Credential Requirements Report
The Credential Requirements Report is a checklist that shows which credential requirements the student has met and which requirements the student has not yet met. You can run the report for a single student or for multiple students.
To run the report in PowerSchool for a single student:
- On the student's record, click State/Province - AB. The Alberta Information page appears.
- Click the Reports tab.
- Under Credential Requirements Report, choose the Credential Type, the Requirement Set, and in which Language the report results should display.
- Click Run Now. A dialog appears with the student number and student name.
- Click Credential Requirements Results Report. A PDF dialog appears from which you can choose to open or save the PDF file.
To run the report in PowerSchool for multiple students:
- Select the desired students on the Start Page.
- Navigate to Special Functions and, under Alberta PASI Reports, click Student Reports.
- Under Credential Requirements Report, choose the Credential Type, the Requirement Set, and in which Language the report results should be displayed.
- Click Run Now. The Detailed Academic Report Results page appears, with a link to the PDF report results for each selected student.
- Note: There is a 30 second delay before the report results are displayed.
- To view the report for a single student, under Download, click the Credential Requirements Report link for the student.
- To download the reports for all students into a .zip file, click Download All.
- Student results are cleared out after seven days. To view the results after seven days, the report must be re-run.