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Concurrent Enrollments with PASI Direct Connect


PASI Direct Connect works with the currently supported concurrent enrolment in PowerSchool. For details on how to set up a concurrent enrolment in PowerSchool, refer to Provincial Reporting Setup.

This section lists the different modifications made to PowerSchool to provide concurrent enrollment integration with PASI.

School Setup Considerations

Consider the following items when you create a concurrent enrollment record for a student.


The school setup must be identical to the regular school. Core Alerts will be generated for stored grades that do not have matching Term ID's.

Challenge Courses (CHA)

For Challenge Courses that are taken at a school other than a student's home school, there needs to be courses, sections, course enrollments, and marks in the school the course is taken.

Closing Concurrent Enrollments with PASI Direct Connect

There is a special background process added to the regular End-of-Year process for PASI integration to close out any active concurrent enrolments for students. All these enrolments have the exit code set to 10000 by default. This default is set by the system when running the End-of-Year process; however, users can update the Exit Code after the End-of-Year process is completed.

Effective January 31, 2019, PowerSchool does not send Exit Codes to PASI.

Transferring Out Students Who Are Continuing Enrolment at the Concurrent School

The following is the workflow used for transferring a student out of a school when the student will be continuing enrolment at their concurrent school. All of these steps are performed within PowerSchool.

Effective January 31, 2019 PowerSchool sends Exit Dates to PASI immediately.
  1. Open the student's record and, under Enrollment, click Functions.
  2. Click Transfer Out of School and enter the student's information, including the date of the transfer out.
  3. Click Submit.
    • All of the student's course enrollments will end as of the date entered for the transfer out.
  4. Navigate to State/Province – AB and click the Concurrent Enrollments tab.
  5. Enter the same Exit Date that was used for the student's primary school enrollment.
  6. Click Functions, and then click Transfer To Another School and select the school from the pop-up menu.
  7. Click Submit.
  8. Switch to the school to which the student was transferred and open the student's record.
  9. Click Functions, and then click Re-Enroll In School and enter the student information.
  10. Click Submit.

If the student is not automatically re-enrolled in the course enrollments that were in the concurrent school, proceed with re-enrolling the student in the courses as of the transfer date.

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