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Student Setup


The following data elements are required for student setup. The first two pages of navigation are removed for brevity:

Start Page > Student.

  1. On the Start Page select the School link at the top of the page.
  2. Choose the appropriate school from the pop-up menu.
  3. Click Submit.
  4. Select the first letter of the student's last name.
  5. Select a student from the list. The last accessed student information page opens for the student selected.

Note: For more information on code values, see the Appendix.

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports

Defining General Demographics


The following elements are the General Demographics required for state reporting.

Name (last, first MI)

Enter the student’s name.

Format: LastName, FirstName MiddleName

Note: Student first name can exceed 15 characters.







Student Lite

Programs Fact (Audit)

Assessment Fact (Audit)

Historical Grades to Assessment Migration

Home Address

Enter the student’s Home Address.


  1. Street (Address1)should not contain "PO(PO/P o/p.O/P.o.)” with the word “box".
  2. Street (Address1) should not be blank.
  3. City should not be blank.
  4. State should not be blank.
  5. Zip code should not be blank.
  6. Zip code length should not be less than 5 characters.









Student Lite

Mailing Address

Enter the student’s Mailing Address, or click "Copy From Home Address" if it is the same as the home address.


  1. Street (Address1)should not contain "PO(PO/P o/p.O/P.o.)” with the word “box".
  2. Street (Address1) should not be blank.
  3. City should not be blank.
  4. State should not be blank.
  5. Zip code should not be blank.
  6. Zip code length should not be less than 5 characters.





Student Lite

Home Phone

Enter the student’s home phone number.



Student Lite


Enter the student’s date of birth.

Format: mm/dd/yyyy or mm/dd/yy



Student Lite

Adult Student

If the enrolled student is over the age of 21, this checkbox is automatically selected.

After clicking Submit, a prompt will ask for confirmation that the student is an adult student.

[S_NY_STU_X]Adult_Student_Indicator_TFN/AStudent Lite

Federal Ethnicity

Indicate whether or not this student Hispanic or Latino.



Student Lite

Federal Race

Indicate one or more individual racial/ethnic groups to which the student belongs, if available.



Student Lite


Valid values:

  • F – Female
  • M – Male
  • X - Non-Binary



Student Lite

Programs Fact (Audit)

Assessment Fact (Audit)

Legal Gender

Valid values:

  • F – Female
  • M – Male



Student Lite

Programs Fact (Audit)

Assessment Fact (Audit)

Previous Student ID

Enter the student’s previous student ID, if applicable.



Student Lite

School Enrollment

Programs Fact

Assessment Fact

Student Class Grade Detail

Student Number

Enter the locally assigned student number.



Student Lite

School Enrollment

Programs Fact

Assessment Fact

Student Class Grade Detail

Staff Student Course

Defining Other Information




Enter the date of first poliomyelitis immunization, regardless of whether it was provided via OPV or IPV. If the day is unknown, report the 1st day of the month. If the month is unknown, report January 1st of the year.



Student Lite

Modify Information

Home Room

Enter the student’s homeroom.



Student Lite

Other Information

Primary Language Code

Enter the primary language code. This field can also be populated on the NY Demographics (Student Lite) page.



Student Lite

Entering Parent/Guardian Info


Mother’s Name

Enter the mother’s name. This field is required if Guardian and Father are not populated.

Format: LastName, FirstName MiddleName



Student Lite

Father’s Name

Enter the father’s name. This field is required if Guardian and Mother are not populated.

Format: LastName, FirstName MiddleName



Student Lite

Guardian’s Name

Enter the guardian’s name. This field is required if Mother and Father are not populated.

Note: The Student Lite extract reports the Guardian name first, followed by Mother then Father, based on which fields are populated.





Student Lite

Entering New York State Information

Defining Student Lite Demographics

State/Province – NY > Demographics (Student Lite)

Note: Un-editable fields are not displayed for this page.

4. Student IDEnter the student's ID number and the student's Previous Student Number Override. These fields auto-populate as the values on the General Demographics page.



12Student Lite

13. Home Language Code

Enter into the smart search box to choose the student's home language code. This value can also be entered on the Other Information student page.

See Appendix 3: Language Codes and Descriptions in the SIRS Manual for code values.



Student Lite

17. ELL Duration

Choose the cumulative number of years the student has received LEP services from the pop-up menu. The value must be between 0 and 25 years.

If the student has a program service code of 0231, then this field must be populated.



