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Provincial Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 Provincial Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-244726Alberta PASI Direct Connect Plugin Version

The PASI Direct Connect Plugin is updated to Version 4.2.4

PSSR-243964Demographic and Enrolment (DEM/ENR) Integration

When changing a student's name the validation on changing document type, document number or issued date is no longer enforced if the student has a linked document in PASI.

PSSR-241675Demographic and Enrolment (DEM/ENR) Integration

A warning icon is displayed at the top right-hand corner of a demographics item if there is a conflict, failure, or rejection.

PSSR-232642Demographic and Enrolment (DEM/ENR) Integration

The Special Education value on the Extended Enrolment tab no longer displays all values for users that do not have access to edit Alberta specific fields.

PSSR-244924Digital Student Documents Integration

When you view documents related to a student using the document icon, you will be able to scroll through the documents if the security group associated to the user has access to documents.

PSSR-239123Digital Student Documents Integration

The Document Type can no longer be changed after the document is created.

PSSR-234374Digital Student Documents Integration

A new hidden page is now available to view and manage document attachments for a selection of students to be sent to PASI.

PSSR-237104PASI Direct Connect General Functionality

The hash job is updated to properly handle large amounts of data returned from PASI.

PSSR-234587PASI Direct Connect General Functionality

A new Statistics page is now available on the PASI Configuration page to monitor the status of the environment.

PSSR-245308School Course Marks (SCM) Integration

Course enrolments that are created by the nightly process will now be processed and will not clog up the event queue.

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