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Provincial Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 Provincial Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-223544Alberta PASI Direct Connect Plugin Version

The PASI Direct Connect Plugin is updated to Version 4.1.9

PSSR-229592Demographic and Enrolment (DEM/ENR) Integration

A FreeMarker template error when using Update/Import button on ASN Lookup is resolved.

PSSR-228758Demographic and Enrolment (DEM/ENR) Integration

The Special Education value on the Extended Enrolment tab no longer displays all values for "View Only" users.

PSSR-225680Demographic and Enrolment (DEM/ENR) Integration

Classroom Accommodations are now available in the Teacher's Portal.

PSSR-231045PASI Direct Connect Functionality

The hash sync process now properly calculates SCM records (course enrolments, evaluated marks, sections), DER records (sittings, marks) and student documents. In addition, large responses are handled effectively.

PSSR-147454PASI Direct Connect General Functionality

The Alberta Data Import System link is no longer available under Interfaces to Other Systems.

PSSR-231583School Course Marks (SCM) Integration

When running the permanently store grade process, the unapproved marks count gets refreshed only for the selected school and not for all the schools.

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