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Provincial Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 Provincial Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-274229All States/Provinces: Attendance Page Error Logging Update

The meeting, clock-in/clock-out attendance page has been updated and will no longer throw the following error in the system log:

ORA-00936: Missing Expression

PSSR-270907All States/Provinces: Attendance Profile Report - Perfect Attendance Update

Attendance Profile Report Version: 1.2
The Attendance Profile report now includes students that have blank attendance. Additionally, these students will display the following message to alert end-users as to why there is no attendance listed.

No attendance records have been entered for this student

PSSR-269245All States/Provinces: Preferred Name Fields Needed

Fields have been added to the S_STU_X table to track a student's preferred first, middle, and last names:

  • Pref_First
  • Pref_Middle
  • Pref_Last

These fields are currently only exposed in WI but can be added to the UI via page fragments and other supported methods of customization options.

PSSR-272625All States/Provinces: Security Updates to Certain HTML tags

It has been identified that certain HTML tags used in common compliance pages are a security vulnerability. Common compliance pages where these tags were used and all have been updated to address the security vulnerability.

PSSR-272894Alberta PASI Direct Connect Plugin Version

The PASI Direct Connect plugin is updated to version 4.3.6

PSSR-273186Digital Student Documents Integration

Admins will now be able to see all of a student's documents when the school has an association with the student.

PSSR-271066PASI Direct Connect General Functionality

Additional Reference: PSSR-271065, PSSR-271074

PASI Direct Connect is now using TLSv1.2 and now encrypts the certificate password.

PSSR-269092PASI Direct Connect General Functionality

The following enhancements have been made to archiving events.

  • Current days events can now be archived
  • Sectiondcid is included in the archive table when archiving course enrolment events
PSSR-268682PASI Direct Connect General Functionality

PASI student icons will now use a cached database preference to improve performance.

PSSR-267746PASI Direct Connect General Functionality

Additional Reference: PSSR-274324

The query tool no longer allows queries against tables containing potential security risks.

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