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Managing Diploma Exam Sittings and Registrations


PASI Diploma Exam data is retrieved from PASI and displayed in PowerSchool. Diploma exams cannot be modified in PowerSchool; however, you can create exam sittings for the diploma exam and then register students for the exam by adding them to the exam sitting.

Synchronization is accomplished using the IsDataAvailable service, which provides real-time data download. PASI supports full school year synchronization of Diploma Exam, Diploma Exam Sitting, and Diploma Exam Marks data for up to four school years.

Required Setup for Diploma Exam Sittings and Registrations

To be able to create exam sittings and register students for a diploma exam, the following information must be set up in PowerSchool:

  • Under System > System Settings > Plugin Management Configuration PASI Direct Connect > Function > Additional PASI Settings > Synchronization Settings, ensure all settings for Diploma Exam Items are enabled and DER Initial Download has been run. For details, see Set Up Data Synchronization.

  • For each diploma exam course, ensure that the Diploma Course field on the course page is set to Yes.

  • For each section of a diploma exam course, ensure that

    • the date in the Exam Registration Date field matches the date of the exam

    • the number of the school where students will sit the exam is entered in the Exam Writing Center field

  • If a student will take the diploma exam at a school other than the school listed for the section, ensure that the school number is entered in the Exam Writing Center (Override) field on the students Enrollment Record.

Viewing Available Diploma Exams

Diploma Exam information comes directly from PASI. This information is view-only and cannot be edited in PowerSchool.

  1. On the Start Page, click Special Functions. The Special Functions page appears.

  2. Under Alberta PASI DER Functions, click View Available Diploma Exams. The View Diploma Exam page appears.

    • To filter on a column, click the filter icon beside the column name, choose a filter option from the pop-up menu, and click Add. The filter icon turns green.

    • To remove a filter, click the filter icon and click Remove.



Course Code

The Alberta course code for the course associated with the exam.

Course Description

The name of the course associated with the exam.


The month the exam is written.


The language in which the exam is written.

Registration Deadline

The date by which the student must be registered to sit the exam.

Component Code (Machine Scored)

Indicates whether this is the machine scored or written component of the exam and displays the date the exam was machine scored.

Component Code (Written Response)

Indicates whether this is the machine scored or written component of the exam and displays the date of the written response.

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Working with Diploma Exam Sittings

A Diploma Exam Sitting is a session, often hosted by a school, where students write diploma exams. An exam sitting must exist in PowerSchool before you can register students for the diploma exam. Special exam sittings can only be created in PASI.

PowerSchool returns notifications for every Diploma Exam Sitting created by any school and school authority; however, Diploma Exam Sitting records can only be updated by the school or school authority that created the exam sitting.

Viewing Existing Diploma Exam Sittings

View the existing exam sittings to see the details of the sittings, and to ensure you do not create duplicate sittings.

  1. Under Special Functions > Alberta PASI DER Functions, click Manage Diploma Exam Sittings. The Manage Diploma Exam Sittings page appears.

  2. If you are signed into District Office, choose a school from the School pop-up menu. If you are signed into a school, the School field is populated with the current school.

  3. In the Type field ([AB_Diploma_Exam]Exam_Type) choose In PASI to view exam sittings synchronized with PASI or, to view exam sittings not yet synchronized with PASI, choose Not in PASI.

    • To view both active and deleted exam sittings, click Include Deleted Items.

  4. Click Get Results. A list of exam sittings is displayed.

    • To export an exam sitting to a text editor or an Excel spreadsheet, click Export.

    • To delete an exam sitting, select the sitting and click Delete. Sittings with students registered cannot be deleted.



Local ID

Click this link to open and edit the diploma exam sitting.

Course Code

The Alberta course code for the course associated with the exam.

Course Description

The name of the course associated with the exam.

Number of students registered

The number of students registered for the exam sitting.

Component Code

Indicates whether this is the machine scored or written component of the exam.


The month in which the exam sitting occurs.


The language in which the exam is given.

Writing Center

The number of the school where the students sit the exam.

Location Name

The name of the location in the school where the students sit the exam.

Student Capacity

The maximum number of students who can take the exam at one time.

Scheduled Date/Time

The date and time of the exam sitting.


Indicates whether this is a special exam sitting.

Last Updated

The last time the exam sitting was updated.

Creating an Exam Sitting

If you are unable to find an exam sitting in which you want to register students, you can create one. If the related diploma exam can be taken in multiple languages or in multiple months, or if the exam's component can be either machine scored or written response, create a separate exam sitting for each language and/or month and/or component.

The values on the New Diploma Exam Sittings page are pulled from local copy.

To create an exam sitting:

  1. On the Manage Diploma Exam Sittings page, click Add Exam Sitting. The New Diploma Exam Sittings page appears.

  2. Complete the fields (described below) and click Submit. The exam sitting is sent to PASI.



Writing Centre

The school where the students will write the exam. If you are signed into District Office, choose a school from the pop-up menu. If you are signed into a school, the Writing Centre field is populated with the current school.

School Year

This is the year in which the exam sitting will take place and is determined by the Term selected at the top of the PowerSchool page.

