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PASI Documents


Once the configuration of digital documents is complete, you can view all your documents on the PASI Documents page. This page helps you manage the documents at the student level. You can edit and update the documents. Select the document associated with a student to make any edits and then Submit the file to save changes.

Preview Document

Navigation: Start Page > Student Selection > PASI Documents

  1. To preview a document linked to a student, click the document Title. The document preview window appears.

You can see the metadata of the selected document.

Navigation: Start Page > Student Selection > PASI Documents

FieldDescriptionTable Field NameData Type
IDPrimary KeyIDNUMBER(10,0)
Student's SDCIDDCID of the Students table.



Document DateDocument date.[S_AB_STU_RECORD_DOC_C]DocDateDATE
LanguageDocument language.[S_AB_STU_RECORD_DOC_C]DocLanguageVARCHAR2(10)
Document TypeDocument type.[S_AB_STU_RECORD_DOC_C]DocTypeVARCHAR2(50)
Expiry dateThe expiry date of the document.[S_AB_STU_RECORD_DOC_C]ExpiryDateDATE
Was the document scanned from the hard copy?True when this document is a digitized version of a physical (hard copy) document. False when the document was created by a system and imported directly into PASI.[S_AB_STU_RECORD_DOC_C]IsDigitizedNUMBER(1)
Exempted from quality assurance?True if the document is considered exempt from quality assurance.[S_AB_STU_RECORD_DOC_C]IsExemptFromQANUMBER(1)
Is quality assurance already performed?True if the document has already gone through quality assurance before import and does not need any additional quality assurance in PASI.[S_AB_STU_RECORD_DOC_C]IsQAAlreadyPerformedNUMBER(1)

True if this document is relevant; false if it has been replaced with another document.

The “Document Relevancy” flag is to be used for a students latest Identity document or whether or not the student has any important medical documents that need to be seen and should not apply to all document types that don’t specifically pertain to the students personal information.

Text Searchable?True if the document has associated text that can be searched.[S_AB_STU_RECORD_DOC_C]IsTextSearchableNUMBER(1)
Linked OrganizationA reference to the organization that the document is linked to.[S_AB_STU_RECORD_DOC_C]LinkedToOrgVARCHAR2(6)
Linked School Year

The school year this document applies to.

The original filenameThe original file name of the document.[S_AB_STU_RECORD_DOC_C]OriginalFileNameVARCHAR2(200)
Title of the documentTitle of the document.[S_AB_STU_RECORD_DOC_C]TitleVARCHAR2(200)
School CodeThe school code of the selected school of the login user.[S_AB_STU_RECORD_DOC_C]UseSchoolCodeVARCHAR2(10)
Link to Student's IdentityTrue if the document can be linked to a student's identity.[S_AB_STU_RECORD_DOC_C]LinkToIdentityNUMBER(1)
Is relevant for one document?True if the document is considered as the only relevant one for documents of the same type.[S_AB_STU_RECORD_DOC_C]IsOnlyRelevantNUMBER(1)
Reference IDReference Id of the document.[S_AB_STU_RECORD_DOC_C]RefIDVARCHAR2(36)
Core VersionThe core version of the document.[S_AB_STU_RECORD_DOC_C]PASICoreVersionNUMBER(11)
Created by (Organization)Created of by organization value of the document.[S_AB_STU_RECORD_DOC_C]CreatedByORGVARCHAR2(6)
File sizeThe file size of the document in bytes.[S_AB_STU_RECORD_DOC_C]DocSizeNUMBER(11)
Document Metadata IDStore document metadata ID, only used for document integration functionality.[S_AB_STU_RECORD_DOC_C]DocMetadataIDNUMBER(11)
Created ByThe name of the person who created the record. Defaults to the user.[S_AB_STU_RECORD_DOC_C]WhoCreatedVarchar2(100)
Created On (Date)The date and time the record was created. Defaults to system date.[S_AB_STU_RECORD_DOC_C]WhenCreatedTIMESTAMP(6)
Modified ByThe name of the person who modified the record. Defaults to the user.[S_AB_STU_RECORD_DOC_C]WhoModifiedVarchar2(100)
Modified On (Date)The date and time the record was modified. Defaults to system[S_AB_STU_RECORD_DOC_C]WhenModifiedTIMESTAMP(6)

Single New Entry

You can do a single entry of a document using this option.

