated value of Yes/No will be extracted. Valid values:
| [S_GA_STC_X]ADDCRSTCHCD390PERATTOR Or [S_GA_STC_X]CRSTCHCD90PERATTENDANCE Calculated: (Total number of school days the Additional Teacher 3 is assigned to the section/ Number of school days in the term) *100 | 1 | 418 | 418 |
P054 | Student 90% Attendance | Indicates whether the student was present for at least 90% of class instructional days. Note: Student 90% field will be reported based on the higher priority override fields. If no override is provided, the calculated value of Yes/No will be extracted. Valid values:
| [S_GA_CC_X]STUD90PERATTOVERRIDE Or [S_GA_CC_X]STUD90PERATTENDANCE Calculated: ((Number of days the student is enrolled in the class and the class is in session - Number of days student is absent in the class and the class is in session) / Number of days the class is in-session) * 100 | 1 | 419 | 419 |
P055 | Category of WBL Program | Indicates the type of Work-Based Learning Program in which a student is enrolled. Valid values:
P056 | Filler | Filler | N/A | 45 | 421 | 465 |