Exam Language

Choose the language in which the exam will be written.

If the exam can be taken in multiple languages, create a separate exam sitting for each language.

Exam Period

Choose the month in which the exam will be written.

If the exam can be taken in multiple months, create a separate exam sitting for each month.

Exam Course

Choose the course associated with the exam.


Choose whether the exam is machine scored or is written response.

Component Scheduled Date and Time

Populated based on the scheduled date and time of the Component.


Enter the name of the location within the writing centre where the exam will be written.

Student Capacity

Enter the maximum number of students who can take the exam at one time at the writing centre location.

Editing an Exam Sitting

Exam sittings can be edited on the Edit Diploma Exam Sittings page, where you can also view the data that is in the PASI database, as well as review core alerts and synchronize your changes.

To edit an exam sitting:

  1. On the Manage Diploma Exam Sittings page, click the Local ID link for the exam sitting. The Edit Diploma Exam Sittings page appears.

  2. Make the edits to the applicable fields.

    • To view the data in the local copy, click PASI Sitting.

    • To see any alerts related to the sitting, click Core Alerts.

    • If the data is correct in PowerSchool but incorrect in PASI, click Forc Sync.

  3. Click Submit. Changes made are sychronized with PASI.

Managing Diploma Exam Sitting Registrations

Register multiple students for a diploma exam sitting using the mass registration feature, or register a single student.

Registering Multiple Students for an Exam Sitting

You can mass register students - from a single school - for an exam sitting. School authority users choose the school that contains the students they want to register, while school users can only register students from their own school.

To register multiple students for an exam sitting:

  1. Under Special Functions > Alberta PASI DER Functions, click Mass Diploma Exam Registration. The Mass Diploma Exam Registration page appears.

  2. Complete the following fields:

    Students to include

    Options are:

    • The selected [number] students only: Select this option to register selected students for the exam sitting. Select students on the Start Page before choose this option.
    • All students: Select this option to register all students in the school for the exam sitting.


    This field only appears for school authority users.

    This field only appears if you are working at the school authority level. If you are working at the school level, you are only able to select students at your own school.

    Choose the school that contains the students to be registered for the diploma exam sitting.


    Choose the diploma exam course's term. To choose multiple terms, use Ctrl+click (for MacIntosh, use Command+click) and choose the terms.

    Diploma Exam Course
    This field appears when you choose a term that contains a diploma exam course.

    Defaults to All. When this default is selected, all students are registered for all sections of all diploma exam courses for the selected term.

    To register multiple - but not all - students, use Ctrl +Click to choose the Diploma Exam courses.


    When you choose a diploma exam course, the sections for the course appear here. Choose a section or use Ctrl/Command+click and choose the desired sections.

    To run for all courses and sections, leave this field blank.

  3. Click Submit. The Mass Diploma Exam Registration Results page appears and, for each student, displays the ASN, student name, course code, component code and the status of student's registration record.

    • To sort the results by a particular column heading, click the heading.

    • To export the results to a .csv file, click Export.

  4. Review the results and make the necessary changes, if any.

    • "Not Processed" messages are generated by PowerSchool and mean that there was no attempt to send to PASI.

    • "Rejected" messages are generated by PASI and mean the registration was sent to PASI, but was rejected.

Registering a Single Student for an Exam Sitting

For those instances when only one student needs to be registered for an exam sitting, you can add a single registration to the sitting. In addition, if a student is unable to sit an exam in her/his school authority, such as if the student is out of his/her school authority area when the exam is scheduled, there is the ability to register the student to sit the exam in a different school authority.

To register a single student for an exam sitting:

  1. Under Special Functions > Alberta PASI DER Functions, click Manage Diploma Exam Registration. The Manage Diploma Exam Registration page appears.

  2. Click Add Exam Registration. The New Diploma Exam Registration page appears.

  3. Complete the fields (described below) and click Submit.



Register in another authority (optional)

Click this option to register the student in an exam sitting in a school authority that is not his/her own.

Writing Centre

Choose the name of the school where the exam will be written.

School Year

The school year in which the exam sitting will take place; determined by the Term selected at the top of the PowerSchool page.

Exam Language

Choose the language in which the exam will be written.

Exam Period

Choose the month in which the exam will be written.

Exam Course

Choose the course for which the exam will be written.

Authority (Written Response)

This field only appears when "Register in another authority" is selected.

If you selected "Register in another authority", choose the school authority in which you want to register the student for the exam.

Sitting Information (Written Response)

If the exam is written response, and

  • you did not select "Register in another authority", enter the name of the location (e.g., gym) in which the exam will be written at the selected school, or

  • you selected "Register in another authority", choose the school sitting where the exam will be written. Additional information, such as student capacity and date scheduled, is displayed under the school name

Authority (Machine Scored)

This field only appears when "Register in another authority" is selected.

If you selected "Register in another authority", choose the school authority in which you want to register the student.

Sitting Information (Machine Scored)

If the exam is machine scored, and

  • you did not select "Register in another authority", enter the name of the location (e.g., gym) in which the exam will be written at the selected school, or

  • you selected "Register in another authority", choose the school sitting where the exam will be written. Additional information, such as student capacity and date scheduled, is displayed under the school name.

