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Provincial Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 Provincial Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-315346Alberta PASI Direct Connect Plugin Version

The PASI Direct Connect plugin is updated to version 5.0.8

PSSR-311267Demographic and Enrolment (DEM/ENR) Integration

The nightly PASI maintenance job will now remove duplicate addresses if applicable.

PSSR-313257Digital Student Documents Integration

The school year field can be edited now when adding multiple documents to a student.

PSSR-314689Northwest Territories PASI Direct Connect Functionality

Northwest Territories districts will no longer get an HTTP Status 500 – Internal Server Error when getting results on the Set Students PASI Synchronization page.

PSSR-229595PASI Direct Connect General Functionality

Events in the event queue can now be discarded from the user interface.

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