Segment Count of 5
When the total count of segments is 5, the process adds the most common code as the sixth program code. If two codes have the same count, the code with the highest weight value is increased. Example: DDIKK becomes DDIKKK
Further Examples:
- If five course segments generate a program code of DDDDK, the sixth program code segment will be D. The six program codes become DDDDDK.
- If five course segments generate a program code of DDJKK, the sixth program code segment will be K. The six program codes become DDJKKK.
- If five course segments generate a program code of DDIIK, the sixth program code segment will be I. The six program codes become DDIIIK.
Note: For display on the FTE Segments Information page, the additional sixth segment has the course-section number enclosed in parenthesis to show it is a duplicate.