District Office Setup
The following data elements are required for district setup.
Start Page > District Setup.
On the Start Page, click the School link at the top of the page. The school list appears.
Choose District Office. The district Start Page appears.
Under Setup, click District. The District Setup page appears.
Only general functions relevant to Georgia state reporting are listed in this section. For more information about non-Georgia-specific functions, see Help > System.
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]FieldName | Length | Used in these Reports |
AttendanceAttendance: Attendance Tracking and Notification > Tracking Methods Note: Verify that attendance tracking methods are set up with the following values for Georgia. Georgia-specific values are loaded with the Georgia installer. These ‘seeded’ values should not be edited. If different values are needed, create new tracking methods. | ||||
Name | Verify the following tracking method is set up: Percent. Each tracking method must be set up separately with a different threshold. | [Gen]Name=UEAT_Percent [Gen]Cat=Unexcused | N/A | Enrollment |
Threshold | Verify that the following thresholds are set up. Enter 50 as the threshold for the Percent tracking method. This setup indicates that a student must miss more than 50% of a school day due to unexcused absence to be reported. | [Gen]ValueLi=50 [Gen]Cat=Unexcused | N/A | Enrollment |
Attendance: Attendance Tracking and Notification > Unexcused Levels | ||||
Level Name | Verify that an unexcused attendance tracking level exists. The seeded value is a level named Unexcused. | [Gen]Value=UnexcusedAbs [Gen]Name=UEAT_Level [Gen]Cat=Unexcused | N/A | Enrollment |
Tracking Method | Verify that Percent is one of the tracking methods for this level. | [Gen]Value2 [Gen]Name=UEAT_Level [Gen]Cat=Unexcused | N/A | Enrollment |
Triggers | If necessary, click the plus sign to add an additional trigger. To remove a trigger, click the minus sign. Clicking the minus sign always removes the most recently added trigger, i.e. the trigger at the bottom of the list. | N/A | N/A | Enrollment |
Trigger 1 | Trigger 1 is usually set to a value determined by the district. Most districts will set triggers at 3, 5, 7, and 10 (days) based on the Georgia Compulsory Attendance Law O.C.G.A. 20-2-6901.11. Using the example above, verify the value 3 is set for trigger 1. This set up indicates that a student will be reported when he or she achieves unexcused absence for more than 50% of three school days during the school year. | [Gen]ValueLI [Gen]SortOrder = 1 [Gen]Name=UEAT_Level [Gen]Cat=Unexcused | N/A | Enrollment |
Trigger 2 | Using the example above, verify the value 5 is set for trigger 2. This set up indicates that a student will be reported when he or she achieves unexcused absence for more than 50% of five school days during the school year. | [Gen]ValueLI [Gen]SortOrder = 2 [Gen]Name=UEAT_Level [Gen]Cat=Unexcused | N/A | Not Required |
Trigger 3 | Using the example above, verify the value 7 is set for trigger 3. This set up indicates that a student will be reported when he or she achieves unexcused absence for more than 50% of seven school days during the school year. | [Gen]ValueLI [Gen]SortOrder = 3 [Gen]Name=UEAT_Level [Gen]Cat=Unexcused | N/A | Not Required |
Trigger 4 | Using the example above, verify the value 10 is set for trigger 4. This set up indicates that a student will be reported when he or she achieves unexcused absence for more than 50% of ten school days during the school year. | [Gen]ValueLI [Gen]SortOrder = 4 [Gen]Name=UEAT_Level [Gen]Cat=Unexcused | N/A | Not Required |
Attendance: Attendance Tracking and Notification > Update Calculation Year The update page must be submitted each year to direct ATN to use year term set at the top of the page. Note: The school name does not appear on the list when ATN is not defined at the school. | ||||
Calendar: Years & Terms > Term Setup > New/Edit Term District Years & Terms are only used by reports that run at the district level. | ||||
Name of Term | Enter the name of the term, which indicates when it occurs during the academic year. | [Terms]Name | N/A | Not Required |
Abbreviation | Enter an abbreviation for the term. For the year term, use numbers. For example, enter 14-15 for the 2014-2015 school year. For additional terms, the first character of the abbreviation must be a letter. For example, enter S1 for Semester 1. | [Terms]Abbreviation | Max 5 | All Reports |
First Day of Term | Enter the date of the first day of the term using the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy. Note: The date should be the earliest school start date of all schools in the district. | [Terms]FirstDay | 10 | All Reports |
Last Day of Term | Enter the date of the last day of the term using the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy. Note: The date should be the latest school end date of all schools in the district. | [Terms]LastDay | 10 | All Reports |
What portion of the school year does this term represent? | Select the fraction or item that represents the portion of the school year during which the term takes place. | [Terms]Portion | N/A | Not Required |
Import File Term # | If you plan to import schedule or historical data from another system and the data is different from the abbreviation you define, enter the term code the other system used to represent this term. | [Terms]ImportMay | N/A | Not Required |
CoursesCourses: Courses > Edit/New Course Courses > View Master Course List > New Note: The Student Learning Objectives (SLO) data elements report as blank for the Student Class Layout for 2016-2017; however, the fields and logic remain in PowerSchool and you can continue to use the PowerSchool SLO solution locally for “student progress measures”. Existing data entry remains intact. For data extraction, use Enterprise Reporting or Data Export Manager. | ||||
Course Name | Enter the course name. | [Courses]Course_Name | N/A | Fgram Stu Class Sys Crs |
Course Number | Enter the course number. Course numbers are the 9-digit number designating an official course as specified in SBOE Rule 160-4-2-.03. Report output format includes a decimal point, therefore extracting 10 characters: nn.nnnnnnn Note: The Class Size, Course Profile, and Student Course reports exclude any courses with a course number that starts with 00. | [Courses]Course_Number | 9 | Course Stu Class Sys Crs |
Alternate Course Number | Enter the alternate course number. This field is used by schools or districts that are not using SBOE designated course numbers. The GaFutures Transcript will output the alternate course number when the report run-time parameter labeled “Use Alternate Course Number” is selected. | [Courses]Alt_Course_Number | 9 | GaFutures |
Credit Hours | The number of Carnegie unit credit hours the student may earn by completing the course. See the Appendix for a list of valid credit hours. | [Courses]Credit_Hours | 4 | Course |
Exclude Course from State Reporting | Indicates the course should not be included in state reports. | [S_GA_CRS_X]ExcludeFromReporting | 1 | Course Stu Class Sys Crs |
EIP Delivery Model | Choose the appropriate value from the pop-up menu. Valid values:
