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Diploma Exam Registrations (DER) (Obsolete)

This import is used to import updated or changed files for Diploma Exam Registrations Export file into the PowerSchool database.

To import diploma exam registrations records, do the following:

  1. On the start page, choose Special Functions. The Special Functions page appears.

  2. Click Interfaces to other systems. The Interfaces to other systems page appears.

  3. Click Alberta Data Import System. The Alberta Data Import System page appears.

  4. Click Diploma Exam Registrations import. The Import Diploma Exam Registrations System page appears.

  5. Click the field or Browse to select the file to upload.

  6. Click Import. The Process Bar appears while the data is imported into the database.

  7. The Alert: DER Import is complete will page will open when the import is complete.

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