Online Registration Integration Setup
With the implementation of PASI End Point 2020 the below data elements have been revised and updated, source applications submitting student information might require an update to their mappings so the proper information is submitted to PASI.
Responsible School Information
New data element, this is optional information that can be submitted during enrolment of new students. The Alberta ministry of Education is asking schools to inform if they are taking responsibility for a student, if so effective date, school information and transition reason must be provided. Alternatively a school might inform no school is responsible for a specific student (typically used at student graduation time) or the responsibility status is unknown (student leaving a school but current school does not know of a new responsible school). Submissions of similar consecutive responsible school records for the same school are rejected by PASI. i.e. If a school is currently reported as responsible for a student a new record indicating the same school is responsible for the same student on a future date will be rejected.
Column Name | Description |
ID | Unique row ID, value assigned by internal sequence generator |
STUDENTSDCID | Student DCID, maximum 19 digits, mandatory |
EFFECTIVEDATE | Responsible school record effective date. Each effective date must be unique, duplicates are not allowed by PASI. Also if a school is already responsible for a student no consecutive record of the same type is allowed, i.e. if school 1234 is responsible since 01/01/2020 then a new record with effective date 01/01/2021 making school 1234 responsible for the same student will be rejected by PASI. |
HASRESPONSIBLESCHOOL | Yes, No or Unknown, mandatory. This field indicates if on the specified effective date there is a responsible school for the student (Yes) or no school is responsible (No, normally used for graduating students) or the status is Unknown (students leaving current district) |
SCHOOLCODE | PowerSchool school code, 4 characters or empty, optional field. The school taking responsibility for the student |
TRANSITIONREASON | Reason code, maximum 100 characters, mandatory. Values are provided by PASI and stored in tables AB_CODE_VALUE and AB_CODE_VALUE_RELATIONSHIP. The below query extracts permitted values by responsible school type (Yes, No, Unknown):
Currently the below codes, per responsible school status, are available: No Grade |
SCHOOLNAME | If no school code is provided school name can be provided, up to 225 characters, however in this case SCHOOLCITY and SCHOOLCOUNTRY and/or SCHOOLSTATEPROVINCE must also be provided and must be out of Alberta |
SCHOOLCITY | Mandatory if SCHOOLNAME is provided and SCHOOLCOUNTRY is Canada. Up to 60 characters are allowed |
SCHOOLSTATEPROVINCE | Mandatory if SCHOOLNAME is provided and SCHOOLCOUNTRY is Canada. Value can’t be Alberta (because in this case school code is expected). Up to 20 characters are allowed. Permitted values retrieved from PowerSchool core service codesetService (method findByCodetypeAndParentcodesetid("State",38) if country is ‘Canada'; findByCodetypeAndParentcodesetid("State",37) if country is 'United States’). Alternatively the below query extracts provinces from the database:
SCHOOLCOUNTRY | Mandatory if SCHOOLNAME is provided. Up to 60 characters are allowed. Permitted values retrieved from PowerSchool core service codesetService (method findByCodetype("Country")). Alternatively the below query extracts countries from the database:
WHOCREATED | User who created the record |
WHENCREATED | Creation date |
WHOMODIFIED | User who modified the record |
WHENMODIFIED | Modification date |
Citizenship Status
With end point 2020 multiple student citizenship status records are supported so instead of a student extension table a new child table has been introduced. Citizenship status columns are still available in the student extended table, S_AB_STU_X however they are deprecated, on the upgrade date if citizenship status information is available for a student a corresponding record is created in the new child table, S_AB_STU_CITIZENSHIP_C, at this point data present in the extended table is no longer used.
