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Working with Student Profiles in PASI

PASI Student Lookup

The PASI Student Lookup page provides the ability to find a student based on ASN or personal information, preview a summary, or view detailed information about the student. This information is from PASI, but viewable in PowerSchool.

To search for a student in PASI from the Special Functions page:

  1. On the Start Page, click Special Functions. The Special Functions page appears.
  2. Under Alberta PASI DEM/ENR Functions, click Student Lookup. The PASI Student Lookup page appears.
  3. Enter information using one of the two search options:
    1. By ASN
    2. By Student Personal Data

Lookup By Alberta Student Number (ASN)

If an ASN is available, search for the student using the ASN.

  • Enter the student's Alberta Student Number and click Find. PowerSchool sends a request to PASI. If an exact match is found, the student's profile is displayed (see Viewing the PASI Student Profile). If no student record is found that matches the ASN, an alert message is displayed at the top of the page.

Lookup By Student Personal Data

  • Enter the student name, date of birth, or advanced search criteria and click Find.




Enter the student's name, if known, including last name, first name, middle name, and suffix.


Enter the student's date of birth, if known.

Advanced Search

Include All Quality Levels

Select the checkbox to indicate so that even if an exact match is found, additional close matches should also be displayed.
PASI defines quality levels as follows:

  • High Quality – The student name, date of birth, and ASN (if provided) are an exact match.
  • Medium Quality – The student name, date of birth, and ASN (if provided) are consistent with a match, but not exact. For example, if "J Doe" is entered and "John Doe" is returned.
  • Low Quality – The student name, date of birth and/or ASN (if provided) and are inconsistent with the match. For example, if "J Smith" is entered and "J Smythe" is returned.

Include Students With Disclosure Restrictions

Select the checkbox to indicate that the search results should include students that have disclosure restrictions, meaning that their information is considered sensitive.
By default, students with disclosure restrictions are not included. When these students are included, they are indicated with an asterisk next to their name.

Approximate Age

Enter the student's approximate age using numerical characters, such as 10 for ten years old.

Grade Level

Enter the student's grade level using numerical characters, such as 1 for first grade.
If neither the birth date nor the approximate age is provided, then the grade level is used to estimate the student's age.


Enter any part of the student's street address.

City, State, Postal Code

Enter the student's city, state, and/or postal code.


Enter the student's country.

PowerSchool sends a request to PASI. PASI sends back a list of students who match the criteria. The Find PASI Student page refreshes with the list of matching students.

The quality of the results is indicated as follows:

Match Status


No Match

Indicates no matching students are found


Indicates exactly one matching student is found.


Indicates multiple students are found.

Found Student with Disclosure Restrictions

Indicates students with disclosure restrictions are found.


Too many student matches are found. User must refine the search criteria to narrow the results.

  • if the results contain students with Disclosure Restrictions or if the results are of Insufficient quality, an alert message is displayed at the top of the page.

Note: If you see a message without any results, refine your search and try again.

  • To view a brief summary of information for a student on the PASI Student Lookup page, click the student's name. The Student Information dialog appears with the student's name, birth date, gender, ASN, Is Deactivated status, and address.
  • To view detailed information for a student from PASI, see "Viewing the PASI Student Profile" below.

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Viewing the PASI Student Profile

PASI Direct Connect provides a view from PowerSchool of all the student data in PASI, through the PASI Student Profile function. The Student Profile displays information from PASI for students who are associated with your organization (see Understanding Associations below).

Note: If the student is not associated with your organization, the "Limited Student Profile" is displayed. The Limited Student Profile is a shortened version of the student profile that contains only the current information of the student and excludes all the historical changes.

To view the PASI student profile:

  1. Follow the steps in the PASI Student Lookup above.
  2. On the Find PASI Student page, click Select next to a student's name.
  3. Click Get Profile. If the student is associated to your organization,  the Student Detailed Profile page appears.
  4. Click Back to return to the Find PASI Student page.

Note: You can also access the student's profile via the PASI Student Profile button on the Alberta Information page (Start Page > Student > State/Province – AB).

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Understanding Associations

Association is the process by which PASI determines if a district/authority or a school in the authority has permission view or to make changes to the student demographic data.

Student Association

A student can have an association to a school if the school created the ASN for the student or if the student is currently enrolled at that school.