Student Name

Enter the first few letters of the last name of the student you are registering, and then choose the student.

Viewing Exam Sitting Registrations

View all registrations for all exams or view registrations for a specific exam sitting.

To view all registrations for all exams:

  1. Under Special Functions > Alberta PASI DER Functions, click Manage Diploma Exam Registration. The Manage Diploma Exam Registration page appears.

  2. If you are signed into District Office, choose a school from the School pop-up menu. If you are signed into a school, the School field is populated with the current school.

  3. In the Type field ([AB_Diploma_Exam]Exam_Type) choose In PASI to view exam registrations synchronized with PASI or, to view exam sittings not yet synchronized with PASI, select Not in PASI.

    • To view both active and deleted exam sittings, click Include Deleted Items.

  4. Click Get Results.

    • To export exam registrations to a text editor or an Excel spreadsheet, click Export.

    • To delete an exam registration, select it and click Delete.

    • To delete an exam registration from a student record, open the exam registration under the Diploma Exam Registrations tab and click Delete.



Local ID

Click this link to open and edit the diploma exam sitting. From this page, you can also see the information PASI currently has, as well as view audit information.


The Alberta student number.

Student Name

The name of the student registered in the exam sitting.

Course Code

The code for the course associated with the exam sitting.

Course Description

The name of the course associated with the exam sitting.

School Year

The school year associated with the exam sitting.

Exam Period

The month in which the exam sitting occurs.

Exam Language

The language in which the exam is given.

Registration Status

The student's exam registration status

Component Mark Status

Component Mark Value

The student's machine scored or written response mark

Overall Mark Value

The student's overall mark.

Component Code

WR = Written Response

MS = Machine Scored

Writing Center/Location Name

The name of the school where the students sit the exam.

Enrolled in this school

Indicates whether the student is enrolled in the school where the exam is taken

Approval Contact Name

Scheduled Date/Time

The date and time of the exam sitting.

To view registrations for a specific exam sitting:

  1. Under Special Functions > Alberta PASI DER Functions, click Diploma Exam Registration Status. The Diploma Exam Registration Status page appears.

  2. If you are signed into District Office, choose a school from the School pop-up menu. If you are signed into a school, the School field is populated with the current school.

  3. In the Diploma Exam Course field, choose the desired exam sitting.

    • You can also leave the Diploma Exam Course field blank, and then filter by a particular student (click the Student Name column heading) to see all the Diploma Exam Courses in which the student is enrolled.

  4. Click Get Results. A list of students enrolled in the Diploma Exam Course appears and displays the ASN, student name, course code, section, and the status of students' registration in the exam sitting.

Viewing Diploma Exam Sittings/Marks Core Alerts

Use this functionality to search for Core Alerts received from PASI that are specific to Diploma Exam Sittings and/or Diploma Exam Marks.

  1. Under Special Functions > Alberta PASI DER Functions, click Diploma Exam Marks/Sittings Core Alerts. The PASI Core Alerts page appears.

  2. Complete the following fields.




    Choose the category from the pop-up menu:

    • Diploma Exam Mark
    • Diploma Exam Sitting
    • Blank (when blank is selected, both exam mark and exam sitting core alerts are included)


    Choose the alert type from the pop-up menu:

    • Advice
    • Warning
    • Rejection
    • Conflict
    • Failure
    • Blank (when blank is selected, all alert types are included)

    Alert Code

    Enter the Alert Code if you want to further narrow the search to one core alert.


    Choose the registration type that corresponds to the enrollment status of the student:

    • Pre-Registered
    • Active
    • Inactive
    • Transferred Out
    • Graduated
    • Blank (when blank is selected, all registrations are included)


    Choose the acknowledgement status from the pop-up menu:

    • Unacknowledged = data is not updated to match PASI.
    • In Progress = research is in progress to determine the accuracy of the data; no action taken yet.
    • Acknowledged = data is updated to match PASI.
    • Blank (when blank is selected, all statuses are included)


    If you are using this functionality at a school, the school name is populated for you; otherwise, choose a school from the pop-up menu.

  3. Click Get Core Alerts. A list of core alerts for Diploma Exam Marks and/or Sittings is displayed.

  • To view the associated exam sitting or exam mark, click the link in the ID column.

  • To export the sittings and/or marks to a text editor or Excel spreadsheet, click Export all [#] records.

    DateThe date of the Diploma Exam sitting.
    Student (ASN)The student's name and Alberta student number.
    CategoryIndicates whether the alert is for a Diploma Exam Sitting or a Diploma Exam Mark
    IDsClick the link in this column to open the associated sitting or mark and view the exam sitting or mark record.
    School (Year)The school name and school year in which the issue occurred.
    AlertThe type of alert and the alert number.
    DescriptionA description of the issue that caused the alert.
    StatusIndicates whether or not the data is updated to match PASI, or is in progress.

    Note: If the user clicks Make Current Student Selection, the Current Student Selection on the Start page will be updated with the students that have the alert type as conflict from the displayed records.

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