Alerts, Enrolments, Marks, and Other Special Functions
Due to direct connectivity, a great deal of communication passes back and forth between PowerSchool and PASI, including school enrolments, diploma exam registrations and sittings, and school course marks. In PowerSchool, Alberta Special Functions enable you to manage this data, receive alerts from PASI, find missing information, and perform remote summer school closeouts.
Viewing Core Alerts
Use this option to search for Core Alerts received from PASI.
Conflicts, Rejections, and Failures can be deleted by searching for the alert type and code.
On the Start Page, click Special Functions. The Special Functions page appears.
For student demographics and school enrolment alerts, under Alberta PASI DEM/ENR Functions, click Demographic/Enrolment Core Alerts
For core alerts concerning sections, course marks and evaluated marks, under Alberta PASI SCM Functions, click Course/Evaluated Marks Core Alerts.
On the PASI Core Alerts page, enter search parameters using one or more of the search options.
Choose the category on which to search.
Available categories for Demographic/Enrolment Core Alerts:
Available categories for Course/Evaluated Marks Core Alerts:
External Credential
Course Enrolment
Evaluated Mark
If blank, all Status Types are included.
Choose the alert type:
If blank, all alert types are included
Conflict Type
Navigation: Start Page > Student Selection > Alberta Information > PASI Core Alerts
Note: This search option is available only for Demographic/Enrolment Core Alerts, and only when "Conflict" is chosen in the Alert search field.
Choose the conflict type.
Available Conflict Types for Demographic/Enrolment Core Alerts:
Category = Enrolment:
School Enrolment
Summer School Enrolment
Category = Student:
Unmatched ASN
Legal Name & Identification
Primary ASN
Preferred Name
Other Name
Mailing Address
Permanent Address
Preferred Address
Phone Number
Preferred Phone Number
Citizenship Status
Section 23
Disclosure Restriction
Deceased Status
Alert Code
Enter the Alert Code from the Alert column to further narrow down the search to one core alert.
Choose the registration type that corresponds to the Enrollment Status of the student:
Transferred Out
Choose the acknowledgement status:
Unacknowledged (default)
In Progress
If blank, all types are included.
Choose the school.
Click Get Core Alerts.
The results contain the list of Core Alerts that match the following criteria.
The serial number of the core alert.
The date and time the alert was generated.
Student (ASN)
Contains the student’s name (Last, First) and Alberta Student Number.
Note: You can click the student name link to open the student’s State/Province – AB page in a new tab.
The Core Alert category.
For Student Category alerts, displays the student number. For Enrolment Category alerts, displays the Enrollment ID.
School Code (Year)
The school code associated with this enrolment.
The type of PASI Core Alert with the validation rule number. The core alerts are:
Advice – Indicates a potential issue with the data. This type of alert can be resolved by determining if the data requires updating or by acknowledging to PASI the data is accurate and does not need to be updated.
Warning – Indicates an issue with the data. The data was successfully processed, but is not correct and needs to be fixed.
Conflict - Indicates a conflict between PowerSchool and PASI records.
Rejection – Indicates the data is rejected by PASI.
Failure - Indicates that data did not synchronize.
For a description of validation rules, refer to the PASI Validation Rules Knowledge Base article, available from the Alberta PASI website.
The PASI message for this record. The message summarizes the validation rule and provides specific details for the record.
Choose the acknowledgement status to indicate how the record is resolved in PowerSchool:
Acknowledged – The data is updated to match PASI.
Unacknowledged – The data is not updated to match PASI.
In Progress – Research is in progress to determine the accuracy of the data; no action taken yet.
During the next synchronization process, PASI receives these acknowledgements, which indicate how the data was resolved in PowerSchool.
To sort the results, click the column heading
To browse results, click the pagination controls, located at the end of the results. By default, 50 items are listed per page.
To export the the results and view them in .csv format, click Export all records (located at the top right-hand corner of the results)
Conflicts, Rejections, and Failures can be deleted by searching for the alert type and code
Note: If the user clicks Make Current Student Selection, the Current Student Selection on the Start page will be updated with the students that have the alert type as conflict from the displayed records.
Removing Out-Of-Date Core Alerts
Sometimes there are out-of-date Core Alerts that remain until a change is made to a student record. For those instances when a student record cannot be changed, these old Core Alerts can be removed from a single student record or from multiple student records at once.
To remove out-of-date Core Alerts for a single student:
Navigate to the student's record and click the Reconcile button. The conflicts, failures and rejections are recalculated against the local copy, and only valid alerts remain (the rejections and failures are converted to conflicts where applicable).
PASI Direct Connect provides the ability to notify users when a student has a disclosure restriction or independent under 18, a secondary ASN or if the student is deceased. An alert displays against the name of the student on all the pages in the student context.
Alert Type
Indicates that the student has one of the following:
Disclosure restriction
Independent Under 18.
When you click on the alert, it displays the details of the disclosure restriction information.
Secondary ASN
Indicates that the ASN that is currently assigned to the student is secondary. When you click on the alert, it displays the primary ASN.
Important: There is an Update ASN button in this Alert to update the ASN of the student to their Primary ASN.