Association by Creation

Association by creation is first established based on the organization creating the student. When the Create Student service is submitted by a PASI Client, the organization being represented on the request is associated to the student. For example, if Edmonton Public School Division creates a student and generates a new ASN, then Edmonton Public School Division becomes associated to the student. This association remains in place until the student becomes enrolled at a school.

If an enrolment is not recorded for the student, the association will remain in place for a period of 2 years following the date the student record was created.

Association by Enrolment

When a student is enrolled at a school, a new association is created based on the school contained within the enrolment record.

A student is associated to a school based on enrolments if:

  • The school has an enrolment record that has not yet ended, or
  • The school has an enrolment record that has ended, but that enrolment is the mostly recently ended enrolment record (i.e. the student has not yet been enrolled in another Alberta school).

Note: Enrolments with a Registration Status of "Created In Error" or "Cancelled" are ignored when determining association.

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PASI Student Profile Information

This section describes all the student information currently available in PASI that is displayed in PowerSchool.



Name & Contact – Preferred Name


Indicates if the type of other name is current or previous.

Last Name

Student's last name for this record.

First Name

Student's first name for this record.

Middle Name

Student's middle name for this record.


Student's name suffix for this record.


Student's name is exactly spelled as documented.

Effective Date

Date this name record became effective.


Reference number of the student's record.

Name & Contact – Legal & Identification


Indicates if the student's legal name is preferred (Yes or No).


Indicates if the type of legal name is current or previous.

Last Name

Student's last name for this record.

First Name

Student's first name for this record.

Middle Name

Student's middle name for this record.


Student's name suffix for this record.


Student's name is exactly spelled as documented.


Student's gender (Undefined, Male, or Female).

Date of Birth

Student's date of birth.

Document Type

Type of document used as the source for the student's identification information. Refer to the PASI Code Values document from Alberta Education for a list of valid values.

Document Number

Identification number associated with the document used for the student's identification information.

Issued Date

Date when the identification document was issued.

Effective From

Date from which this record was effective.


Reference number of the student's record.

Name & Contact – Other Names

Last Name

Student's last name for this record.

First Name

Student's first name for this record.

Middle Name

Student's middle name for this record.


Student's name suffix for this record.

Effective Date

Date from which this record was effective.


Reference number of the student's record.

Name & Contact – Addresses


Indicates if the student's address is preferred (Yes or No).


Indicates if the type of address is current mailing or other mailing.


Student's street address.


Student's city.

State Province

Student's state/province.


Student's country.

Postal Code

Student's postal code.

Effective Date

Date from which this record was effective.

Expiry Date

Date when this record expired.


Reference number of the student's record.

Name & Contact – Phone


Indicates if the student's address is preferred (Yes or No).


Indicates if the student's phone number can be made public in the student directory (Yes, No, or Unknown).


Student's phone number.


Student's phone extension, if applicable.


Select the type of phone number, mobile or home, from the pop-up menu.

Effective Date

Date from which this record was effective.

Expiry Date

Date when this record expired.


Reference number of the student's record.

Disclosures & Other - Disclosure Restrictions

Active Status

Indicates if the disclosure restriction is active (Yes or No).

Restriction Type

Indicates the disclosure restriction type for the student.

  • Caution
  • Court Ordered
  • Independent Under 18

Effective Date

Date from which this record was effective.

Expiry Date

Date when this record expired.

Restriction Details

Comments regarding the student's disclosure restriction.


Reference number of the student's record.

Disclosures & Other – Citizenship Status

Citizenship Status

A value indicating the student's citizenship status. Refer to the Appendix for valid values.

Study Permit Expiry Date

If the student has a study permit, the date the permit expires.

Effective Date

Date the status became effective.


Reference number of the student's record.

Secondary ASN


If the student has two ASNs, then this section appears. If you are viewing the record for the primary ASN, then the secondary ASN is displayed. If you are viewing the record for the secondary ASN, then the primary ASN is displayed.
Note: An Update ASN button will display if this is the student's secondary ASN.



The Alberta Student Number of the student profile request.

Section 23 Eligibility

The student's eligibility under section 23 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

  • C – Known
  • B – Ineligible
  • Y – Eligible


Indicates whether the student is deactivated and their ASN cannot be used for any purpose (Yes or No).


