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Provincial Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 Provincial Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-235541Alberta PASI Direct Connect Plugin Version

The PASI Direct Connect Plugin is updated to Version 4.2.0

PSSR-236744Demographic and Enrolment (DEM/ENR) Integration

When processing a school enrollment record, the code will no longer reference the SCM Integration School Type flag to check if the school is active.

PSSR-230604Demographic and Enrolment (DEM/ENR) Integration

The Force Sync on a concurrent enrolment no longer goes blank and will now complete successfully.

PSSR-135918Demographic and Enrolment (DEM/ENR) Integration

The End-of-Year process will now update a student's registration type on their next year's school enrollment from S - Summer to D - Regular Day if they were directly enrolled in summer school.

PSSR-228219PASI Direct Connect General Functionality

The course enrollment will now try to match to any matching record in the PASIprep.

PSSR-140563PASI Direct Connect General Functionality

When the hash ends in Resync Required or Resync Matched status, the status will now be a link that displays which entities required a resync.

PSSR-236184School Course Marks (SCM) Integration

The Initial Upload page will no longer show an error message when you try to access the page.

PSSR-229454School Course Marks (SCM) Integration

Special characters are now removed from the course name before submitting a section description to PASI.

PSSR-199887School Course Marks (SCM) Integration

Section delete events will now retry to check if there are course enrollments associated with the section, up to the "Maximum Attempts" configured on the PASI Synchronization Settings page.

PSSR-238485PASI Direct Connect General Functionality: Duplicate records in PASI

When you make changes to high school course enrollments, it creates duplicate records in PASI. The Hash sync process has been updated to avoid generating null pointer errors when processing a large number of records.

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