Student Lite

18. Post Graduate Activity

Choose the student’s planned postgraduate activity from the pop-up menu.

This field is required when Diploma Code Type has been populated

See Post Graduate Activity Codes for valid values.



Student Lite

24. Diploma Type Code

Choose the credential earned by the student.

This field is required when Post Graduate Activity has been populated

See Diploma (Credential) Type Codes for valid values.



Student Lite

26. Date of Entry into Grade 9

Enter the student’s Date of Entry into Grade 9, if applicable.

This field is required for all students with a grade level of 9, 10, 11 or 12



Student Lite

27. Service Provider

Enter the 12-digit BEDS code of the feeder school.



Student Lite

28. Inoculation Date

Enter the date of the first poliomyelitis immunization, regardless of whether it was provided via OPV or IPV. If the exact day is unknown, report the 1st day of the inoculation month. If the exact month is unknown, report January 1st of the inoculation year.

This value can also be entered or edited on the Emergency/Medical student page.



Student Lite

37. Place of Birth

City of Birth

Enter the student’s city of birth.


50 (All Birth Fields)

Student Lite

37. Place of Birth

State of Birth

Choose the student’s state of birth from the pop-up menu for students born in the U.S.


50 (All Birth Fields)

Student Lite

37. Place of Birth

Province/Region of Birth

Enter the student’s province or region of birth for students born outside the U.S.


50 (All Birth Fields)

Student Lite

37. Place of Birth

Country of Birth

Enter the student’s country of birth for students born outside the U.S.


50 (All Birth Fields)

Student Lite

38. Date of Initial Entry to U.S.

Enter the date of the student’s initial entry into the U.S., if applicable.

This field is required when field 49 (Immigrant Indicator) = Y.



Student Lite

39. Years in U.S. Schools

Choose the number of consecutive years the student has been in school anywhere in the United States from the pop-up menu. This value must be between 0 and 25 years.

This field is required when field 49 (Immigrant Indicator) = Y.



Student Lite

40. Country of Origin

Choose the country from which the student emigrated from the pop-up menu.

This field is required when field 49 (Immigrant Indicator) = Y.

See Chapter 5 of the SIRS Manual for code values.



Student Lite

41. District Code of Residence

Enter the student’s district code of residence. Include the NY or 8 prefix as appropriate, eg: NY123456 or 80123456

Populate this override for any student whose District of Residence value on the Transfer Information page should not be reported or in cases where the student is not enrolled in the district on BEDS day.

Charter Schools:

Charter School students should be reported with a District of Residence code reflecting the public school district in which they live and that they are entitled to attend were they not attending the charter school.

[S_NY_STU_Demographics_X] DistrictOfResidenceOverride


By default, the Student Lite extract will use the value populated in this field to populate the Disctrict Code of residence. The value is extracted exactly as entered.

If the override field is not populated, the extract will use the DOR from the Transfer Information - Edit Current/Previous Enrollment page (based on the enrollment record that spans BEDS day).

If both the override and the DOR on the Transfer Info page are blank, or if the student’s school enrollments do not span BEDS day, the extract will use the District Code value as stored at the District Office.


Student Lite

47. Homeless Indicator

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate whether this student has been homeless at any point in the current school year

Yes – Homeless at some point

No – Never homeless

If left blank, the extract logic will default to a value of N,



Student Lite

48. Migrant Indicator

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu.

If left blank, the extract logic will default to a value of N.



Student Lite

49. Immigrant Indicator

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu.

If Y, fields 38 through 40 are required.

If left blank, the extract logic will default to a value of N.



Student Lite

50. Neglected Indicator

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu.



Student Lite

50. Delinquent Indicator

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu.



Student Lite

53. Career Path Code

Select the student’s career path code.

See Career Pathway Codes for valid values.



Student Lite Extract

54. Guidance Counselor

Select the guidance counselor assigned.

View guidance counselor's historical record to see previous enrollments.

[S_NY_STU_Demographics_X]Guidance_Counselor20Student Lite
55. County of ResidenceChoose the county in which the student resides. [S_NY_STU_Demographics_X]County_Of_Residence40Student Lite Extract
56. Education Level of parentSelect the highest level of education for a parent. Access the list of Parent Education Level options.[S_NY_STU_Demographics_X]Education_Level_Of_Parent15Student Lite Extract
57. Crisis Impact Code (Student Displaced By Disaster)

Choose the applicable crisis impact code for students who were displaced due to a crisis or disaster.