Indicates whether the student is deceased (Yes or No).

Date of Death

Date of the student's death, if applicable.

School Enrolments

School Year

School year associated with this enrolment.

School Name (Code)

School code associated with this enrolment.

Grade Level

Student's grade level for this enrolment.


Student's Alberta Student Number.

Start Date

Start date for the school enrollment.

Exit Date

Exit date for the school enrolment.

Registration Status

The registration status for this enrolment. Refer to the Appendix for valid values.

Registration Type

The registration type for this enrollment. Refer to the Appendix for valid values.

Extended Info

Click View to see details on each enrollment, which may include:

  • Registration Entry Status – Indicates the status of the student prior to being enrolled in school. Refer to the Appendix for valid values.
  • French Hours of Instruction – Used to calculate the entitlement to federal government funding for French language programs.
  • Francophone Board – Identifies the appropriate francophone school authority when used with Grants Program code 145.
  • Resident Board – Identifies the appropriate school authority when used with Grants Program Codes 110 and 140.
  • Enrollment Type Codes – Identifies students for funding or data collection purposes. Refer to the Appendix for valid values.
  • Grants Program Codes – Identifies the type of course of study in which the student is enrolled.
  • Exception Codes – Identifies exceptional students; also known as special education codes. Refer to the Appendix for valid values.


Click View to request the audit information for the student's school enrolment.

Student Audit


Date when change was made to the student's demographic information.


Type of change that was made to the student's information (Add, Update, Delete).

Organization Code

School or school authority code. The school code is preceded by the letter "S" and the school authority code is preceded by the letter "A".

User Name

Name of the user who made the change.

Extended Info

Click View to view detailed information about each change.

Course Enrolments


Student's Alberta Student Number.

School Year

School year associated with this course enrolment.

School Name

School name associated with this course enrolment.

Section Term

The term associated with this course enrolment.


The course number associated with this course enrolment.
The course number is an active link. Click the link to open a pop-up window containing Course Details.

Credit Attempted

The amount of credits assigned to the course.

Mark Approved

Indicates whether the mark has been approved or not. If there is no final mark yet, this field displays N/A for Not Applicable.

Mark Value

The final stored grade of the course. If there is no final mark yet, this field displays N/A for Not Applicable.

Mark Date

Date when the final grade was stored. If there is no final mark yet, this field displays N/A for Not Applicable.

Entry Date

Start date for the course enrolment.

Exit Date

Exit date for the course enrolment.


The status of the course enrolment.

School Enrolment

The registration type of the student.
The School Enrolment is an active link. Click the link to open a pop-up window containing School Enrolment Details.

Section Description

The course and section number followed by the course name.

Funding Requested

Indicates Yes or No if the course enrolment has been selected for funding or not.

Dual Enrolment

Indicates Yes or No if the course enrolment is dual enrolment or not.

Last Updated On (Audit)

Last date when a change was made to the student's course enrolment record.
The Audit Date is an active link. Click the link to open a new tab on the browser containing detailed information about each change made to the course enrolment.

Student Course Enrolment Audit Information

Updated On

Date when change was made to the student's course enrolment information.

Updated by

Name of the user who made the change.

Updated by Organization

School or school authority code. The school code is preceded by the letter "S" and the school authority code is preceded by the letter "A".

Mark Approved

Indicates whether the mark has been approved or not. If there is no final mark yet, this field is blank.


Student's Alberta Student Number.

School Enrolment

The registration type of the student.


The course number associated with this course enrolment.
The course number is an active link. Click the link to open a pop-up window containing Course Details.

Course Enrolment Status

The status of the course enrolment.

Mark Assignment Date

Date when the final grade was stored. If there is no final mark yet, this field is blank.

Mark Value

The final stored grade of the course. If there is no final mark yet, this field is blank.

Mark Format

The format of the final grade (Percent, Numerical).

Credits Attempted

The amount of credits assigned to the course.

Funding Requested

Indicates Yes or No if the course enrolment has been selected for funding or not.

Dual Enrolment

Indicates Yes or No if the course enrolment is dual enrolment or not.

Instructional Minutes

The amount of instructional minutes assigned to the section.

Entry Date

Start date for the course enrolment.

Exit Date

Exit date for the course enrolment.