New table: S_AB_STU_CITIZENSHIP_C (table S_AB_STU_X is no longer used for citizenship status information)
Column Name | Description |
ID | Unique row ID, value assigned by internal sequence generator |
STUDENTSDCID | Student DCID, mandatory field |
CITIZENSHIPSTATUS | Citizenship status code, 1 character, mandatory. Values are provided by PASI and stored in table AB_CODE_VALUE. The below query extracts permitted values:
This is a mandatory field |
COUNTRYOFCITIZENSHIP | Citizenship country code, maximum 100 characters. Not available if citizenship status is 1 (Canadian Citizen) otherwise optional. Country ISO code label as available in table COUNTRYISOCODELU. . The below query extracts permitted values:
EFFECTIVEDATE | Citizenship status effective date. Duplicates are not allowed. This field is mandatory. |
EXPIRYDATE | Citizenship status expiry date, available when citizenship status is 2 (Permanent Resident), 5 (Temporary Resident) or 9 (Other/Unknown). Mandatory when citizenship status is 5 (Temporary Resident) |
GUARDIANCITIZENSHIPSTATUS | Guardian citizenship status code, allowed values are the same as for CITIZENSHIPSTATUS (above). This is an optional field |
GUARDIANREFID | Guardian PASI Ref ID. 11 digits. Optional field used to indicate which PASI guardian is linked to the student citizenship status record. For brand new students this value should be null. Once the student has an Alberta Student Number (ASN) PASI makes guardian information available, it is stored in tables AB_STUDENT_PARENT_GUARDIANINFO and AB_PARENT_GUARDIAN_NAME. The below query extracts guardians available for a particular student:
ISPREFERRED | This flag indicates if a citizenship status record is primary (1) or not (0). If a student has only one citizenship status record this flag must be set to 1, if more than one citizenship status record exist for the same student then the primary record must have a value of 1 and all other records must have a value of 0 |
ORGCODE | PowerSchool school number, normally 4 digits (but limit is 11), this field is mandatory. |
REFID | PASI identification, 11 digits. Must be null for new records, once assigned this value must not be updated |
CREATEDBYORGCODE | PASI organization code, 6 characters. Must be null for new records, once assigned this value must not be updated |
WHOCREATED | User who created the record |
WHENCREATED | Creation date |
WHOMODIFIED | User who modified the record |
WHENMODIFIED | Modification date |
Student Addresses
With end point 2020 multiple student addresses are supported so in addition to the student extension table a new child table has been introduced. The primary address is always stored in the student extended table (some fields are also stored in the students table), all other addresses are stored in the new child table.
If a student has only one address then that address is the primary address and is stored in the student extension table, S_AB_STU_X; if more than one address is available then all other addresses are stored in the addresses child table, S_STU_ADDRESSES_C.
Updated table: S_AB_STU_X (relevant address related fields)
Column Name | Description |
STUDENTSDCID | Student DCID, mandatory field |
MAILINGCOUNTRY | Address country code, maximum 60 characters. Permitted values retrieved from PowerSchool core service codesetService (method findByCodetype("Country")). Most usual values are Canada and Unites States. This is a mandatory field |
MAILINGPROVINCE | Address province, maximum 50 characters. This filed is only used for international addresses (free text). For Canadian and US address core PowerSchool stores province or state code in STUDENTS.MAILING_STATE column |
ADDRESSEXPIRYDATEOVERRIDE | Address expiry date, if expiry date is provided by user it is stored in this column which is optional |
ADDRESSTYPE (new column) | Address type code, maximum 50 characters, mandatory. Values are provided by PASI and stored in table AB_CODE_VALUE. The below query extracts permitted values:
Current values include: Delivery - Delivery Address |
ADDRESSFORMAT (new column) | Address format code, maximum 50 characters, mandatory. Values are provided by PASI and stored in table AB_CODE_VALUE. The below query extracts permitted values:
Current values include: Mail-CA - Canadian Mailing Address (most frequent address format in Alberta) |
ADDRESSSTREET (new column) | The street part of the address, maximum 140 characters. |
ADDRESSLATITUDE (new column) | Used if address format is ATS and geolocation is available, Null by default. Maximum 25 characters. Currently not in use |
ADDRESSLONGITUDE (new column) | Used if address format is ATS and geolocation is available, Null by default. Maximum 25 characters. Currently not in use |
ADDRESSORGCODE (new column) | PowerSchool school number, normally 4 digits (but limit is 11), this field is mandatory |
ADDRESSREFID (new column) | PASI identification, 11 digits. Must be null for new records, once assigned this value must not be updated |
ADDRESSWHOMODIFIED (new column) | User who modified the record due to address changes only (needed because the record holds other student data elements) |
ADDRESSWHENMODIFIED (new column) | Address modification date |
WHOCREATED | User who created the record |
WHENCREATED | Creation date |
WHOMODIFIED | User who modified the record |
WHENMODIFIED | Modification date |
New table: S_STU_ADDRESSES_C (Child table storing non primary student addresses):
Column Name | Description |
