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Discipline Incident Setup


The following data elements are required for discipline incidents. Discipline incidents are created at the student, school or district level. It is recommended to create all incidents at the school level via the Special Functions navigation below. Create incidents at the district level if the incident is not associated with a particular school.

The VADIR incident type, as well as New York specific incident codes and subcodes, must be set up at the district level prior to creating discipline incidents. See the District Setup section of this document and the Incident Management User Guide on PowerSource for more information. For more information on code values, see the Appendix.

Note: All VADIR incidents must be created with either the VADIR or VADIR^ incident type to be reported on VADIR reports.

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Defining Incident Details

Start Page > Special Functions > Incident Management > Edit/Create New Incident > Incident Detail

Note: Security groups must be granted access to Incident Types in order to create incidents. See the Incident Management Guide on PowerSource for more information.

Incident Description

Incident ID

This field is view-only. The ID is populated automatically when the incident is first submitted.


VADIR Summary Report


Choose a school or the district from the pop-up menu.

Note: This option is only available if the incident is created at the district.


VADIR Summary Report

Incident Type

Choose VADIR or VADIR^ from the pop-up menu.



VADIR Summary Report

Incident Date

Click the Calendar icon to open the calendar menu. Use the Arrow icons to select a different month. Click the date the incident occurred.

Use the Time pop-up menus to enter the time the incident occurred.


VADIR Summary Report

Time Frame

Choose the time frame that the incident took place from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • During regular school hours (4c)

  • Before or after regular school hours (4d)

[Incident_Detail]LU_Code_ID – Associates a time code to the incident.



VADIR Summary Report


Enter the title of the incident.


Required for Audit


Enter the description of the incident.


Required for Audit


Choose the location where the incident occurred from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • On school property (4a)

  • At school–sponsored function off grounds (4b)

[Incident_Detail]LU_Code_ID – Associates a location code to the incident.



VADIR Summary Report

Location Description

Enter the description of the location of the incident.


Not Required

Prepared By

This field is not used for VADIR.


Not Required

Financial Impact

This field is not used for VADIR.


Not Required

Building Incidents

Adding Students or Staff Members

Incident Builder: Participants: Add Student or Staff Member

Follow the steps below to add a student or staff participant to the incident.

  1. Click the plus (+) button next to Participants. The Search for Student, Staff, or Other Participants dialog appears.

  2. Enter criteria for the search and click Search. The Results section is populated with matching participants.

  3. Highlight the appropriate participant in the search results and click Add.



Grade (Level)



Enter the full name, school, grade level, gender and type (student or staff member) of the participant.

The identity of the participant is saved in PowerSchool. The name, school, grade level, gender and type data are referenced from the student or staff member record.



VADIR Summary Report


This section is not used for VADIR.


Not Required


Choose the role that best describes the participant’s involvement in the incident.

Valid values:

  • Reporter

  • Victim

  • Offender

  • Witness

Note: In order to assign more than one role, click the plus (+) sign next to Select Role(s).


VADIR Summary Report

Adding Other Participants

Incident Builder: Participants: Add Other Participant

Follow the steps below to add an Other Participant to the incident.

  1. Click the plus (+) button next to Participants. The Search for Student, Staff, or Other Participants dialog appears.

  2. Click Create Other. The Add Other Participant dialog appears.

Mark Person as Unknown

Select the checkbox if the person is unknown.


VADIR Summary Report

First, Middle, Last

Enter the first, middle, and last names of the participant, if available.




VADIR Summary Report


Enter the position of the participant, if available.


Required for Audit


Enter the age of the participant, if available.


Required for Audit


Enter the gender of the participant, if available.


Required for Audit


Choose the role that best describes the participant’s involvement in the incident.

Valid values:

  • Reporter

  • Victim

  • Offender

  • Witness

Note: In order to assign more than one role, click the plus (+) sign next to Select Role(s).


VADIR Summary Report

Defining Incident Elements

Adding Actions

Incident Elements: Add Action

Follow the steps below to add an Other Participant to the incident.

  1. Click the plus (+) button next to Incident Elements. The Incident Elements dialog appears.

  2. Click Add Action. The Add Action dialog appears.

Action Code

Choose the action code from the pop-up menu.