Valid values:

  • Natural - Natural disaster-induced
  • Civil - Civil conflict-induced
  • Health - Health crisis-induced
  • Other - Other crisis-induced
[S_NY_STU_Demographics_X]Crisis_Impact_Code20Student Lite Extract
58. Crisis Name (Disaster Name)Enter the name of the disaster or crisis that displaced the student.[S_NY_STU_Demographics_X]Crisis_Name50Student Lite Extract

Defining NY Enrollment Fields

State/Province – New York > Enrollment (School Enrollment)

Student Number

Displays the locally assigned student number.




Previous Student Number

Used to override the Student Number shown above




Defining Student Equity and Learning Preferences

Start Page > Student Selection > Student Digital Resources

Student Digital Resources

Displays the existing Digital Resources records for the selected student.


Click New to create a new Digital Resources record for the selected student.

1. Did the school district issue your child a dedicated school or district owned device for their use during the school year?

School Provided Device Indicator

Choose Yes or No.


3Student Digital Resources Extract
2. What is the device your child uses most often to complete learning activities away from school? (This can be a school-provided device or another device, whichever the student is most often using to complete their schoolwork.)

Primary Learning Device Type

  • Desktop
  • Laptop
  • Tablet
  • Chromebook
  • Smartphone
  • No Device
[S_STU_LEARNINGPREF_C]DeviceType25Student Digital Resources Extract
3. Who is the provider of the primary learning device identified in question 2? (This can be a school-provided device or another device, whichever the student is most often using to complete their schoolwork.)

Primary Learning Device Provider Code:

Select one of the following options:

  • Personal
  • School
  • No Device
[S_STU_LEARNINGPREF_C]PriLrnDeviceProvider25Student Digital Resources Extract
4. Is the primary learning device (identified in question 2) shared with anyone else in the household

Primary Learning Device Access Code:

  • No Device
  • Shared
  • Not shared


25Student Digital Resources Extract
5. Is the primary learning device (identified in question 2) sufficient for your child to fully participate in all learning activities away from school?

Primary Learning Device Sufficiency Indicator

Choose Yes or No.


3Student Digital Resources Extract
6. Is your child able to access the internet in their primary place of residence?

Internet Access in Residence Indicator:

Choose Yes or No.

[S_STU_LEARNINGPREF_C]InternetInResidence25Student Digital Resources Extract
7. What is the primary type of internet service used in your child’s primary place of residence?

Internet Access Type Code:

Choose one of the following barriers for internet access:

  • Residential Broadband
  • Cellular
  • Mobile Hotspot
  • Community WIFI
  • Satellite
  • Dialup
  • DSL
  • Other
  • None
[S_STU_LEARNINGPREF_C]InternetAccess20Student Digital Resources Extract
8. In their primary residence, can your child complete the full range of learning activities, including video streaming and assignment upload, without interruptions caused by slow or poor internet performance?

Internet Performance Code

Choose Yes or No.


3Student Digital Resources Extract
9. What, if any, is the primary barrier to having sufficient and reliable internet access in your child’s primary place of residence?Internet Access Barrier Code

Choose one of the following:
  • Availability
  • Cost
  • Other
  • None
[S_STU_LEARNINGPREF_C]InternetAccessBarrier10Student Digital Resources Extract
10. Survey DateDate Picker
Choose the date of Survey
[S_STU_LEARNINGPREF_C]EffectiveDate10Student Digital Resources Extract
11. CommentsEnter comments if any, and click Submit.

Defining Program Services

State/Province – New York > Program Services (Program Fact) > [Edit/New]

Program Service Category

Choose the appropriate program service category from the pop-up menu.

See Program Service Category Codes for valid values.

[S_NY_STU_ProgramSvc_C] ProgramServiceCategory


Programs Fact

Career and Technical Education (CTE)/Tech Prep Category

Choose the CTE/Tech Prep Category from the pop-up menu, if applicable.

See Career and Technical Education (CTE)/Tech Prep Category Codes for valid values.

Note: This field is only available if the Program Service Category is Career and Technical (CTE)/Tech Prep.

[S_NY_STU_ProgramSvc_C] CTETechPrepCategory


Programs Fact

Program Service Code

Choose the appropriate program service code from the pop-up menu.

See Program Service Codes for valid values.

Note: When the Program Service Category is set to English Learner Language, values for Program Intensity will be populated.



