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Provincial Reporting Release Notes

Important Notice for Provincial Reporting

As communicated in the November Focus Group meeting and in the PowerSchool Community article, the PowerSchool Compliance team continues to test the security and technology modifications made available in the recent PowerSchool SIS patches, and PowerSchool SIS Testing has determined that events are taking up to two minutes to process under these versions, and when using previous versions of PowerSchool SIS users are unable to create diploma exam registrations. As a result, AB clients are advised to only install these releases in a Test environment. This restriction applies to all supported versions of PowerSchool SIS.

Similarly, AB clients are advised to avoid installing PowerSchool SIS or any of the patches to previous versions (PowerSchool SIS, PowerSchool SIS, PowerSchool SIS in their production environments until the Provincial Reporting is approved for production environments.



Release Note

PSSR-253256Public Portal Digital Equity & Learning Preference Data Collection Pulled

In the Compliance release, Digital Equity & Learning Preference data entry was shipped for the Public Portal unintentionally. The functionality has now been pulled and will be reshipped in a later release when the following issues have been addressed:

  • The functionality has a district-level Pref which, when enabled, will expose the data entry function in the public portal (it is disabled by default).
  • The page adheres to all PowerSchool security standards.
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