Indicates that the student is deceased. When you click on the alert, it displays the date of death, if available.
Managing School Enrolments
Use this functionality to view what is and is not in PASI so that you can troubleshoot data discrepancies more easily. This Special Function applies only to student demographics information.
On the Start Page, click Special Functions. The Special Functions page appears
Under Alberta PASI DEM/ENR Functions, click Manage School Enrollments. The Manage School Enrollments page appears.
Enter information using the search options:
Choose the school.
Choose the item type:
School Enrollment
Choose the type:
Note: No Show school enrolments are considered Created in Error and are not displayed.
Click Get Results. The results contain the list of school enrolments that match the criteria, as per the following table.
Enrolment Id
The enrolment record associated with this ID.
The Enrolment Id is an active link. Click the link to open the student’s Edit Enrolment page in a new tab on the browser.
The warning code associated with this enrolment record.
School Code
The school code associated with this enrolment record.
Student Name
This contains the student’s name (Last, First).
The student’s gender.
Birth Date
The student’s date of birth.
This contains the student’s Alberta Student Number.
Local Student Id
This contains the student’s locally assigned student number.
The grade level of the student.
The registration type of the student.
The status of the enrolment record (Active, Cancelled, Withdrawn).
Start Date
The first day of the enrolment record.
Exit Date
The last day of the enrolment record.
Exit Desc
This contains the Exit Code associated to the enrolment record.
Entry Status
This contains the Entry Code associated to the enrolment record.
Grant Code
This contains any grants program codes associated to the enrolment record. Multiple codes are separated by commas.
Exception Code
This contains any special education codes associated to the enrolment record. Multiple codes are separated by commas.
Enrol Type
This contains any enrolment type codes associated to the enrolment record. Multiple codes are separated by commas.
This contains the First Nation/Metis Inuit status if applicable.
French Hours
The total of the student’s French instruction hours if applicable.
Residence Board
The code of the student’s residence board if applicable.
The last date the enrolment record was updated.
By default, 50 items are listed per page.
To sort the results, click the column heading.
To browse the results, click the pagination controls at the end of the results.
To export the results in CSV format, click Export all records in the top right hand corner of the results.
To clear the results and/or create a new search, click Clear Filters at the top right hand corner of the results.
Diploma Exam Sittings and Registrations
In order to integrate Diploma Exam, Diploma Exam Sitting, and Diploma Exam Marks with PASI, PowerSchool data is synchronized with PASI Diploma Exam, Diploma Exam Sitting, and Diploma Exam Marks data. Synchronization is accomplished using the IsDataAvailable service.
Use this functionality to view what is and is not in PASI so that you can troubleshoot data discrepancies more easily. This Special Function applies only to SCM data functionality.
On the Start Page, click Special Functions. The Special Functions page appears.
Under Alberta PASI SCM Functions, click Manage School Course Marks. The Manage School Course Marks page appears.
Enter information using the search options:
Choose the school or the district.
Choose the item type:
Course Enrolments
Diploma Exam
Evaluated Marks
Official Marks
Choose the type:
Term/Credential Type
When the Item selected is Sections or Course Enrolments, select a term.
When the item selected is Credentials, select a credential type. Note: The results for the selected Credentials Type are the credentials the student has already achieved, not the credentials in progress.
Include Deleted Items
Choose whether to include deleted items in your search results.
Click Get Results.
By default, 50 items are listed per page.
To sort the results, click the column heading.
To browse the results, click the pagination controls at the end of the results.
To export the results in CSV format, click Export all records in the top right hand corner of the results.
To clear the results and/or create a new search, click Clear Filters at the top right hand corner of the results.
When Sections and are chosen, the results contain the list of sections for the selected term that match the following criteria:
Section Id
The section record associated with this ID.
The section Id is an active link. Click the link to open the student’s Edit Section page in a new tab on the browser.
The warning codes associated with this section’s record.
The course number and section number in PowerSchool followed by the course name.
The alternate course number.
Credits Offered
The number of credits offered for the course.
The term associated to the section (Year Long, Semester, Quarter).
School Year
The year associated to the section record.
Start Date
The first day of the section.
End Date
The last day of the section.
The school name and authority number.
Primary Delivery
This contains the primary delivery method associated to the section.
Instruction Language
The language the section is instructed in.
Delivery Schedule
This contains the funding/delivery schedule associated to the section.
Instr Mins Offered
This contains the instructional minutes offered for the section.
The last date the section record was updated.
Course Enrolments
When Course Enrolments is chosen, the results contain the list of course enrolments for the selected term that match the following criteria:
Mark Approval
This displays whether or not the mark for this course enrolment has been approved.
The warning codes associated with this section’s record.
Legal Name
The student’s legal name
The student’s Alberta Student Number.
The alternate course number.
Credits Attempted
The amount of credits associated to the section.
The student’s mark for the course.
Assignment Date
The assignment date associated to this course enrolment record.
Entry Date
The first day the student was enrolled in the section.
Exit Date
The last day of the student was enrolled in the section.
The term associated to the section (Year Long, Semester, Quarter).