Is Deleted

Indicates if the course enrolment was deleted.


School or school authority code. The school code is preceded by the letter "S" and the school authority code is preceded by the letter "A".

Section Description

The course and section number followed by the course name.

Section Term

The term associated with this course enrolment.

School Year

The school year associated with this course enrolment.

Evaluated Marks


Student's Alberta Student Number.

School Year

The school year associated with this mark.


School or school authority code. The school code is preceded by the letter "S" and the school authority code is preceded by the letter "A".


The course number associated with this mark.
The course number is an active link. Click the link to open a pop-up window containing Course Details.

Credits Attempted

The amount of credits assigned to the course.

Mark Approved

Indicates whether the mark has been approved or not.

Mark Value

The final stored grade of the mark.

Evaluation Method

Indicates how the mark was scored.

Evaluation Date

The exact date the mark was awarded. MM, DD, YYYY.

Last Updated On (Audit)

Last date when a change was made to the student's mark.
The Audit Date is an active link. Click the link to open a new tab on the browser containing detailed information about each change made to the evaluated mark.

Student Evaluated Mark Audit Information

Updated On

Date when change was made to the student's course enrolment information.

Updated by

Name of the user who made the change.

Updated by Organization

School or school authority code. The school code is preceded by the letter "S" and the school authority code is preceded by the letter "A".

Mark Approved

Indicates whether the mark has been approved or not. If there is no final mark yet, this field is blank.


Student's Alberta Student Number.


The course number associated with this course enrolment.
The course number is an active link. Click the link to open a pop-up window containing Course Details.

Evaluation Method

Indicates how the mark was scored.

Mark Value

The final stored grade of the mark.

Credits Attempted

The amount of credits assigned to the course.

Funding Requested

Indicates Yes or No if the mark has been selected for funding or not.

Is Deleted

Indicates whether or not the record was deleted.


School or school authority code. The school code is preceded by the letter "S" and the school authority code is preceded by the letter "A".

School Year

The school year associated with this mark.

Exam Marks


Student's Alberta Student Number.

School Year

The school year associated with this exam mark.

Exam Period

Month the exam was written.

Exam Type

Diploma or Non-Diploma exam.

Exam Language

The written language of the exam.

Exam Written On Date

The exact date the exam was written. MM, DD, YYYY.


The course number.

Mark Value

The percentage the exam is worth to the overall course. This field displays as N/A for Not Applicable if the exam has not been written.

Exam Mark Status

The status of the exam including whether the exam has been written, or not, as well as what type of exam.

Writing Centre

School or school authority code. The school code is preceded by the letter "S" and the school authority code is preceded by the letter "A".

Exam Series

Indicates whether or not the exam is part of a series.


Indicates whether or not the exam has been rescored.

Last Updated On

Last date when a change was made to the student's exam mark.

View Details

Click View to open a pop-up window containing Exam Components information.

Exam Components

Component Name

The type of component. Example: Written Response.


Indicates how much each component is worth.

Maximum Mark

The highest mark achievable.

Mark Value

The final stored grade of the exam. If there is no final mark yet, this field is blank.

Exam Form

The exam form code.

Component Mark Status

The status of the exam including whether the exam has been written, or not, as well as what type of exam.

Writing Centre

School or school authority code. The school code is preceded by the letter "S" and the school authority code is preceded by the letter "A".

Diploma Exam Mark Audit Information
Updated OnDate when change was made to the student's course enrolment information.
Updated ByName of the user who made the change.
Updated OrganizationSchool or school authority code. The school code is preceded by the letter "S" and the school authority code is preceded by the letter "A".
ASNStudent's Alberta Student Number.
Exam Mark StatusThe status of the exam including whether the exam has been written, or not, as well as what type of exam.
Is DeletedIndicates if the exam mark was deleted.
Is RescoredIndicates if the exam mark was rescored.
Mark ValueThe awarded mark.
View DetailsClick View to open a pop-up window containing Exam Components information.

Official Marks


Student's Alberta Student Number.

Course Code

The course number.

Is Diploma

Yes or No value.

Official Mark

The Official Blended Mark awarded.

Credits Awarded

The amount of credits assigned to the course.

Official Mark Status

Indicates whether the mark is Available or Unavailable.

Calculation Method

Indicates how the mark was scored.

School Year

The school year associated with this mark.