| [S_GA_CRS_X]EIPDelivery Also see [S_GA_SEC_X]EIPDelivery | 1 | Stu Class |
ESOL Delivery Model | Choose the appropriate value from the pop-up menu. For valid values, see ESOL Delivery Method. | [S_GA_CRS_X]ESOLDelivery Also see [S_GA_SEC_X]ESOLDelivery | 1 | Courses Stu Class |
Special Education Delivery Model | Indicates the Special Education delivery model used in this course. For valid values, see Special Education Delivery Model. | [S_GA_CRS_X]SPED_Delivery_Model Also see [S_GA_SEC_X]SPED_Delivery_Model | 1 | Courses |
Special Education Program Primary Area | Choose the primary area served in this course. See Special Education Primary Area Codes for valid values. | [S_GA_CRS_X]SpEd_PrimaryArea Also see [S_GA_SEC_X]SpEd_PrimaryArea | 1 | |
Gifted Delivery Model | Select the appropriate value from the drop-down list. Refer to Gifted Delivery Model for valid values. Note:
| [S_GA_CRS_X]GiftedDelivery Also see [S_GA_SEC_X]GiftedDelivery | 1 | Courses Stu Class |
Gifted Content Area of Curriculum | Choose the appropriate value from the pop-up menu. Valid values:
Note: If this field is populated, then Gifted Delivery Model must be populated. | [S_GA_CRS_X]GiftedContentArea Also see [S_GA_SEC_X]GiftedContentArea | 2 | Courses |
Course Credit Qualifier | Indicates the course was awarded credits but was not taken in High School. Notes:
| [S_GA_SGR_X]CreditQualifier [S_GA_CRS_X]CreditQualifier Also see [S_GA_SEC_X]CreditQualifier | Max 10 | GaFutures |
Course Weighting Indicator | Indicates the course is weighted. Notes:
| [S_GA_CRS_X]WeightingInd Also see [S_GA_SEC_X]WeightingInd | Max 15 | GaFutures |
Online Course | Select the checkbox to indicate the students are taking this course online. Note: Both Section level and Course level data entry is available. In the report output, the Section level value overrides the Course level value. | [S_GA_CRS_X]OnlineCourse Also see [S_GA_SEC_X]OnlineCourse | 1 | Stu Class |
No Grade Expected | Select the checkbox to indicate that no grade is expected from this course. When selected, the Student Class report will extract a value of Z for this course. Note: Student level, Section level, and Course level data entry is available. In the report output, the Student level value overrides the Section level and the Section level value overrides the Course level value. | [S_GA_CRS_X]NoGradeExpected Also see [S_GA_SEC_X]NoGradeExpected Also see [S_GA_CC_X]NoGradeExpected | 1 | Stu Class |
Inclusion Code | Indicates the inclusion code to be applied to all students enrolled in this course. Note: Student level, Section level, and Course level data entry is available. In the report output, the Student level values override the Section level and the Section level values override the Course level values. Valid Values:
| [S_GA_CRS_X]InclusionCode | 1 | Stu Class Refresh FTE Teacher Class |
MOWR: Location of Enrollment | Location of the dual enrollment services. Indicates where the course was taken. Valid values:
| [S_GA_CRS_X]LocEnroll Also see [S_GA_SEC_X]LocEnroll | 1 | FTE 1 FTE 3 Refresh FTE |
This is EOC Testing Course | Select the checkbox to indicate that the course should be included in the PreID Labels report when the Georgia MileStones EOC (12) test code is chosen on the PreID Labels run reports page. The student enrollment in this course will be included in the PreID Labels report output. | [S_GA_CRS_X]EOC_Course | N/A | PreID |
EOC Online Indicator | Select the checkbox to indicate that the EOC Test is being taken online. Note: Selecting this checkbox indicates students will take the test online. The default is unchecked, which indicates students will not take the test online. | [S_GA_CRS_X]EOC_OnlineInd | 1 | PreID |
Purpose for taking EOC | Choose the reason a student would take an EOC test. Valid values:
Note: This field cannot be blank if the Test ID is 12 | [S_GA_CRS_X]EOC_Purpose Also see [S_GA_SEC_X]EOC_Purpose | 1 | PreID |
EOG EOC ELA | Choose a value from the pop-up menu to indicate if students in this course took an EOC assessment for ELA. Valid values:
| [S_GA_CRS_X]EOG_EOC_ELA | 1 | |
EOG EOC Math | Choose a value from the pop-up menu to indicate if students in this course took an EOC assessment for math. Valid values:
| [S_GA_CRS_X]EOG_EOC_Math | 1 | |
EOG EOC Science | Choose a value from the pop-up menu to indicate if students in this course took an EOC assessment for science. Valid values:
| [S_GA_CRS_X]EOG_EOC_Science | 1 | |
Credit Recovery Indicator | Select the checkbox to indicate that the course is being taken for credit recovery purposes. Note: Selecting this checkbox indicates this is a credit recovery class for all students enrolled in the course. | [S_GA_CRS_X]CreditRecovery | 1 | Stu Class FTE 1 FTE 3 Course |
This is an SLO Course | Select the checkbox to indicate that the course has defined Student Learning Objectives (SLO). | [S_GA_CRS_X]SLOCourse Also see [S_GA_SEC_X]SLOCourse | 1 | Sys Crs |
SLO Measure Type | When the SLO Course checkbox is selected, select the SLO measure type associated with the course. Valid values:
| [S_GA_CRS_X]SLOMeasureType Also see [S_GA_SEC_X]SLOMeasureType | 1 | Sys Crs |
SLO Target | When the SLO Measure Type is selected, indicate the SLO Target to be used for the course. Note: SLO Target data entry is done via the District Setup > SLO Targets link. | [S_GA_CRS_X]SLOTarget | 40 | Sys Crs |
Approved for High School Credit | Select the checkbox to indicate that the course has been approved for middle school students (grade 6-8) to receive high school credit. Note: Historical Grade Earned Credit Hours required for state reporting. | [S_GA_CRS_X]HSCreditApproved Also see [S_GA_SEC_X]HSCreditApproved | 1 | Stu Class |
Course does not provide opportunity to learn entire content (Content Completer = N) | Select the checkbox to indicate that the course is always associated with a Content Completer value of N FY16: Content Completer is only required for grades 1-8. | [S_GA_CRS_X]NotContentCompleter Also see [S_GA_SEC_X]NotContentCompleter | 1 | Stu Class |
If this is an embedded course, associate it to the main course (Type the main course number to start searching) | If this course is an embedded course, it must be associated with the main course in which it is embedded. Enter and select the name of the main course. Embedded course pairs are determined by GA DOE. For FY2015 one pair has been defined: Essentials of Healthcare, 25.44000, with embedded course, Human Anatomy and Physiology, course number 26.07300. | [Courses.S_GA_CRS_X]Embedded_MainCrsDCID | 9 | |
Override Teacher SSN | The SSN for the instructor enrolled at a GNET campus. If this field is populated, the teacher at the GNET campus will be reported as part of the home school. | [S_GA_CRS_X]TEACHER_SSN_OVERRIDE Also see [S_GA_SEC_X]TEACHER_SSN_OVERRIDE | 9 | Stu Class Course |
Override Teacher First Name | The first name of the instructor enrolled at a GNET campus. If this field is populated, the teacher at the GNET campus will be reported as part of the home school. Note: If Override Teacher SSN is populated, this field must be populated. | [S_GA_CRS_X]TEACHER_FIRSTNAME_OVERRIDE Also see [S_GA_SEC_X]TEACHER_FIRSTNAME_OVERRIDE | 30 | Stu Class |
