Student Safety Action Code
The following table contains a list of action codes defined for Georgia State reporting. This list is located in the GEN table of the database and can be located by searching for Cat = disc_action_dtl. The [GEN]Name field contains the numeric value for the action code while the [GEN]Value field contains the definition text.
Name | Value |
00 | Continuation of Action |
02 | Detention |
10 | Corporal Punishment |
20 | In-School Suspension |
30 | Out-of-School Suspension |
40 | Expulsion |
50 | Suspended from Riding the Bus |
61 | Assigned to Alternative School for Disruptive Students |
62 | Assigned to Other Alternative School for Nonādisruptive Students |
63 | Assigned to Other Alternative School by Administrative Law Judge |
70 | Juvenile or Court System Referral |
80 | Other Action for a Serious Incident |
90 | Removed from class at Teachers Request |
95 | Physical Restraint |