Return Course Marks (RCM) Import File (Obsolete)
The Return Course Marks (RCM) Import File is obsolete. Do not use this Special Function.
The Alberta Data Import System is used to import updated information sent to the DOE in the SCM file. The DOE returns the Return Course Marks file with updated Earned Hours, Diploma Exam Mark, and Final Mark to be imported into the PowerSchool database.
Use the following steps to import Course Marks data:
On the Start Page, click Special Functions. The Special Function page appears.
Click Interfaces to other systems. The Interfaces to other systems page appears.
Click Alberta Data Import System. The Alberta Data Import System page appears.
Click the appropriate import link. The Import RCM Import - Import Return Course Marks File System page appears.
Click Browse… to select the file to upload.
Click Import. The Process Bar appears while the data is imported into the database. The Alert: RCM is complete will page will open when the import is complete.
Import Elements
These import elements must be included:
Data Element | [Table]FieldName | Max Length | Position |
Transaction Type | Populate Value – RCM3 | 4 | 1 - 4 |
Authority Code Positions | [Prefs]Value | 4 | 5 - 8 |
School Code Positions | [Schools]School_Number | 4 | 9 - 12 |
School/Authority Student ID | [Students]Student_Number | 15 | 13 - 27 |
Alberta Student Number | [Students]State_StudentNumber | 9 | 28 - 36 |
Course ID | [Courses]Alt_Course_Number [Courses]Course_Number | 7 | 37 - 43 |
Filler | Blank | 1 | 44 - 44 |
Modification Effective Date | Blank | 8 | 45 - 52 |
Course Completion Date | [CC]DateLeft | 8 | 53 – 60 |
Course Completion Credit | [StoredGrades]PotentialCrHrs | 4 | 61 - 64 |
Course Completion Fund | [CC]AB_Course_Cmp_Fun_Flg | 1 | 65 - 65 |
Course Completion External Credential | [CC]AB_Course_Cmp_Ext_Crd | 1 | 66 - 66 |
Course Completion Funding Schedule | [S_AB_SEC_X]Course_Cmp_Fun_Sch | 3 | 67 - 69 |
Course Completion Method Code | [CC]AB_Course_Cmp_Met_Cd | 3 | 70 – 72 |
Course Evaluation Province Code | [CC]AB_Course_Eva_Pro_Cd | 2 | 73 - 74 |
Course Completion Status Code | [StoredGrades]AB_Course_Cmp_Sta_Cd | 3 | 75 - 77 |
Primary Delivery Method Code | [S_AB_SEC_X]PrimaryDeliveryMethod | 3 | 78 - 80 |
Language Code | [S_AB_SEC_X]InstrLanguage | 2 | 81 - 82 |
Filler | Blank | 2 | 83 - 84 |
School Awarded Mark | [StoredGrades]Grade [StoredGrades]Percent | 3 | 85 - 87 |
Diploma Exam Mark | [StoredGrades]AB_Dipl_Exam_Mark | 3 | 88 - 90 |
Final Mark | [StoredGrades]AB_Final_Mark | 3 | 91 - 93 |
Class ID | [S_AB_SEC_X]SectionClassID [Sections]SectionID if SectionClassID is not populated | 8 | 94 - 101 |
Filler | Blank | 6 | 102 - 107 |