Override Teacher Last name | The last name of the instructor enrolled at a GNET campus. If this field is populated, the teacher at the GNET campus will be reported as part of the home school. Note: If Override Teacher SSN is populated, this field must be populated. | [S_GA_CRS_X]TEACHER_LASTNAME_OVERRIDE Also see [S_GA_SEC_X]TEACHER_LASTNAME_OVERRIDE | 30 | Stu Class |
Discipline and Log EntriesDiscipline and Log Entries: Log Entry Fields > Edit/New Log Entry Field | ||||
Data for Pop-up or Radio Buttons | Enter the data for popup or radio buttons. | [Gen]Valuet2 [Gen]Cat=logentrycodes | N/A | Not Required |
Discipline and Log Entries: Log Types > Edit/New Log Type | ||||
Log Type | Enter the log type. Note: A student Log entry cannot be created without a Log Type defined. Georgia districts must define “Discipline” for the state-specific discipline portion of the log page to display. This Log Type is not required for the Student Record-Discipline report, just to be able to complete the data entry. | [Gen]Name [Gen]Cat=logtype | Max 20 | Required |
Log Code | Enter the subtype code. | [Gen]Value [Gen]Cat=subtype [Gen]Name=logtype | N/A | Not Required |
Description | Enter the subtype description. | [Gen]Valutet [Gen]Cat=subtype [Gen]Name=logtype | N/A | Not Required |
District Information: District Info | ||||
Name of District | Enter the district name. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=districtname | N/A | Not Required |
District Number | Enter the district number. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=districtnumber | 3 | All reports |
District Information: District Info > State Information > A01 | ||||
TKES 90% Teaching | Choose whether to consider 90% course time taught for all or individual teachers from the pop-up menu. Valid values:
| |||
Psychological Services Evaluations | ||||
Comprehensive Evaluations by System–Employed School Psychologists | Enter the appropriate value. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_PSEC_CESESP | 6 | System (A01) |
Comprehensive Evaluations by Non-System-Employed Psychologists | Enter the appropriate value. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_PSEC_CENSEP | 6 | System (A01) |
Less than Comprehensive Evaluations by All Psychologists | Enter the appropriate value. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_PSEC_LTCEAP | 6 | System (A01) |
Initial Referrals Not Seen | Enter the appropriate value. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_PSEC_IRNS | 6 | System (A01) |
Re-evaluations Not Completed | Enter the appropriate value. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_PSEC_RNC | 6 | System (A01) |
Students to be Evaluated by System-Employed School Psychologists This Summer | Enter the appropriate value. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_PSEC_SESESPS | 6 | System (A01) |
Students to be Evaluated by Other Psychologists This Summer | Enter the appropriate value. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_PSEC_SEOPS | 6 | System (A01) |
Psychological Services Consultations | ||||
Consultations With Parents Only | Enter the appropriate value. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_PSCC_CWPO | 6 | System (A01) |
Consultations With Student Support Teams | Enter the appropriate value. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_PSCC_CWSST | 6 | System (A01) |
Student Consultations | Enter the appropriate value. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_PSCC_SC | 6 | System (A01) |
Other School Consultations | Enter the appropriate value. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_PSCC_OSC | 6 | System (A01) |
All Other Consultations or Services Provided | Enter the appropriate value. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_PSCC_AOCSP | 6 | System (A01) |
District InformationDistrict Information: District Info > State Information > A02 | ||||
Title I Private School Code – Grade K | Enter the number of grade K Title I private school students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1PSC_GK | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I Private School Code – Grade 1 | Enter the number of grade 1 Title I private school students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1PSC_G1 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I Private School Code – Grade 2 | Enter the number of grade 2 Title I private school students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1PSC_G2 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I Private School Code – Grade 3 | Enter the number of grade 3 Title I private school students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1PSC_G3 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I Private School Code – Grade 4 | Enter the number of grade 4 Title I private school students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1PSC_G4 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I Private School Code – Grade 5 | Enter the number of grade 5 Title I private school students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1PSC_G5 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I Private School Code – Grade 6 | Enter the number of grade 6 Title I private school students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1PSC_G6 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I Private School Code – Grade 7 | Enter the number of grade 7 Title I private school students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1PSC_G7 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I Private School Code – Grade 8 | Enter the number of grade 8 Title I private school students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1PSC_G8 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I Private School Code – Grade 9 | Enter the number of grade 9 Title I private school students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1PSC_G9 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I Private School Code – Grade 10 | Enter the number of grade 10 Title I private school students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1PSC_G10 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I Private School Code – Grade 11 | Enter the number of grade 11 Title I private school students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1PSC_G11 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I Private School Code – Grade 12 | Enter the number of grade 12 Title I private school students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1PSC_G12 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I School For Neglected Code – Grade K | Enter the number of grade K Title I neglected students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1SFNC_GK | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I School For Neglected Code – Grade 1 | Enter the number of grade 1 Title I neglected students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1SFNC_G1 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I School For Neglected Code – Grade 2 | Enter the number of grade 2 Title I neglected students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1SFNC_G2 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I School For Neglected Code – Grade 3 | Enter the number of grade 3 Title I neglected students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1SFNC_G3 