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Generate Reporting Segments for AT6

This report runs a process to generate 10 reporting segments for September to June, for every school and every school year for the SAMS - Claim Form A (AT6) report.

The first time this report is run, reporting segments are generated for all school years (past and present). After that, this report can be scheduled to run each year to generate segments for new school years, or run manually as new schools and new school years are added.

To add additional segments, or update the segment dates, go to Special Functions > New York Reporting Segments. For further information about working with reporting segments, see State Reporting Setup.

There are no parameters for this report.

To run the report:

  1. On the Start Page, click System Reports. The Reports page appears.
  2. Click the State tab. The State Reports page appears.
  3. Click Generate Reporting Segments for AT6. The Generate Reporting Segments for AT6 page appears.
  4. Click Submit to generate the report.
  5. Schedule the report to run yearly:
    1. Click Schedule.
    2. Select Repeat and Yearly.
    3. Click Submit.

Note: A message will appear on the screen stating whether or not the reporting segments were successfully generated.

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