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Troubleshooting Alberta Education Client Certificate Installation on Windows

The following error messages can occur when the Alberta Client Certificate fails to install to Windows.


Probable Cause


Cannot find object or property. 0x80092004 (-2146885628)

Windows is unable to locate the certificate.

  1. Verify that the certificate is saved to the C: drive.
  2. Verify that the command prompt is pointing to the correct location (C:).
  3. Rerun the installation steps. See Install the Alberta Education Client Certificate on Windows for more information.

A certificate chain processed, but terminated in a root certificate which is not trusted by the trust provider. 0x800b0109 (-2146762487)


The user did not install the certificates with full Administrator rights in Windows.

Request a new Alberta Client Certificate Key and try again.

The Alberta Education Root Authority and/or the Alberta Education Issuing Authority Certificates were not installed or did not install correctly.

Install or reinstall the Alberta Education Root Authority and/or the Alberta Education Issuing Authority Certificates and try again.

The signature of the certificate cannot be verified. 0x80096004 (-2146869244)

Alberta Intermediate and Root Authority certificates are not matched with the Alberta Client Certificate Key. Most likely these certificates are older than the Alberta Client Certificate Key.

Install or reinstall the Alberta Education Root Authority and/or the Alberta Education Issuing Authority Certificates and try again.

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If this problem persists, please contact our support.