ID | Unique row ID, value assigned by internal sequence generator |
STUDENTSDCID | Student DCID, mandatory field |
ADDRESSFORMAT | Address format code, maximum 50 characters, mandatory. Values are provided by PASI and stored in table AB_CODE_VALUE. The below query extracts permitted values:
Currently the below values are available: Mail-CA - Canadian Mailing Address |
ADDRESSTYPE | Address type code, maximum 50 characters, mandatory. Values are provided by PASI and stored in table AB_CODE_VALUE. The below query extracts permitted values:
Currently the below values are available: Mailing - Mailing Address Physical addresses are only permitted if a mailing address is also provided. |
CITY | City name, maximum 60 characters, mandatory field |
COUNTRY | Address country code, maximum 60 characters, mandatory. Permitted values retrieved from PowerSchool core service codesetService (method findByCodetype("Country")). Most usual values are ‘Canada’ and ‘United States’. |
EFFECTIVEDATE | Address effective date, mandatory |
EXPIRYDATE | PASI Address expiry date, Must be null for new records, once assigned this value must not be updated |
EXPIRYDATEOVERRIDE | Address expiry date, optional |
LATITUDE | Used if address format is ATS and geolocation is available, Null by default. Maximum 25 characters |
LONGITUDE | Used if address format is ATS and geolocation is available, Null by default. Maximum 25 characters |
ORGCODE | PowerSchool school number, normally 4 digits (but limit is 11), this field is mandatory. |
POSTALCODE | Address postal code, maximum 10 characters (column allows for 15 but for compatibility with PowerSchool core only 10 characters should be stored). Mandatory for Canadian and US addresses |
REFID | PASI identification, 11 digits. Must be null for new records, once assigned this value must not be updated |
STATEPROVINCE | Address province or state, maximum 20 characters. For Canadian and US address province or state code are stored, mandatory. Free text otherwise. |
STREET | Street, maximum 100 characters, mandatory field |
WHOCREATED | User who created the record |
WHENCREATED | Creation date |
WHOMODIFIED | User who modified the record |
WHENMODIFIED | Modification date |
Student Phones
With end point 2020 multiple student phones are supported so in addition to the student extension table a new child table has been introduced. The primary phone is always stored in the student extended table (some fields are also stored in the students table), all other phones are stored in the new child table.
If a student has only one phone then that phone is the primary phone and is stored in the student extension table, S_AB_STU_X; if more than one phone is available then all other phones are stored in the phones child table, S_STU_PHONE_C.
Updated table: S_AB_STU_X (relevant phone related fields)
Column Name | Description |
STUDENTSDCID | Student DCID, mandatory field |
PHONEEXT | Phone extension, maximum 7 characters, optional. |
PHONETYPE | Phone type code, maximum 10 characters, mandatory field. Values are provided by PASI and stored in table AB_CODE_VALUE. The below query extracts permitted values:
Current values include: Home - Home Phone |
ISLISTABLE | This mandatory flag indicates if the phone is listed in public phone directories. Permitted values are Y (Yes), N (No) and U (Unknown) |
PHONEEFFECTIVEDT | Phone effective date, mandatory |
PHONEEXPIRYDT | Phone expiry date, optional |
PHONEORGCODE (new column) | PowerSchool school number, normally 4 digits (but limit is 11), this field is mandatory |
PHONEREFID (new column) | PASI identification, 11 digits. Must be null for new records, once assigned this value must not be updated |
PHONEWHOMODIFIED (new column) | User who modified the record due to phone changes only (needed because the record holds other student data elements) |
PHONEWHENMODIFIED (new column) | Phone modification date |
WHOCREATED | User who created the record |
WHENCREATED | Creation date |
WHOMODIFIED | User who modified the record |
WHENMODIFIED | Modification date |
New table: S_STU_PHONE_C (Child table storing non primary student phones):
Column Name | Description |
ID | Unique row ID, value assigned by internal sequence generator |
STUDENTSDCID | Student DCID, mandatory field |
PHONENUMBER | Phone number, maximum 20 characters, mandatory |
EXTENSION | Phone extension, maximum 7 characters, optional |
PHONETYPE | Phone type code, maximum 10 characters, mandatory field. Values are provided by PASI and stored in table AB_CODE_VALUE. The below query extracts permitted values:
Current values include: Home - Home Phone |
ISLISTABLE | This mandatory flag indicates if the phone is listed in public phone directories. Permitted values are Y (Yes), N (No) and U (Unknown) |
EFFECTIVEDATE | Phone effective date, mandatory |
EXPIRYDATE | Phone expiry date, optional |
ORGCODE | PowerSchool school number, normally 4 digits (but limit is 11), this field is mandatory |
REFID | PASI identification, 11 digits. Must be null for new records, once assigned this value must not be updated |
WHOCREATED | User who created the record |
WHENCREATED | Creation date |
WHOMODIFIED | User who modified the record |
WHENMODIFIED | Modification date |
Update student address and phone
While inserting records in S_AB_STU_X table for new address and Phone number, the body of the request should include new values for phone and address, fields addresswhomodified and phonewhomodified must include a value ‘PS’.