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I School For Neglected Code – Grade 4 | Enter the number of grade 4 Title I neglected students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1SFNC_G4 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I School For Neglected Code – Grade 5 | Enter the number of grade 5 Title I neglected students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1SFNC_G5 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I School For Neglected Code – Grade 6 | Enter the number of grade 6 Title I neglected students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1SFNC_G6 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I School For Neglected Code – Grade 7 | Enter the number of grade 7 Title I neglected students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1SFNC_G7 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I School For Neglected Code – Grade 8 | Enter the number of grade 8 Title I neglected students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1SFNC_G8 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I School For Neglected Code – Grade 9 | Enter the number of grade 9 Title I neglected students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1SFNC_G9 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I School For Neglected Code – Grade 10 | Enter the number of grade 10 Title I neglected students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1SFNC_G10 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I School For Neglected Code – Grade 11 | Enter the number of grade 11 Title I neglected students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1SFNC_G11 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I School For Neglected Code – Grade 12 | Enter the number of grade 12 Title I neglected students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1SFNC_G12 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I Family Literacy Services Participant (Obsolete as of 2015-2016) | Choose Y or N from the pop-up menu. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1FLS | 1 | Not Required |
Title I Extended Time Instructional Services (Obsolete as of 2015-2016) | Enter the appropriate value. Value range: 0 to 999. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1ETIS | 2 | Not Required |
District Information: District Info > State Information | ||||
Use Tabs on Student Information Pages | Select the checkbox to indicate the State/Province-GA page should use tabbed navigation instead of links. When the checkbox is selected, the menu format of the page is no longer available. Instead, the student pages may be accessed via a set of tabs at the top of the page. When the checkbox is not selected, the menu displays as links. Note: This checkbox is not selected by default. To enable the tab feature the checkbox must be selected. The use of tabs can only be set district-wide. On the tabbed student information pages, when data on a tab has been changed but not submitted, and the user clicks a tab to move to another page, a warning is displayed. When tabs are enabled, the default State/Province page displays the student information page. In addition, the CTAE Pathways, Special Education Events, and Days Made Up pages open new or edited records in front of the existing page rather than loading as a separate page. | [Prefs]GA_TabFlag | 1 | Not Required |
Student FTE Page Course-Section | Select which Course-Section values to display on the Student FTE Information page. Options are:
| [Prefs]GA_stuFTEShowCRS | 1 | Not Required |
District Information: Districts of Residence | ||||
District ID | Enter the district ID. | [Gen]Value [Gen]Cat=districts | N/A | Not Required |
District Name | Enter the district name. | [Gen]Name [Gen]Cat=districts | N/A | Not Required |
District Information: Schools/School Info | ||||
School Name | Enter the school name. | [Schools]Name | Max 60 | Not Required |
School Abbreviation | Enter the school abbreviation. | [Schools]Abbreviation | N/A | Not Required |
School Address | Enter the school address. | [Schools]SchoolAddress | Max 55 | GaFutures Fgram |
School City | Enter the school city. | [Schools]SchoolCity | Max 60 | GaFutures Fgram |
School State/Province | Enter the school state/province. | [Schools]SchoolState | 2 | GaFutures Fgram |
School Postal/Zip Code | Enter the school postal/zip code. | [Schools]SchoolZip | Max 15 | GaFutures Fgram |
School Phone Number | Enter the school phone number. | [Schools]SchoolPhone | Max 31 | GaFutures |
School FAX Number | Enter the school fax number. | [Schools]SchoolFax | Max 80 | GaFutures |
School Number | Enter the school number. This is the 4-digit School Code assigned by GA DOE in the Facilities Database. GA DOE refers to this element as School Code. When the school number does not match GA DOE then supply the 4-digit School Code as the Alternate School Number (below). | [Schools]School_Number | 4 | All reports |
Alternate School Number | Enter the alternate school number. When the School Number (above) is not the 4-digit School Code assigned by GA DOE in the Facilities Database then enter the correct School Code in this field. When the School Number (above) is the 4-digit School Code then this field can be left blank. | [Schools]Alternate_School_Number | 4 | All reports |
Exclude From State Reporting? | Select the checkbox to exclude the school from state reporting. | [Schools]State_ExcludeFromReporting | N/A | All reports |
Principal’s Name | Enter the principal’s name. | [Schools]Principal | Max 79 | Not Required |
Grades | Enter the school grades (lowest - highest). Note: Georgia schools can use grade levels from -3 to 12. Grade levels 0, -1, -2, and -3 are converted to alpha values, such as KK or PK, in Georgia state reports. | [Schools]Low_Grade [Schools]High_Grade | N/A | FTE 1 FTE 3 Refresh FTE Course |
District Information: Schools/School Info > Edit School > Georgia State Report Information | ||||
School Type | Choose the school type from the pop-up menu. Valid values:
| [S_SCH_X]SchoolType | 2 | |
Middle School Indicator | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu. Valid values:
Note: When set to Yes, the school will generate "H" program codes to indicate Middle School Program (grades 6-8) instead of “9” for Middle Grades Program (grades 6-8). | [S_GA_SCH_X]MiddleSchoolInd | 1 | FTE 1 FTE 3 Refresh FTE |
Online Only School | Select the checkbox to indicate this school is online only. Student Class: When the checkbox is selected, all courses at the school will be considered online. School: When the checkbox is selected, the report will have a value of ‘Y’. When unchecked the report value will be a default ‘N’. A report value of blank or null is not allowed. | [S_GA_SCH_X]OnlineSchool | 1 | Stu Class School |
CPR-AED | Select the checkbox to indicate this school, with GRADE LEVEL ’09’ –‘12, provides instruction in CPR and the use of AED in PE courses. | [S_GA_SCH_X]CPR_AED | 1 | School |
CEEB Code | Enter the CEEB code for the school. | [S_GA_SCH_X]CEEB_Code | 6 | GaFutures |
PANDA Id (Elementary Schools Only) | The PANDA site id associated with this school. Note: This 4 digit site id is assigned by the Bright From The Start (BFTS) Pre-K System known as PANDA. | [S_GA_SCH_X]PANDASiteID | 4 | EarlyCare |