Programs Fact

Primary Nighttime Residence

Choose the student’s Primary Nighttime Residence from the pop-up menu.

Note: Required when Program Service Category is Other and Program Service Code is 8262.

[S_NY_STU_ProgramSvc_C]NighttimeResidence3Programs Fact

Program Service Level

The Program Service Level displays School or District, based on the Program Service Category and/or the Program Service Code.

Valid values:

  • S – School
  • D – District


Note: If this value is missing for any reason, an error will be generated when the Edit Program page is submitted.


Programs Fact

6. Beginning Date

Enter the program service beginning date (First date that student received services).

Note: A Beginning Date of 7/1/YYYY is reported for program services continuing from a previous year.



Programs Fact

7. Ending Date

Enter the program service ending date (First day that services were no longer received). Leave blank for open-ended programs.


  • School level program services must be properly ended when the student leaves the school.
  • If a student's 0231 Program Service Code record is closed, the following program service codes must also be closed:
    • 1232 Students with interrupted Formal Education (SIFE)
    • 5720 – Title III: Services to Non-Immigrant LEP Students
    • 5731 – Title III: Language Instruction Immigrant LEP Students
    • 5709 – English as a Second Language



Programs Fact

School (of the Program)Choose the school where the program takes place.[S_NY_STU_ProgramSvc_C]schoolID11

8. State Location ID:

NY SED BEDS Code from Schools/School Info Page

The NY SED BEDS code from the Schools/School Info > Edit School page is displayed.



Programs Fact

8. State Location ID:

NY SED BEDS Code of institution providing school level service

Enter a value to override the NY SED BEDS code assigned to the school (Start Page > District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School).

Leave the field blank if the program service is offered at the district level.



Programs Fact

9. Program Intensity

Choose the program intensity from the pop-up menu. This field is required and only available for CTE/Tech Prep program services. The value indicates the student’s progression through the program service. As the student reaches each level of intensity, the description must be updated.

Valid values:

  • Enrollee – CTE or TP/CP Enrollee
  • Participant CTE or TP/CP Participant
  • Concentrator CTE or TP/CP Concentrator



Programs Fact

Exit Reason Code 1

Choose student’s reason for exiting the program service.

Note: This field is only available for specific program services.



Programs Fact

Participation Code

Choose the participation code from the pop-up menu. This field indicates whether a Career Technical Education (CTE)/Tech Prep program follows a conventional CTE program approach, or the Tech Prep program approach. This field is only required and available for CTE/Tech Prep program services.



Programs Fact

Program Duration

The duration of a NYS P-Tech program and NYC P-Tech program to distinguish those students as being in their 5th and 6th year of high school.

Note: Required for any student with a Program Service Code of 4026 or 4027 (Early College Scholar)

Each year, enter a one-digit value between "1" and "6" to identify the current year of the program (regardless of the grade in which the student is enrolled).

Valid values:

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6



Program Fact

Program Eligibility Code 1

Choose the student's program eligibility code.

See Program Eligibility Codes for valid values.

Note: This field is only visible when the Program Service Code is (5817) Free Lunch Program or (5806) Reduced-Lunch Program.

[S_NY_STU_ProgramSvc_C] ProgramEligibilitycode120Program Fact
Program Eligibility Code 2

Choose the student's program eligibility code.

See Program Eligibility Codes for valid values.

Note: This field is only visible when the Program Service Code is (5817) Free Lunch Program or (5806) Reduced-Lunch Program.

[S_NY_STU_ProgramSvc_C] ProgramEligibilitycode220Program Fact
Program Eligibility Code 3

Choose the student's program eligibility code.

See Program Eligibility Codes for valid values.

Note: This field is only visible when the Program Service Code is (5817) Free Lunch Program or (5806) Reduced-Lunch Program.

[S_NY_STU_ProgramSvc_C] ProgramEligibilitycode320Program Fact
Program Eligibility Code 4

Choose the student's program eligibility code.

See Program Eligibility Codes for valid values.

Note: This field is only visible when the Program Service Code is (5817) Free Lunch Program or (5806) Reduced-Lunch Program.

[S_NY_STU_ProgramSvc_C] ProgramEligibilitycode420Program Fact
Program Eligibility Code 5

Choose the student's program eligibility code.

See Program Eligibility Codes for valid values.

Note: This field is only visible when the Program Service Code is (5817) Free Lunch Program or (5806) Reduced-Lunch Program.

