Confirm Student Registrations (CSR) Import File(Obsolete)
The Confirm Student Registrations (CSR) Import File is obsolete. Do not use this Special Function.
The Alberta Data Import System is used to import updated information sent to the DOE in the SSR file. The DOE returns the Confirm Student Registrations file with updated Alberta Student Numbers to be imported into the PowerSchool database.
To import the Confirm Student Registrations file, do the following:
On the Start Page, click Special Functions. The Special Function page appears.
Click Interfaces to other systems. The Interfaces to other systems page appears.
Click Alberta Data Import System. The Alberta Data Import System page appears.
Click the appropriate import link. The Import Confirm Student Registrations File System page appears.
Click Browse… to select the file to upload.
Click Import. The Process Bar appears while the data is imported into the database. The Alert: CSR is complete will page will open when the import is complete.
Import Elements
These import elements must be included:
Data Element | [Table]FieldName | Max Length | Position |
Transaction Type | Populated Value – CSR3 | 4 | 1 - 4 |
School Authority Code | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=DistrictNumber | 4 | 5 - 8 |
School Code | [Schools]School_Number [Schools]Alternate_School_Number – if populated | 4 | 9 - 12 |
Form Action Code | Populated Value – A | 1 | 13 - 13 |
Modification Effective Date | Blank | 8 | 14 - 21 |
Alberta Student Number | [Students]State_StudentNumber | 9 | 22 - 30 |
Legal Surname | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Last_Name | 25 | 31 - 55 |
Legal Given Name | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_First_Name [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Middle_Name | 25 | 56 - 80 |
Birth Date | [Students]DOB | 8 | 81 - 88 |
Gender | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Gender | 1 | 89 - 89 |
Registration Start Date | [Students]EntryDate | 8 | 90 - 97 |
AKA Surname | [S_AB_STU_X]AKASurname | 25 | 98 - 122 |
AKA Given Name | [S_AB_STU_X]AKAGivenName | 25 | 123 - 147 |
Current Mailing Address 1 | [Students]Mailing_Street | 30 | 148 - 177 |
Current Mailing Address 2 | [Students]Mailing_Street | 30 | 178 - 207 |
Current City | [Students]Mailing_City | 20 | 208 - 227 |
Current Province Code | [Students]Mailing_State | 2 | 228 - 229 |
Current Postal Code | [Students]Mailing_Zip | 6 | 230 - 235 |
Current Phone Area Code | [Students]Home_Phone Note: The area code is parsed from [Students]Home_Phone | 3 | 236 - 238 |
Current Phone Number | [Students]Home_Phone Note: The phone number is parsed from [Students]Home_Phone | 7 | 239 - 245 |
Permanent Mailing Address 1 | [S_AB_STU_X]PermanentStreet | 30 | 246 - 275 |
Permanent Mailing Address 2 | [S_AB_STU_X]PermanentStreet | 30 | 276 - 305 |
Permanent City | [S_AB_STU_X]PermanentCity | 20 | 306 - 325 |
Permanent Province | [S_AB_STU_X]PermanentProvince | 20 | 326 - 345 |
Permanent Postal Code | [S_AB_STU_X]PermanentPostalCode | 15 | 346 - 360 |
Permanent Country | [S_AB_STU_X]Permanent_Country | 30 | 361 - 390 |
Registration Type | [S_AB_STU_X]RegistrationType | 1 | 391 - 391 |
Grade | [Students]Grade_Level | 2 | 392 - 393 |
Citizenship | [S_AB_STU_X]Citizenship | 1 | 394 - 394 |
Student Author. Expiry Date | [S_AB_STU_X]StuAuthExpDt | 8 | 395 - 402 |
Section 23 Eligibility | [S_AB_STU_X]Section23Eligibility | 1 | 403 - 403 |
School/Authority Student ID | [Students]Student_Number | 15 | 404 - 418 |
Registration Entry Status | [Students]AB_Regi_Entry_Status | 3 | 419 - 421 |
Resident Board | [S_AB_STU_X]ResidentBoard | 4 | 422 - 425 |
French Instruction Hrs./Year | French Instruction Hrs./Year value is either calculated via section enrollments using the French hours' calculation report or manual override input value entered on the student's State/Province page. | 4 | 426 - 429 |
Grants Program (1) | [S_AB_STU_X]GrantsProgram1 | 3 | 430 - 432 |
Grants Program (2) | [S_AB_STU_X]GrantsProgram2 | 3 | 433 - 435 |
Grants Program (3) | [S_AB_STU_X]GrantsProgram3 | 3 | 436 - 438 |
Special Education Student (1) | [S_AB_STU_X]SpclEduStu1 | 2 | 439 - 440 |
Special Education Student (2) | [S_AB_STU_X]SpclEduStu2 | 2 | 441 - 442 |
Enrollment Type (1) | [S_AB_STU_X]EnrlType1 | 3 | 443 - 445 |
Enrollment Type (2) | [S_AB_STU_X]EnrlType2 | 3 | 446 - 448 |
Enrollment Type (3) | [S_AB_STU_X]EnrlType3 | 3 | 449 - 451 |
Exit Date | [Students]ExitDate | 8 | 452 - 459 |
Exit Description | [Students]ExitCode | 5 | 460 - 464 |