STEAM/STEM School | Choose the STEAM/STEM status from the pop-up menu Valid values:
| [S_GA_SCH_X]SteamStem | 1 | |
Dual Enrollment Awareness 8th Grade | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate whether students were made aware of dual enrollment opportunities for eighth grade. Note: If eighth grade is not taught at this school, this field is not visible. | [S_GA_SCH_X]DualEnrollAware_Grade8 | 1 | School (B01 18-19) |
Dual Enrollment Awareness 9th Grade | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate whether students were made aware of dual enrollment opportunities for ninth grade. Note: If ninth grade is not taught at this school, this field is not visible. | [S_GA_SCH_X]DualEnrollAware_Grade9 | 1 | School (B01 18-19) |
Dual Enrollment Awareness 10th Grade | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate whether students were made aware of dual enrollment opportunities for tenth grade. Note: If tenth grade is not taught at this school, this field is not visible. | [S_GA_SCH_X]DualEnrollAware_Grade10 | 1 | School (B01 18-19) |
Dual Enrollment Awareness 11th Grade | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate whether students were made aware of dual enrollment opportunities for 11th grade. Note: If 11th grade is not taught at this school, this field is not visible. | [S_GA_SCH_X]DualEnrollAware_Grade11 | 1 | School (B01 18-19) |
District Information: Schools/School Info > Edit School > Georgia State Report Information > B01 – Title I, Free/Reduced Status, Unsafe Schools | ||||
Free or Reduced Price Meal Eligibility – Special Assistance Status | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu. Valid values:
Note: Free or Reduced Price Meal Eligibility must be marked for all students individually unless Special Assistance Status is marked 'Y', the school is a Special Assistance school. | [S_GA_SCH_X]FRPME_SAS | 1 | School |
Number of Incidents of Aggravated Battery | Enter the appropriate number of incidents. | [S_GA_SCH_X]NCLB_AB | 2 | School |
Number of Incidents of Aggravated Child Molestation | Enter the appropriate number of incidents. | [S_GA_SCH_X]NCLB_ACM | 2 | School |
Number of Incidents of Aggravated Sexual Battery | Enter the appropriate number of incidents. | [S_GA_SCH_X]NCLB_ASB | 2 | School |
Number of Incidents of Aggravated Sodomy | Enter the appropriate number of incidents. | [S_GA_SCH_X]NCLB_AS | 2 | School |
Number of Incidents of Armed Robbery | Enter the appropriate number of incidents. | [S_GA_SCH_X]NCLB_AR | 2 | School |
Number of Incidents of First Degree Arson | Enter the appropriate number of incidents. | [S_GA_SCH_X]NCLB_FDA | 2 | School |
Number of Incidents of Kidnapping | Enter the appropriate number of incidents. | [S_GA_SCH_X]NCLB_K | 2 | School |
Number of Incidents of Murder | Enter the appropriate number of incidents. | [S_GA_SCH_X]NCLB_M | 2 | School |
Number of Incidents of Rape | Enter the appropriate number of incidents. | [S_GA_SCH_X]NCLB_R | 2 | School |
Number of Incidents of Voluntary Manslaughter | Enter the appropriate number of incidents. | [S_GA_SCH_X]NCLB_VM | 2 | School |
Number of Incidents of Non-Felony Drugs | Enter the appropriate number of incidents. | [S_GA_SCH_X]NCLB_NFD | 2 | School |
Number of Incidents of Felony Drugs | Enter the appropriate number of incidents. | [S_GA_SCH_X]NCLB_FD | 2 | School |
Number of Incidents of Felony Weapons | Enter the appropriate number of incidents. | [S_GA_SCH_X]NCLB_FW | 2 | School |
Number of Incidents of Terroristic Threats | Enter the appropriate number of incidents. | [S_GA_SCH_X]NCLB_TT | 2 | School |
District Info: Schools/School Info > Edit School > Georgia State Report Information > B01 – Social Work Totals | ||||
Social Work Services/Interventions | ||||
Conferences with Students (Formally Student Interventions) | Enter the appropriate number of referrals. | [S_GA_SCH_X]SWS_CWS | 6 | School |
Conferences With Parents or Guardians | Enter the appropriate number of referrals. | [S_GA_SCH_X]SWS_CWPF | 6 | School |
Consults With School Staff | Enter the appropriate number of referrals. | [S_GA_SCH_X]SWS_CWO | 6 | School |
Consults with Agencies | Enter the appropriate number of referrals. | [S_GA_SCH_X]SWS_CACR | 6 | School |
Economic Aid Support (Formally Economic Aid Sessions) | Enter the appropriate number of referrals. | [S_GA_SCH_X]SWS_EAS | 6 | School |
Home Visits | Enter the appropriate number of referrals. | [S_GA_SCH_X]SWS_HAV | 6 | School |
Mediation Sessions (Obsolete as of 2016-2017) | Enter the appropriate number of referrals. | [S_GA_SCH_X]SWS_MS | 6 | School |
Group Interventions | Enter the appropriate number of referrals. | [S_GA_SCH_X]SWCC_GrpInterv | 6 | School |
Crisis Interventions | Enter the appropriate number of referrals. | [S_GA_SCH_X]SWCC_CrisisInterv | 6 | School |
Agency Visits | Enter the appropriate number of referrals. | [S_GA_SCH_X]SWCC_AgencyVisits | 6 | School |
Crisis Response Team | Enter the appropriate number of referrals. | [S_GA_SCH_X]SWS_CRT | 6 | School |
Supervisory Conferences | Enter the appropriate number of referrals. | [S_GA_SCH_X]SWS_SC | 6 | School |
Community Participation | Enter the appropriate number of referrals. | [S_GA_SCH_X]SWS_CP | 6 | School |
Special Programs | Enter the appropriate number of referrals. | [S_GA_SCH_X]SWS_SP | 6 | School |
Social Work Cases | ||||
Child Abuse and Neglect Services | Enter the appropriate number of referrals. | [S_GA_SCH_X]SWC_AS | 6 | School |
Academic Support | Enter the appropriate number of referrals. | [S_GA_SCH_X]SWC_ADS | 6 | School |
Attendance / Dropout Prevention Services | Enter the appropriate number of referrals. | [S_GA_SCH_X]SWC_ASID | 6 | School |
Behavior/Discipline Services (Formally School Safety Services) | Enter the appropriate number of referrals. | [S_GA_SCH_X]SWC_DS | 6 | School |
Family Services (Formally Family/Health/Social Services/Homeless Services) | Enter the appropriate number of referrals. | [S_GA_SCH_X]SWC_FHPSS | 6 | School |
Special Education | Enter the appropriate number of referrals. | [S_GA_SCH_X]SWC_SE | 6 | School |
Health Services | Enter the appropriate number of referrals. | [S_GA_SCH_X]SWC_HS | 6 | School |
Foster Care Services | Enter the appropriate number of referrals. | [S_GA_SCH_X]SWC_FCS | 6 | School |
Social Work Cases/Consults | ||||
Mental Health Services (Formally Suicide Referrals) | Enter the appropriate number of referrals. | [S_GA_SCH_X]SWCC_SuicRef | 6 | School |
Homeless Services | Enter the appropriate number of referrals. | [S_GA_SCH_X]SWCC_Homeless | 6 | School |
Special Programs | Enter the appropriate number of referrals. | [S_GA_SCH_X]SWCC_SpecProg | 6 | School |
Social Work Referrals | ||||
Department of Family and Children Services (DFCS) | Enter the appropriate number of referrals. | [S_GA_SCH_X]SWR_DFCS | 6 | School |
Juvenile and Other Court | Enter the appropriate number of referrals. | [S_GA_SCH_X]SWR_JC | 6 | School |
Mental Health Services | Enter the appropriate number of referrals. | [S_GA_SCH_X]SWR_MH | 6 | School |
Health Services | Enter the appropriate number of referrals. | [S_GA_SCH_X]SWR_PH | 6 | School |
Community Agencies | Enter the appropriate number of referrals. | [S_GA_SCH_X]SWR_Other | 6 | School |