[S_NY_STU_ProgramSvc_C] ProgramEligibilitycode520Program Fact
Program Eligibility Code 6

Choose the student's program eligibility code.

See Program Eligibility Codes for valid values.

Note: This field is only visible when the Program Service Code is (5817) Free Lunch Program or (5806) Reduced-Lunch Program.

[S_NY_STU_ProgramSvc_C]ProgramEligibilitycode620Program Fact

Defining Partner Project Fact Records

State/Province – New York > Partner Project Fact > New/Edit Partner Project Fact Record

For the latest codes or any of the fields in this section, refer to the SIRS Manual.

School Year*Choose the school year. The current school year displays by default.[S_NY_STU_PARTNERPRJTFACT_C]SchoolYear
eScholar template Partner Project Fact
Student IDUnique identifier assigned by the Local Education Agency (LEA) in which the student is enrolled.[S_NY_STU_PARTNERPRJTFACT_C]STUDENTSDCID
eScholar template Partner Project Fact
Program Service Code*Choose the applicable Program Code.[S_NY_STU_PARTNERPRJTFACT_C]ProgramCode8eScholar template Partner Project Fact
Project ID*Enter the project's name and number.[S_NY_STU_PARTNERPRJTFACT_C]ProjectID
eScholar template Partner Project Fact
Project Start (Entry) Date*Enter the start date of the program. The start date must be between July 1st and June 30th of the reporting school year.[S_NY_STU_PARTNERPRJTFACT_C]ProjectStartDate10eScholar template Partner Project Fact
Project End (Exit) DateEnter the end date of the program. The end date must be between July 1st and June 30th of the reporting school year. Leave blank until the program service actually ends.[S_NY_STU_PARTNERPRJTFACT_C]ProjectEndDate10eScholar template Partner Project Fact
Program Duration

The duration of an NYS P-Tech program and NYC P-Tech program to distinguish those students as being in their 5th and 6th year of high school.

This field is required for any student with a Program Service Code of 4026 or 4027 (Early College Scholar).

Each year, enter a one-digit value between 1 and 8 to identify the current year of the program (regardless of the grade in which the student is enrolled).

Valid values:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8.

eScholar template Partner Project Fact
Project Location Code

Enter the location Code, which is typically the building code assigned by the local student management system and used by the L1 Data Warehouse. This code uniquely identifies the building in which a student is receiving the service.

For code values, access

[S_NY_STU_PARTNERPRJTFACT_C]LocationCode6eScholar template Partner Project Fact
Program Selection Criteria Information
Criteria 1*

Choose the primary selection criteria for the program.

[S_NY_STU_PARTNERPRJTFACT_C]SelCriteria125eScholar template Partner Project Fact
Criteria 2Choose the second additional selection criteria for the program.[S_NY_STU_PARTNERPRJTFACT_C]SelCriteria225eScholar template Partner Project Fact
Criteria 3Choose the third additional selection criteria for the program.[S_NY_STU_PARTNERPRJTFACT_C]SelCriteria325eScholar template Partner Project Fact
Criteria 4Choose the fourth additional selection criteria for the program.[S_NY_STU_PARTNERPRJTFACT_C]SelCriteria425eScholar template Partner Project Fact
Criteria 5Choose the fifth additional selection criteria for the program.[S_NY_STU_PARTNERPRJTFACT_C]SelCriteria525eScholar template Partner Project Fact
Industry Program Partner Information
Industry Partner 1 Name

Enter the name of the Industry partner the student is working with.

Industry Partner 1 Type

Choose the type of the Industry partner the student is working with.

[S_NY_STU_PARTNERPRJTFACT_C]IndPartner150eScholar template Partner Project Fact
Industry Partner 2 NameEnter the name of the Industry partner the student is working with.[S_NY_STU_PARTNERPRJTFACT_C]IndPartnerName2100
Industry Partner 2 TypeChoose the type of the Industry partner the student is working with.[S_NY_STU_PARTNERPRJTFACT_C]IndPartner250eScholar template Partner Project Fact
Industry Partner 3 NameEnter the name of the Industry partner the student is working with.[S_NY_STU_PARTNERPRJTFACT_C]IndPartnerName3100
Industry Partner 3 TypeChoose the type of the Industry partner the student is working with.[S_NY_STU_PARTNERPRJTFACT_C]IndPartner350eScholar template Partner Project Fact
Industry Partner 4 NameEnter the name of the Industry partner the student is working with.[S_NY_STU_PARTNERPRJTFACT_C]IndPartnerName3100
Industry Partner 4 TypeChoose the type of the Industry partner the student is working with.[S_NY_STU_PARTNERPRJTFACT_C]IndPartnerName450eScholar template Partner Project Fact
Carer Program PathwayChoose the program career pathway for the student.[S_NY_STU_PARTNERPRJTFACT_C]CareerPathwayCode10eScholar template Partner Project Fact
Annual Credential StatusLeave blank.[S_NY_STU_PARTNERPRJTFACT_C]AnnualCredStatus3eScholar template Partner Project Fact
Annual Outcome

