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Provincial Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 Provincial Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-246901Alberta PASI Direct Connect Plugin Version

The PASI Direct Connect Plugin is updated to version 4.2.5.

PSSR-245758Demographic and Enrolment (DEM/ENR) Integration

The Resident board on student's school enrolments is successfully saved to the database when selected.

PSSR-248341Digital Student Documents Integration

The error message related to the document icon on attendance pages is no longer displayed.

PSSR-248154Digital Student Documents Integration

Editing a document no longer removes the document from the page.

PSSR-246061Digital Student Documents Integration

The document icon in the Teacher's Portal will now honor the security settings selected for documents within the Teacher's Portal.

PSSR-244784Digital Student Documents Integration

The number of documents pending QA and the number of documents with problem reports in the notifications popup will now match the total records in the manage student information page.

PSSR-244743Digital Student Documents Integration

A new setting to enable or disable Attachments DCF events is now available on the PASI Synchronization Settings page.

PSSR-209528Digital Student Documents Integration

A new Manage Document Submissions page is now available to parse large PDFs to send to PASI.

PSSR-167093PASI Direct Connect General Functionality

The Resync Matched and Resync Required statuses are now available for the new Hash Sync job.

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