Last Updated On

Last date when a change was made to the student's mark.

View Details

Click View to open a pop-up window containing Official Mark Details information.

Official Mark Details

Course Code

The course number.

Mark Type

Evaluated, Course or Exam.

Mark Value

The final stored grade of the mark. If there is no final mark, this field displays N/A for Not Applicable.

Assignment Date

The exact date the mark was awarded. MM, DD, YYYY.


School or school authority code. The school code is preceded by the letter "S" and the school authority code is preceded by the letter "A".

School Year

The school year associated with this mark.

Selection Reason

Reason for the mark.

Last Updated On

Last date when a change was made to the student's mark.

Official Mark Audit Information
Updated OnDate when change was made to the student's course enrolment information.
ASNStudent's Alberta Student Number.
Course CodeThe course number.
Credits AwardedThe amount of credits assigned to the course.
Mark CalculationIndicates how the mark was scored.
Mark FormatIndicates how the mark was scored.
Mark StatusIndicates whether the mark is Available or Unavailable.
Mark ValueThe Official Blended Mark awarded.
School YearThe school year associated with this mark.
View DetailsClick View to open a pop-up window containing Official Mark Details information.

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ASN Lookup

Use this process to locate the Alberta Student Number (ASN) for a student who exists in both PowerSchool and PASI. After enrolling a student in PowerSchool, part of the student setup process is to enter the student's ASN. PowerSchool provides the ability to search for a student's ASN from PASI.

Note: You can also access the student's profile via the PASI Student Profile link on the Alberta Student Information page (Start Page > Student > State/Province – AB).

To find a student ASN:

  1. On the PowerSchool Start Page, search for and open a student record.
  2. Click State/Province – AB. The Alberta Student Information page appears.
  3. On the Compliance Demographics tab, under the Alberta Student Numbersection, click ASN Lookup. PowerSchool sends the student's identification (legal last name, legal first name, and date of birth) with a request to PASI. PASI sends back a list of students who match the criteria. The PASI Student Lookup page appears with the list of matching students. For more details, refer to the PASI Student Lookup.
  4. To confirm which student is the correct match, do one of the following:
    • To view a summary of the student's demographic and enrolment, click the student name. A dialog appears with the summary information.
    • To view a detailed list of demographic and enrolment information, click Select next to the student's name. Click Get Profile. The PASI Student Profile page appears, depending on whether the student is associated with your organization (school authority).

5. Click Update ASN. The Importing ASN page appears momentarily while the Alberta Student Number is being imported into the State Student Number in PowerSchool. The Alberta Student Information page appears with the ASN populated in the Alberta Student Number field.

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Importing ASN and Student Demographics from PASI (Alternate)

Note: This import functionality is designed for special use only. Users must have the Import permission for the PASI Direct Connect enabled. For details, refer to Security Setup under Setting up Data and Security.

Use this process to import an ASN and student demographic data from PASI into PowerSchool. This process is recommended when a student is enrolling in your school  for summer school or for only one class.

Important: This process overwrites any existing demographic data in PowerSchool from PASI.

To import ASN and student demographics:

  1. On the PowerSchool Start Page, search for and open a student record.
  2. Click State/Province – AB. The Alberta Student Information page appears.
  3. On the Compliance Demographics tab, under the Alberta Student Number section, click ASN Lookup. PowerSchool sends the student's identification (last name, first name, date of birth) with a request to PASI. PASI sends back a list of students who match the criteria.
  4. Select the student record to import and click Update/Import. The Import Student Demographics from PASI page appears with the following demographic information that can be selected for import. For an explanation of the fields, see the Student Profile Information table
    1. Alberta Student Number - updates by default.
    2. Legal Name & Identification - provided for reference only.
    3. Other Name – known other name if it exists.
    4. Mailing Address – this is the preferred mailing address.
    5. Phone Number – this is the preferred phone number.
    6. Citizenship Status
    7. Section 23 Eligibility
    8. Disclosure Restriction – if any restrictions exist.
  5. Select "I acknowledge that this process updates the selected student demographic information from PASI into PowerSchool."
  6. Click Update. The Importing student profile dialog box appears momentarily while the ASN and demographic information is being imported into PowerSchool. The Alberta Student Information page appears with the ASN and demographic information populated.

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