Multiple New Entry

Select multiple documents and upload them to PASI.

Perform QA on a Document

Navigation: Start Page > Student Selection > PASI Documents

You can perform a QA on a document and flag it if necessary. You can perform QA only on the documents created by your organization.

  1. Click the QA flag next to the document
  2. Go through the document and click Flag for QA. The icon changes.
  3. Click Icon under QA to review the document again.
  4. Click Pass to pass the document
  5. Select Fail to fail the document and enter a reason for failure by selecting the Problem Type.
  6. Enter QA Failed Comments and Submit.

FieldDescriptionTable Field NameData Type



QA performed locally by the organization?Indicate whether quality assurance is performed locally by the organization.[S_AB_DOC_QA_C]PerformedLocallyByORGNUMBER(1)
QA StatusStatus of the quality assurance.[S_AB_DOC_QA_C]QAStatusVARCHAR2(100)
QA Failed CommentsComments about the failed quality assurance.[S_AB_DOC_QA_C]FailedQACommentsVARCHAR2(1000)
Problem TypeDepict the type of problem identified on the student record document.[S_AB_DOC_QA_C]ProblemTypeVARCHAR2(100)
User EmailThe email of the user who reported the student record document problem.[S_AB_DOC_QA_C]ReportingUserEmailVARCHAR2(100)
QA OperatorThe operator who performed the quality assurance on the document.[S_AB_DOC_QA_C]QAOperatorVARCHAR2(100)
Time of QAThe UTC time when the quality assurance happened.[S_AB_DOC_QA_C]QAUTCTimeDATE
Created ByThe name of the person who created the record. Defaults to the user.[S_AB_DOC_QA_C]WhoCreatedVarchar2(100)
Record Created Date and TimeThe date and time the record was created. Defaults to system date.[S_AB_DOC_QA_C]WhenCreatedTIMESTAMP(6)
Modified ByThe name of the person who modified the record. Defaults to the user.[S_AB_DOC_QA_C]WhoModifiedVarchar2(100)
Record Modified Date and TimeThe date and time the record was modified. Defaults to system date.[S_AB_DOC_QA_C]WhenModifiedTIMESTAMP(6)

Edit Student Document

Navigation: Start Page > Student Selection > PASI Documents > Edit Student Document



Table Field Name

Data Type

DocumentPrimary KeyIDNUMBER(10,0)
Student's DCIDDCID of the Students table.



Document TypeDocument type.[S_AB_STU_RECORD_DOC_C]DocTypeVARCHAR2(50)
Document DateEdit the document date if needed.[S_AB_STU_RECORD_DOC_C]DocDateDATE
TitleEdit the document title.[S_AB_STU_RECORD_DOC_C]DocTitleVARCHAR2(50)
Language.Change the document language.[S_AB_STU_RECORD_DOC_C]DocLanguageVARCHAR2(10)
Relevant?True if this document is relevant; false if it has been replaced with another document.[S_AB_STU_RECORD_DOC_C]IsRelevantNUMBER(1)
Was the document scanned from the hard copy?True when this document is a digitized version of a physical (hard copy) document. False when the document was created by a system and imported directly into PASI.[S_AB_STU_RECORD_DOC_C]IsDigitizedNUMBER(1)
Exempted from quality assurance?True if the document is considered exempt from quality assurance.[S_AB_STU_RECORD_DOC_C]IsExemptFromQANUMBER(1)
Is quality assurance already performed?True if the document has already gone through quality assurance before import and does not need any additional quality assurance in PASI.[S_AB_STU_RECORD_DOC_C]IsQAAlreadyPerformedNUMBER(1)
Text Searchable?True if the document has associated text that can be searched.[S_AB_STU_RECORD_DOC_C]IsTextSearchableNUMBER(1)
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