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Credential Requirements Report

The Credential Requirements Report is a checklist that shows which credential requirements the student has met and which requirements the student has not yet met. You can run the report for a single student or for multiple students.

To run the report in PowerSchool for a single student:

  1. On the student's record, click State/Province - AB. The Alberta Information page appears.
  2. Click the Reports tab.
  3. Under Credential Requirements Report, choose the Credential Type, the Requirement Set, and in which Language the report results should display.
  4. Click Run Now. A dialog appears with the student number and student name.
  5. Click Credential Requirements Results Report. A PDF dialog appears from which you can choose to open or save the PDF file.

To run the report in PowerSchool for multiple students:

  1. Select the desired students on the Start Page.
  2. Navigate to Special Functions and, under Alberta PASI Reports, click Student Reports.
  3. Under Credential Requirements Report, choose the Credential Type, the Requirement Set, and in which Language the report results should be displayed.
  4. Click Run Now. The Detailed Academic Report Results page appears, with a link to the PDF report results for each selected student.
    • Note: There is a 30 second delay before the report results are displayed.
  • To view the report for a single student, under Download, click the Credential Requirements Report link for the student.
  • To download the reports for all students into a .zip file, click Download All.
  • Student results are cleared out after seven days. To view the results after seven days, the report must be re-run.


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