Social Work Student Count | ||||
Unduplicated Count of Students Served | Enter the appropriate student count. | [S_GA_SCH_X]SWSC_SS | 6 | School |
District Information: Schools/School Info > Edit School > Georgia State Report Information > CTAE Pathways Available at this School | ||||
Pathway | Select the pathway to associate with the current school. Only pathways defined for the district will appear in the list. See District Setup > State Functions > CTAE Pathways section. Pathways not previously associated with this school will appear in the pop-up menu. | [CTAE_SchoolPath]foreignKey_alpha | 30 | EPA |
Creating Entry CodesStart Page > District Setup > Code Sets > EntryCode For more information, see Code Sets and Entry and Exit Codes pages in SIS Administration Guide. | ||||
Code set | Select the Code set type. | [CODESET]CODETYPE=EntryCode | ||
Code | Enter the entry code. | [CODESET]Code | 2 | Summer OASIS |
Display Value | Enter the code display value. | [CODESET]DisplayValue | ||
Description | Enter the entry code description. | [CODESET]Description | N/A | Required Setup |
Sort Order | Enter a sort order to determine where the code displays on the page. | [CODESET] UIDisplayOrder | N/A | |
Start Date | Enter a start date to activate this code. | [CODESET]EffectiveStartDate | 8 | |
End Date | Enter an end date to inactivate this code. | [CODESET]EffectiveEndDate | 8 | |
Creating Exit CodesStart Page > District Setup > Code Sets > ExitCode For more information, see Code Sets and Entry and Exit Codes pages in SIS Administration Guide. | ||||
Code set | Select the Code set type. | [CODESET]CODETYPE=ExitCode | ||
Code | Enter the exit code. | [CODESET]Code | 2 | Summer OASIS |
Display Value | Enter the code display value. | [CODESET]DisplayValue | ||
Description | Enter the exit code meaning. | [CODESET]Description | N/A | Required Setup |
Sort Order | Enter a sort order to determine where the code displays on the page. | [CODESET] UIDisplayOrder | N/A | |
Start Date | Enter a start date to activate this code. | [CODESET]EffectiveStartDate | 8 | |
End Date | Enter an end date to inactivate this code. | [CODESET]EffectiveEndDate8 | 8 | |
Enrollment: Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings > District Race Code Note: For state reporting purposes, each District Race Code should be associated with a Federal Race Category Code listed in the previous section of this report. | ||||
Code | Enter the district race code. Minimum values required for state reporting:
Note: It is recommended to match a District Race Code to each Federal Race Category for the five basic races. Other codes can be created as locally desired. For example, a District Race Code of J, Japanese, would be associated with Federal Race Category of S, Asian. | [Gen]Name [Gen]Cat=race | N/A | PreID |
Description | Enter the district race description. | [Gen]ValueT [Gen]Cat=race | N/A | Not Required |
Federal Category | Choose the associated federal race category from the pop-up menu. | [Gen]Value [Gen]Cat=race | N/A | Not Required |
Alt Race Code | Enter an alternate, equivalent race code. Note: This field can be used for SIF. | [Gen]Value2 [Gen]Cat=race | N/A | Not Required |
Enrollment: Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity Codes > Ethnicity Code | ||||
Code | Enter the ethnicity code. Note: This field is no longer used for Georgia state reporting. State reports use Federal Ethnicity and Race fields or state-specific race and ethnicity fields. | [Gen]Value [Gen]Cat=ethnicity | N/A | Not Required |
Description | Enter the ethnicity description. | [Gen]Name [Gen]Cat=ethnicity | N/A | Not Required |
Enrollment: Special Programs > Special Program Information | ||||
Program Name | Enter the special program name. Notes:
Districts may choose to define two programs for Alternative Education, such as Performance Learning Center (PLC) and Alternative School for Non-Disruptive Students. Be sure to set the Program Type for each program (see below). | [Gen]Name [Gen]Cat=specprog | Max 50 | Refresh FTE FTE 1 FTE 3 Program Stu Class |
Qualifies as a special education program | Select the checkbox to indicate a special education program. Note: None of the GA DOE programs above are considered a special education program for state reporting purposes. | [Gen]spedindicator [Gen]Cat=specprog | N/A | Not Required |
Include in Quick Lookup | Select the checkbox to indicate inclusion in Quick Lookup. | [Gen]ValueLi2 [Gen]Cat=specprog | N/A | Not Required |
Georgia State Report Information: Program Type | Select the Program Type associated with the Special Program. Note: Only Special Programs associated with a GA DOE Program Type are considered for state reporting. Valid values:
| [Gen]GA_AltEdProgam [Gen]Cat=specprog | 1 | Refresh FTE FTE 1 FTE 3 Program Stu Class |
GradingGrading: GPA Calculations > Calculation Methods > GPA Calculation Method | ||||
General | ||||
Method name | Enter the name of the GPA Calculation Method. | [Gen]Name | N/A | GaFutures |
Description | Enter a description of the GPA Calculation Method. | [Gen]ValueT2 | N/A | Not Required |
GPA Calculation | ||||
Formula | Enter a standard GPA Calculation Formula, or edit the formula based. | [Gen]ValueT | N/A | GaFutures |
Calculation Type | Choose the appropriate calculation type from the pop-up menu. Valid values:
| [Gen]Value | N/A | GaFutures |
Grade Scale | Choose a grade scale from the pop-up menu, if appropriate. Valid values are district-specific and entered via District Setup > Grade Scales. | [Gen]ValueLi | N/A | GaFutures |
Grading: Tests > Test Caution: Use of the delete button for a test will delete ALL student scores for the selected test. | ||||
Name | Enter the name of the test. Example: SAT Note: It is recommended to use a short Test Name due to later Score Naming conventions. See below. | [Test]Name | 60 | GaFutures |
Type | Choose the type of test from the pop-up menu. Valid values:
| [Test]Test_Type | N/A | Not Required |
Description | Enter a description of the test. | [Test]Description | N/A | Not Required |
Grading: Tests > Edit Scores | ||||
Name | Enter the name of the test score. Example: SAT_Math Note: Is it recommended to use the Test Name in the Score Name to avoid score naming confusion. Dash and period are invalid characters; an underscore character is recommended. | [TestScore]Name | 60 | GaFutures |
Sort Order | Enter the sort order of the test score – used for display purposes only. | [TestScore]SortOrder | N/A | Not Required |
Description | Enter a description of the test score. | [TestScore]Description | N/A | Not Required |
State FunctionsState Functions: PreID Test Codes Settings Note: See the Appendix for a list of valid Georgia PreID test codes. The Test Names entered here create the pop-up list displayed on the PreID Labels run report page. The Test Code associated with the name is used in the report output. | ||||
Sort | Enter the sort order of the test code – used for display purposes only. | [Gen]SortOrder [Gen]cat=preidtests | N/A | Not Required |
Test Code | Enter the code for the test. This is the GA DOE code used in the PreID Labels extract. | [Gen]Value [Gen]cat=preidtests | 2 | PreID |