See Incident Management: Action Codes and Subcodes for valid values.


[Incident_Detail]LU_Code_ID – Associates an action code to the incident.



[Incident_Person_Action]Incident_Person_Detail_ID – Associates an action code to a behavior and a participant.

VADIR Summary Report

Action Subcode

Choose the action sub code from the pop-up menu.

See Incident Management: Action Codes and Subcodes for valid values.


[Incident_Detail]LU_Sub_Code_ID – Associates an action subsub code to the incident.



VADIR Summary Report

Action Date Range Begin Date

Enter the begin and end date of the Action.



Required for Audit

Action Taken Detail

Enter additional comments.


Not Required

Actual Resolution Date

Enter the date that the consequence for the behavior was decided.


Not Required

Duration Code

Choose the duration code from pop-up menu.

See Incident Management: Duration Codes for valid values.


[Incident_Detail]LU_Code_ID – Associates a duration code to the incident.



VADIR Summary Report

Assigned Duration

Enter the assigned length of the disciplinary action.


VADIR Summary Report

Actual Duration

Enter the actual length of the disciplinary action.


VADIR Summary Report

Duration Notes

Enter notes regarding the duration of the disciplinary action.


Required for Audit

Action Change Reason

Enter the action change reason for the disciplinary action, if applicable.


Required for Audit

Action Change Code

This field is not used for VADIR.


Not Required

Adding Objects

Incident Elements: Add Object

Follow the steps below to add an Other Participant to the incident.

  1. Click the plus (+) button next to Incident Elements. The Incident Elements dialog appears.

  2. Click Add Object. The Add Object dialog appears.

Object Code

Choose the object from the pop-up menu.

[Incident_Object]Object_Incident_Detail_ID – Associates an object code to the incident.




[Incident_Object_Person]Incident_Person_Role_ID  – Associates multiple object codes to a participant, or multiple participants to an object code.

VADIR Summary Report

Object Subcode

Choose an object sub code from the pop-up menu.

See Incident Management: Object Codes for valid values.


[Incident_Detail]LU_Sub_Code_ID – Associates an object subsub code to the incident.



VADIR Summary Report


Enter a description of the object, including the type of weapon, when using the Other Weapons 5a (6) object sub code.


Required for Audit


Enter the quantity of objects per person involved in the incident.


Required for Audit

Adding Behaviors

Incident Elements: Add Behavior

Follow the steps below to add an Other Participant to the incident.

  1. Click the plus (+) button next to Incident Elements. The Incident Elements dialog appears.

  2. Click Add Behavior. The Add Behavior dialog appears.

Behavior Code

Choose the behavior code from the pop-up menu.

This field relates to the incident categories on the VADIR Summary Report.

See Incident Management: Behavior Codes for valid values.

[Incident_Detail]LU_Code_ID – Associates a behavior code to the incident.



[Incident_Person_Detail]Incident_Person_Role_ID – Associates a behavior code to a participant.

VADIR Summary Report

Behavior Subcode

Choose an object sub code from the pop-up menu.

See Incident Management: Behavior Codes for valid values.


[Incident_Detail]LU_Sub_Code_ID – Associates an object subsub code to the incident.



VADIR Summary Report

Primary Behavior

This field is not used for VADIR.


Not Required

Adding Attributes

Incident Elements: Add Attribute

Follow the steps below to add an Other Participant to the incident.

  1. Click the plus (+) button next to Incident Elements. The Incident Elements dialog appears.

  2. Click Add Attribute. The Add Attribute dialog appears.

Attribute Code

The dialog displays the available attribute code: State Reportable (100).

[Incident_Detail]LU_Code_ID – Associates an attribute code to the incident.



VADIR Summary Report

Attribute Subcode

Select the checkbox for the appropriate attribute sub code.

Valid values:

  • Involving Alcohol or Drugs (1h)

  • On School Transportation (1i)

  • IMHB not rising to the level of category 10 (2)

Note: IMHB is the acronym for Intimidation, Harassment, Menacing, or Bullying.

  • Gang Related (4e)

  • Bias Related (4f)

[Incident_Detail]LU_Sub_Code_ID – Associates an attribute sub code to the incident.



VADIR Summary Report

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