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Students Groups Data Upload


The Students Groups Data Upload Report extracts data of students who are enrolled in the courses with alternate course numbers/course numbers starting with 23.XXXXXXX (ELA), 27.XXXXXXX (Math), or 55.XXXXXXX (ESOL).. The data of the lead teachers associated with the course will also be extracted in the layout. The file is in .CSV format.

Selection Criteria

  • Students should be enrolled in the courses with alternate course numbers/course numbers starting with 23.XXXXXXX (ELA), 27.XXXXXXX (Math), or 55.XXXXXXX (ESOL).

  • Students in Grade 5 enrolled in courses with alternative course numbers/course numbers starting with 41.XXXXXXX (Sci)

  • Students in Grade 8 enrolled in courses with alternative course numbers/course numbers starting with 41.XXXXXXX (Sci) and 45.XXXXXXX (Social Studies)

  • Grades 9-12 students will pull groups based on courses marked as EOC, which currently include courses with alternative course numbers/course numbers starting with 45.XXXXXXX (US History) and 26.XXXXXXX (Biology)

  • Student Groups will allow users at the Teacher level and above, associated with that Student Group, Only they can view the student results for students in the group within the Reporting System.


Start Page > Reports > Reports (State Reports) > Student Groups Data Upload.

Report Input

Field Name




State Student ID

The State Student ID must already exist in DRC INSIGHT Portal for the selected District and School to be assigned to a Student Group. Allowed Characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9



Student Last Name

The student's last name. The student name fields are only included in the layout to assist the user creating the file, or DRC staff researching file errors. The fields are not used in the upload process.



Student First Name

The student's First name. The Student Name fields are only included in the layout to assist the user creating the file, or DRC staff researching file errors. The fields are not used in the upload process.



Teacher First Name

The teacher's first name. The Teacher Name fields are only included in the layout to assist the user in creating the file or DRC staff researching file errors. The fields are not used in the upload process



Teacher Last Name

The teacher's last name. The Teacher Name fields are only included in the layout to assist the user in creating the file or DRC staff researching file errors. The fields are not used in the upload process



Teacher Email

The teacher's email address.The Teacher Email must already exist in DRC INSIGHT Portal for the selected District and School to be assigned to a Student Group. Allowed Characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, underscore (_), period (.), hyphens (-), apostrophes (‘), @ Valid email format (



Student Group  Name

Allowed Characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, spaces, hyphens (-), apostrophes (‘)

Teacher Last Name + space + Teacher First Initial + hyphen + Content Area (“ELA” if the course code starts with “23,” “Mathematics” if the course code starts with “27,” and “ESOL” if the course code starts with “55”) Example: Smith J-ELA



Report Output

Data Element




State Student ID

The State Student ID.



Student Last Name

The student's last name.



Student First Name

The student's first name.



Teacher First Name

The teacher's first name



Teacher Last Name

The teacher's last name



Teacher Email

The teacher's email address



Student Group  Name

The student group name



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