Test Name | Enter the name for the test. This name is displayed on the PreID Labels run reports page. | [Gen]Name [Gen]cat=preidtests | N/A | PreID |
State Functions: CTAE Pathways | ||||
Sort Order | Enter the sort order for the pathway. | [CTAE_Pathway] user_defined_integer | N/A | Not Required |
Path Code | Enter the code of the pathway. | [CTAE_Pathway]user_defined_text2 | 3 | EPA |
Path Name | Enter the name of the pathway. | [CTAE_Pathway]user_defined_text | 79 | EPA |
State Functions: CTAE Pathways > Edit Pathway > Courses Use the green plus sign to add a new course. | ||||
Display Order | Enter the sort order for the course requirement. | [CTAE_PathCourse] user_defined_integer | N/A | Not Required |
Option 1 | Enter the course number pattern that is required for the pathway. If any course number is valid, enter an ‘x’ or leave the digit blank. For example: 08x74xx will match 081740000, or 082740100, or many other options. Notes:
| [CTAE_PathCourse]user_defined_text | 9 | EPA |
Option 2 | Enter the course number pattern that is an alternate course number allowed for the Option 1 course number for the pathway. | [CTAE_PathCourse]user_defined_text | 9 | EPA |
Option 3 | Enter the course number pattern that is an alternate for the Option 1 course number for the pathway. | [CTAE_PathCourse]user_defined_text | 9 | EPA |
State Functions: CTAE Pathways > Edit Pathway > Assessment Use the green plus sign to add a new assessment. | ||||
Assessment Code | Enter the assessment code for the pathway. The code will appear on the extract exactly as entered here. Example: MRKT08.0012 | [CTAE_PathAssessment] user_defined_text | 11 | EPA |
Assessment Name | Enter the name for the assessment. | [CTAE_PathAssessment]user_defined_text2 | N/A | Not Required |
State Functions: SLO Targets Student Learning Objectives (SLO) are maintained in a database extension table S_GA_SLOTargets_S. See the Data Dictionary for further information. Note: The Student Learning Objectives (SLO) data elements report as blank for the Student Class Layout for 2016-2017; however, the fields and logic remain in PowerSchool and you can continue to use the PowerSchool SLO solution locally for “student progress measures”. Existing data entry remains intact. For data extraction, use Enterprise Reporting or Data Export Manager. | ||||
SLO Measure Type | Choose the appropriate value from the pop-up menu. Valid values:
| [S_GA_SLOTargets_X]MeasureType | 1 | Sys Crs |
Target Name | Enter a locally defined name. This name is not used for state reporting; it is to assist staff in setting the correct targets for a course. | [S_GA_SLOTargets_X]TargetName | 100 | Not Required |
Total Rubric Levels | For (2) Uniform Rubric Growth Target only, specify the number of levels. Valid values are 3-7. The value provided causes the number of Expected Growth and High Growth checkboxes to change to match the needed data entry. | [S_GA_SLOTargets_X]TotalRubricLevels | 1 | Sys Crs |
Expected Growth | For (1) Individual Percentage Growth Target, a single Expected Growth field is displayed. Valid percent range: 0-110 For (2) Uniform Rubric Growth Target, the number of Expected Growth fields displayed is based on the total rubric levels. Valid rubric range: 1-7 | [S_GA_SLOTargets_X]ExpectedGrowth1 (used for percent and rubric) Used for rubric only: [S_GA_SLOTargets_X]ExpectedGrowth2 [S_GA_SLOTargets_X]ExpectedGrowth3 [S_GA_SLOTargets_X]ExpectedGrowth4 [S_GA_SLOTargets_X]ExpectedGrowth5 [S_GA_SLOTargets_X]ExpectedGrowth6 [S_GA_SLOTargets_X]ExpectedGrowth7 | 3 | Sys Crs |
High Growth | For (1) Individual Percentage Growth Target, a single High Growth field is displayed. Valid percent range: 0-110 For (2) Uniform Rubric Growth Target, the number of High Growth fields displayed is based on the total rubric levels. Valid rubric range: 1-7 | [S_GA_SLOTargets_X]HighGrowth1 (used for percent and rubric) Used for rubric only: [S_GA_SLOTargets_X]HighGrowth2 [S_GA_SLOTargets_X]HighGrowth3 [S_GA_SLOTargets_X]HighGrowth4 [S_GA_SLOTargets_X]HighGrowth5 [S_GA_SLOTargets_X]HighGrowth6 [S_GA_SLOTargets_X]HighGrowth7 | 3 | Sys Crs |
Default Target | Select the checkbox to indicate the SLO Target should be the default for the district. One default is allowed per SLO Measure Type. Note: A default target must be identified each growth target used. Meaning define one Individual Percentage Growth Target as a default. And define one Uniform Rubric Growth Target as a default. | [S_GA_SLOTargets_X]IsDefaultRecord | 1 | Sys Crs |
State Functions: Discipline Incident - Incident Type Category | ||||
Code | Enter the Student Safety Incident Type codes. See the Appendix for a list of valid Student Safety Incident Type codes. | [Gen]Name [Gen]Cat=disc_incid_cat | 2 | Safety |
Description | Enter the category meaning. | [Gen]Value [Gen]Cat=disc_incid_cat | N/A | Not Required |
Sort Order | Enter a number to control the sort order of the entries. | [Gen]SortOrder [Gen]Cat=disc_incid_cat | N/A | Not Required |
State Functions: Discipline Incident - Action Taken Detail | ||||
Code | Enter the Student Safety Action code. See the Appendix for a list of valid Student Safety Action codes. | [Gen]Name [Gen]Cat=dsic_action_dtl | 2 | Safety |
Description | Enter the category meaning. | [Gen]Value [Gen]Cat=disc_action_dtl | N/A | Not Required |
Sort Order | Enter a number to control the sort order of the entries. | [Gen]SortOrder [Gen]Cat=disc_action_dtl | N/A | Not Required |
State Functions: Discipline Incident – Context and Location | ||||
Code | Enter the Student Safety Incident - Context and Location code. See the Appendix for a list of valid Student Safety Context and Location codes. | [Gen]Name [Gen]Cat=disc_loc_dtl | 2 | Safety |
Description | Enter the category meaning. | [Gen]Value [Gen]Cat=disc_loc_dtl | N/A | Not Required |
Sort Order | Enter a number to control the sort order of the entries. | [Gen]SortOrder [Gen]Cat=disc_loc_dtl | N/A | Not Required |
State Functions: A01 | ||||
State Functions: A01 > Psychological Services Evaluations | ||||
Comprehensive Evaluations by System–Employed School Psychologists | Enter the appropriate value. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_PSEC_CESESP | 6 | System (A01) |
Comprehensive Evaluations by Non-System-Employed Psychologists | Enter the appropriate value. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_PSEC_CENSEP | 6 | System (A01) |
Less than Comprehensive Evaluations by All Psychologists | Enter the appropriate value. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_PSEC_LTCEAP | 6 | System (A01) |
Initial Referrals Not Seen | Enter the appropriate value. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_PSEC_IRNS | 6 | System (A01) |
Re-evaluations Not Completed | Enter the appropriate value. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_PSEC_RNC | 6 | System (A01) |
Students to be Evaluated by System-Employed School Psychologists This Summer | Enter the appropriate value. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_PSEC_SESESPS | 6 | System (A01) |
Students to be Evaluated by Other Psychologists This Summer | Enter the appropriate value. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_PSEC_SEOPS | 6 | System (A01) |
State Functions: A01 > Psychological Services Consultations | ||||
