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Transition Reasons



No Grade

Student has no responsible school because of grade offering

No Programming

Student has no responsible school because of programming

No Expulsion

Student has no responsible school because they were expelled

No Moved

Student has no responsible school because they moved

No CompletedK12

Student has no responsible school because they graduated

No Choice

Student has no responsible school by choice

No HomeEd

Student has no responsible school because they are home schooled

No NotProvided

Student has no responsible school because

No Deceased

Student has no responsible school because they are deceased

No Employment

Student has no responsible school because they are employed

No Other

Student has no responsible school for other reasons

Unknown Expulsion

It is unknown if the student has a responsible school because they are expelled

Unknown Moved

It is unknown if the student has a responsible school because they have moved

Unknown NotProvided

It is unknown if the student has a responsible school because no reason was provided

Unknown Other

It is unknown if the student has a responsible school for other reasons

Unknown ToBeDetermined

It is unknown if the student has a responsible school because a reason has not been defined

Yes New

Student has a responsible school because they are a new student

Yes Grade

Student has a responsible school because of grade offering

Yes Programming

Student has a responsible school because of programming

Yes Expulsion

Student has a responsible school because they were expelled

Yes Moved

Student has a responsible school because they moved

Yes Other

Student has a responsible school because of other reasons

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