Choose the applicable Annual Outcome codes.

This field is required for any student with a Program Service Code of 4026 or 4027 (Early College Scholar).

[S_NY_STU_PARTNERPRJTFACT_C]AnnualOutcomeCode3eScholar template Partner Project Fact
Paid InternshipSelect Yes or No to indicate if this is a paid internship.[S_NY_STU_PARTNERPRJTFACT_C]PaidInternshipInd3eScholar template Partner Project Fact
Internship/Apprenticeship TypeReport the internship or apprenticeship type code[S_NY_STU_PARTNERPRJTFACT_C]InternshipTypeCode20eScholar template Partner Project Fact
Internship/Apprenticeship NameEnter the name of the Internship or apprenticeship entity.[S_NY_STU_PARTNERPRJTFACT_C]InternshipTypeName50eScholar template Partner Project Fact
Post College Employer NameEnter the name of post college employer, if available.[S_NY_STU_PARTNERPRJTFACT_C]PostProjectEmpName50eScholar template Partner Project Fact
Post college Job TitleEnter the job title held with the post college employer if available.[S_NY_STU_PARTNERPRJTFACT_C]PostProjectJobTitle50eScholar template Partner Project Fact

Defining State Assessments

State/Province – New York > Assessments (Assessment Fact) > Edit/New Assessments

Test Description

Choose the test from the pop-up menu.

See Test and Item Description Codes for valid values.

[S_NY_STU_Assessments_C] TestDescription


Assessment Fact

Item Description

Choose the version of the test from the pop-up menu.

See Test and Item Description Codes for valid values.

[S_NY_STU_Assessments_C] ItemDescription


Assessment Fact

Test Date

Enter the first date of test administration or the first day of the window in which the test was offered. If the test was taken on a make-up day, enter the date of original administration. If the assessment was offered during a range of dates, indicate the first date the assessment was permitted to be administered. For the Child Outcomes Summary Form for preschool children with disabilities, report July 1, 2009.

[S_NY_STU_Assessments_C] DateOfAdministration


Assessment Fact

Alpha Score

Enter the alpha score, if applicable, such as Pass or Fall.



Assessment Fact

Numeric Score

Enter the numeric score, if applicable.



Assessment Fact

Language Code

Choose the language in which the assessment was administered from the pop-up menu. If the assessment language is unknown, report English (ENG).



Assessment Fact

Standard Achieved Category

Choose the standard achieved category from the pop-up menu.

[S_NY_STU_Assessments_C] StandardAchievedCategory


Assessment Fact (Audit)

Standard Achieved Code

Choose the standard achieved code from the pop-up menu.

This code indicates the level of performance on an assessment or the reason there is no score for the assessment.

Historical Grades to Assessment Migration report and one or more stored grade records are found with a grade of "E" (for exempt), the newly created record will reflect a score of E and include a Standard Achieved Code of 86. This applies to marks for the following Test Groups/Codes:

  • Regents - Regents
  • AltReg - Alternatives to Regents
  • CTE - CTE Program Technical Assessment or Approved CTE Program Technical



Assessment Fact

Alternate Standard Achieved Code

Choose the alternate standard achieved code from the pop-up menu.

This code indicates the level of performance on an assessment or the reason there is no score for the assessment.



Assessment Fact

NYS Assessment Code

Enter the NYS assessment code. This field is automatically populated based on the item description.

  • When you select 'Regents US History & Gov't (Framework) - Jun,' the NYS Assessment Code is set to 06072

  • When you select 'Regents NF Global History - Aug,' the NYS Assessment Code is set to 08208

  • When you select 'Science Exempt,' the NYS Assessment Code is set to 00402



Required Setup

Testing Modification

Select one or more testing modifications from the list. Use the command key (Mac) or control key (PC) to select multiple values



Assessment Fact

Defining Miscellaneous Info

State/Province – New York > Miscellaneous

Exclude this student from State Reporting

Select the checkbox to exclude the student from state reports.