Consultations With Parents Only | Enter the appropriate value. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_PSCC_CWPO | 6 | System (A01) |
Consultations With Student Support Teams | Enter the appropriate value. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_PSCC_CWSST | 6 | System (A01) |
Student Consultations | Enter the appropriate value. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_PSCC_SC | 6 | System (A01) |
Other School Consultations | Enter the appropriate value. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_PSCC_OSC | 6 | System (A01) |
All Other Consultations or Services Provided | Enter the appropriate value. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_PSCC_AOCSP | 6 | System (A01) |
State Functions: A01 > Private School EL and Migrant | ||||
Private EL Students Note: Discontinued as of 2019-2020 | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_Priv_EL_Stu | 4 | System (A01) | |
Private Immigrant Students Note: Discontinued as of 2019-2020 | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_Priv_Immigrant_Stu | 4 | System (A01) | |
State Functions: A02 | ||||
Title I Private School Code – Grade K | Enter the number of grade K Title I private school students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1PSC_GK | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I Private School Code – Grade 1 | Enter the number of grade 1 Title I private school students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1PSC_G1 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I Private School Code – Grade 2 | Enter the number of grade 2 Title I private school students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1PSC_G2 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I Private School Code – Grade 3 | Enter the number of grade 3 Title I private school students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1PSC_G3 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I Private School Code – Grade 4 | Enter the number of grade 4 Title I private school students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1PSC_G4 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I Private School Code – Grade 5 | Enter the number of grade 5 Title I private school students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1PSC_G5 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I Private School Code – Grade 6 | Enter the number of grade 6 Title I private school students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1PSC_G6 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I Private School Code – Grade 7 | Enter the number of grade 7 Title I private school students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1PSC_G7 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I Private School Code – Grade 8 | Enter the number of grade 8 Title I private school students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1PSC_G8 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I Private School Code – Grade 9 | Enter the number of grade 9 Title I private school students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1PSC_G9 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I Private School Code – Grade 10 | Enter the number of grade 10 Title I private school students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1PSC_G10 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I Private School Code – Grade 11 | Enter the number of grade 11 Title I private school students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1PSC_G11 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I Private School Code – Grade 12 | Enter the number of grade 12 Title I private school students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1PSC_G12 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I School For Neglected Code – Age 4 Note: Discontinued as of 2019-2020 | Enter the number of age 4 Title I neglected students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1SFNC_A4 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I School For Neglected Code – Grade K | Enter the number of grade K Title I neglected students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1SFNC_GK | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I School For Neglected Code – Grade 1 | Enter the number of grade 1 Title I neglected students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1SFNC_G1 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I School For Neglected Code – Grade 2 | Enter the number of grade 2 Title I neglected students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1SFNC_G2 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I School For Neglected Code – Grade 3 | Enter the number of grade 3 Title I neglected students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1SFNC_G3 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I School For Neglected Code – Grade 4 | Enter the number of grade 4 Title I neglected students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1SFNC_G4 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I School For Neglected Code – Grade 5 | Enter the number of grade 5 Title I neglected students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1SFNC_G5 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I School For Neglected Code – Grade 6 | Enter the number of grade 6 Title I neglected students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1SFNC_G6 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I School For Neglected Code – Grade 7 | Enter the number of grade 7 Title I neglected students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1SFNC_G7 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I School For Neglected Code – Grade 8 | Enter the number of grade 8 Title I neglected students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1SFNC_G8 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I School For Neglected Code – Grade 9 | Enter the number of grade 9 Title I neglected students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1SFNC_G9 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I School For Neglected Code – Grade 10 | Enter the number of grade 10 Title I neglected students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1SFNC_G10 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I School For Neglected Code – Grade 11 | Enter the number of grade 11 Title I neglected students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1SFNC_G11 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I School For Neglected Code – Grade 12 | Enter the number of grade 12 Title I neglected students served this year by this school system. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1SFNC_G12 | 6 | System (A02) |
Title I Family Literacy Services Participant (Obsolete as of 2015-2016) | Choose Y or N from the pop-up menu. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1FLS | 1 | Not Required |
Title I Extended Time Instructional Services (Obsolete as of 2015-2016) | Enter the appropriate value. Value range: 0 to 999. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=GA_T1ETIS | 2 | Not Required |
State Functions: Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) > See CRDC District Setup (2020-2021) |