The status of the student’s course enrolment record (Active, Registered, Completed).
Funding Requested
Whether funding was requested or not.
Instr Mins
This contains the instructional minutes offered for the section.
Section Description
The course number and section number in PowerSchool followed by the course name.
The school’s name.
School Year
The year the course enrolment occurred.
Dual Enrolment
Whether the course enrolment was a dual enrolment or not.
Local ID
The ID of this course enrolment in the local copy.
The Local ID is an active link. Click the link to open the student’s Edit Course Enrollment Record page in a new tab.
The last date the course enrolment record was updated.
Evaluated Marks
When Evaluated Marks is chosen, the results contain the list of evaluated marks that match the following criteria:
Mark Approval
Indicates whether the mark for this course enrolment has been approved.
The warning codes associated with this section’s record.
Legal Name
The student’s legal name
The student’s Alberta Student Number.
The alternate course number.
Credits Attempted
The amount of credits associated with the section.
Evaluation Date
The date the mark was evaluated.
The student’s mark for the course.
Evaluation Method
The evaluation method of the mark.
Funding Requested
Indicates whether funding was requested or not.
The school’s name.
School Year
The year the mark was given.
Local ID
The ID of this evaluated mark in the local copy.
The Local ID is an active link. Click the link to open the student’s Edit Stored Grade page in a new tab on the browser.
The last date the Evaluated Mark record was updated.
Diploma Exam Marks
When Diploma Exam Marks is chosen, the results contain the list of Diploma Exam Marks that match the following criteria:
The students's Alberta Student Number.
Student Name
The student's legal Name.
Course Code
The alternate course number.
Course Description
The name of the course.
Mark Value
The student's mark for the exam.
Exam Period
The month the exam was taken.
Exam Language
The language in which the exam was written.
Machine Scored
Yes or No value.
Written Response
Yes or No value.
Indicates the status of the exam.
Is Deleted
Yes or No value.
Last Updated On (Audit)
The last date the Diploma Exam Mark record was updated.
Official Marks
When Official Marks is chosen, the results contain the list of offficial marks that match the following criteria: Note: The Official Marks selection has two unique searching options: Include Non-Diploma Courses and the ability to search by a date range from the last updated date. By default the search results return only results for diploma courses in the currently selected term in PowerSchool.
The student's Alberta Student Number.
Student Name
The student's legal Name.
Course Code
The alternate course number.
Course Description
The name of the course.
Is Diploma
Indicates whether the course is a diploma course.
Official Mark
The student's Official Blended Mark.
Official Mark Status
Indicates whether the Official Mark is available.
Calculation Method
Indicates the type of calculation method used to obtain the Official Mark.
School Year
The year the mark was awarded.
Last Updated On (Audit)
The last date the Official Mark record was updated.
Credential Types
When Credential Types is chosen, the results contain the list of achieved credential types that match the following criteria:
The student's Alberta Student Number.
Student Name
The student's legal name.
Credential Type
The type of certificate or diploma the student achieved.
PASI data validations locate errors in data fields that could interfere with proper PASI compliance.
School Terms Validation provides a list of schools and terms that are missing the required setup for School Course Marks (SCM) Integration.
Course Validations provides a list of courses identified with data validations errors or warnings required for School Course Marks (SCM) integration.
Marks Validations provides a list of course enrolments with marks in PowerSchool, but with no mark in PASI.
SCM Validations are validations for courses that are marked as Diploma Courses where the alternate course number is not null. The School Course Marks validation is run on storedgrades based on the term selected in Powerschool and at the district or school level. See the Appendix for a list of validations.
CTS Validations provides a list of the validations in the StoredGrades table for Diploma and Career and Technology Studies courses. See the Appendix for a list of validations.
All data validations follow the same steps for navigation and generation:
On the Start Page, click Special Functions. The Special Functions page appears.
Under Alberta PASI Data Validations click the validation name link for the validation you want to run. The validation page appears.
For Choose Validations, choose the validation to check. The validation automatically produces the applicable business rule from PASI, the steps to correct the error, and a table containing results which meet the error criteria.
If desired, click Export to save the validation results in a .csv file.
Manage Student Information
The Manage Student Information page helps you manage student information in PASI and missing from PASI.
Navigation: Start Page > Special Functions > Interfaces to Other Systems > PASI Interface > Manage Student Information.
List of Schools.
Classroom Accommodation
The classroom/physical accommodations such as alternative seating, adaptive devices.
Medical Alert
The Medical Alert records of the students.
Digital Documents
Digital document records.
A digitized version of the student record that complies with the policies/process/procedures of Student Record Regulation.
Records are in PASI.
Not in PASI
Records are not in PASI.
View and Manage Student Information
Navigate to Start Page > Special Functions > Interfaces to Other Systems > PASI Interface > Manage Student Information.
Select the School from the drop-down list. Note: Multiple schools may share the same StatePrID. Only a single school name will appear in the Linked To Organization column in PASI.
Select the Item you want to manage.
Classroom Accommodation
Medical Alert
Digital Documents
Select the Type for the Item.
Not in PASI
Click Submit. You can view and manage all the PASI records for the selected Item.