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Managing Student Email Addresses

In addition to the email address provided by the school, students can create other email addresses which they can use to create a MyPAS account. It is not recommended to create a My PAS account by using the school email address as the school email address is deactivated once the student leaves school.

A new table called S_STU_EMAILADDRESS_C is created to store the newly created email addresses. This table stores email address that will be synchronized with PASI. The school email address of students is not synchronized with PASI.

The UI is changed to have a separate section for Email Addresses.

From the Start Page, select a student and open the Compliance Demographics tab.

Adding an Email Address

  1. Click the + icon on the top right of the Email Addresses section.

  2. Enter the email address. By default, the Active checkbox is selected.

  3. 'Click Submit.

Users can add multiple email addresses but must mark one of them as the primary email address. Only the primary email address is visible under the Email Addresses section. The other email addresses are displayed once the section is expanded.

When a user clicks the PASI Student Profile, the newly created email addresses are available in PASI. The student can then create the MyPAS account by using the email addresses in PASI.

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