While updating records in S_AB_STU_X table for address and Phone number, the body of the request should include the updated values for phone and address, the request must also include a value of '"PowerSchool Registration Signature"
' for addresswhomodified and phonewhomodified as well as a random value ending with _2 for record status.
School Enrolment
Three new fields have been introduced for end point 2020, Programming Type, Programming Timeframe and Exit Date Type. For current enrolments, extended table S_AB_STU_X has been modified adding columns to store the new fields; similar changes were made for previous enrolments to table S_AB_REN_X.
Updated table: S_AB_STU_X
Column Name | Description |
EXITDATETYPE | Mandatory, Usually, especially for new enrolments, the value should be ‘CompletionDate’ but it can also be ‘WithdrawalDate’ |
PROGRAMMINGTYPE | Mandatory, for most enrolments ‘Regular’ is the default value but ‘SummerSchool’ and ‘ContinuingEducation’ are also permitted |
PROGRAMMINGTIMEFRAME | Mandatory, usually ‘Day’ but it can also be ‘Night’ |
Updated table: S_AB_REN_X
Column Name | Description |
EXITDATETYPE | Mandatory, permitted values are ‘CompletionDate’ and ‘WithdrawalDate’ |
PROGRAMMINGTYPE | Mandatory, permitted values are ‘Regular’ , 'SummerSchool’ and ‘ContinuingEducation’ |
PROGRAMMINGTIMEFRAME | Mandatory, permitted values are ‘Day’ and 'Night’ |
Student Email Addresses
With end point 2020 multiple student email addresses are supported so in addition to the student extension table a new child table has been introduced. The primary email is always stored in the student extended table (some fields are also stored in the students table), all other email addresses are stored in the new child table.
If a student has only one email address then that email address is the primary email address and is stored in the student extension table, S_AB_STU_X; if more than one email address is available then all other email addresses are stored in the email address child table, S_STU_EMAILADRESS_C.
Updated table: S_AB_STU_X (relevant phone related fields)
Column Name | Description |
STUDENTSDCID | Student DCID, mandatory field |
EMAILADDRESSORGCODE (new column) | PowerSchool school number, normally 4 digits (but limit is 11), this field is mandatory |
EMAIL ADDRESS (new column) | Email Address, maximum 255 characters, mandatory. Must be null for new records, once assigned this value must not be updated |
WHOCREATED | User who created the record |
WHENCREATED | Creation date |
WHOMODIFIED | User who modified the record |
WHENMODIFIED | Modification date |
New table: S_STU_EMAILADDRESS_C (Child table storing non primary student email addresses):
Column Name | Description |
ID | Unique row ID, value assigned by internal sequence generator |
STUDENTSDCID | Student DCID, mandatory field |
EMAIL ADDRESS | Email Address, maximum 255 characters, mandatory |
IS ACTIVE | True if the email address is set active in PASI |
TYPE | True of Email Address is primary |
ORGCODE | PowerSchool school number, normally 4 digits (but limit is 11), this field is mandatory |
REFID | PASI identification, 11 digits. Must be null for new records, once assigned this value must not be updated |
WHOCREATED | User who created the record |
WHENCREATED | Creation date |
WHOMODIFIED | User who modified the record |
WHENMODIFIED | Modification date |