Note: Applies to all enrollments for the current school year. Otherwise, set flags at the individual enrollment level.



Student Lite

School Enrollment

Programs Fact

Assessment Fact

Assessment ACC MOD Fact



VADIR Summary Report

Kindergarten Enrollment

Choose the student’s kindergarten enrollment from the pop-up menu, if applicable.

If the student does not meet age or grade criteria for kindergarten enrollment, the pop-up menu will be blank.

A default value of KF will be extracted when the student’s grade level = 0 and this field is null.

Note: This value can also be entered/edited on the students Current Enrollment page.




Student Lite

School Enrollment

Student District Code (Enrolled)

Enter the code to identify the district where the student is enrolled.

Note: This field is used for situations in which the student is enrolled in a geographic district other than the one where a course is offered.

[S_NY_STU_X]StuDistCodeEn8Student Class Entry Exit

Student with Disabilities (5b, 5c, 5d, 5e)

Select the checkbox if student is disabled.

[S_NY_STU_VADIR_X] StudentWithDisability


VADIR Summary Report

Student notified of right to transfer to a safe school (6e)

Select the checkbox if student was notified of their right to transfer to a safe school.

[S_NY_STU_VADIR_X] RightToTransferNotified


VADIR Summary Report

Date of right to transfer notification

Enter the date student was notified of the right to transfer to a safe school.

[S_NY_STU_VADIR_X] RightToTransferNotifiedDate


VADIR Summary Report

Student accepted offer to transfer (6f)

Select the checkbox if student accepted the offer to transfer.

[S_NY_STU_VADIR_X] TransferOfferAccepted


VADIR Summary Report

GPA Method

Select the GPA method to be used as an override for this student

Note: The default value (as set at the District Office) is displayed for reference. Student level values entered here will override this default



Student Credit GPA Extract


Enter the minimum possible GPA value to be used as an override for this student

Note: The default value (as set at the District Office) is displayed for reference. Student level values entered here will override this default


Student Credit GPA Extract


Enter the maximum possible GPA value to be used as an override for this student.

Note: The default value (as set at the District Office) is displayed for reference. Student level values entered here will override this default


Student Credit GPA Extract

Credit Earned Method

Select the GPA method to be used as an override for calculating cumulative credits earned for this student.

Note: The default value (as set at the District Office) is displayed for reference. Student level values entered here will override this default



Student Credit GPA Extract

Credit Attempted Method

Select the default GPA method to be used as an override for calculating cumulative potential credits for this student.

Note: The default value (as set at the District Office) is displayed for reference. Student level values entered here will override this default



Student Credit GPA Extract

Editing Student Contacts

State/Province – New York > Student Contacts > Edit Student Contacts

Only existing contacts can be linked to students. To add a new contact, see the section titled NY Contact Setup

To link an existing contact to ink to the selected student, enter a Last Name, First Name, Primary Contact ID or State Contact ID and click Search. A pop-up displays all existing contacts that meet the search criteria. Select one or more contacts to be linked to the selected student.

Enter the following data for each contact to be linked to this contact:


Select the contact relationship type code for the adult contact.

Note: See Contact Relationship codes in the SIRS Manual.


Student Contact Fact

Start Date

The start date for the link between the student and the adult contact.

Used to determine the Active status of each relationship as reported in the Student Contact Fact, column 9.


Student Contact Fact

End Date

The end date that the relationship was terminated between the student and the adult contact.

Used to determine the Active status of each relationship as reported in the Student Contact Fact, column 9.


If [S_NY_Contact_Relationship]END_DATE is less than current date then Active Indicator = ‘N’ otherwise Active Indicator = ‘Y’

Student Contact Fact

Defining Attendance Information



Verify that attendance data is entered for the student.





Staff Student Course

Student Daily Attendance

Entering Stored Grades

Historical Grades > New/Edit Stored Grade


Enter the school associated with the historical grade.

This field is view-only for existing historical grades.



Historical Grades to Assessment Migration

Student Class Grade Detail

Summer Class Grade Detail

School year (Term)

Enter the school year.

This field is view-only for existing historical grades.



Student Class Grade Detail

Summer Class Grade Detail

Store Code

Enter the store code associated with the historical grade.

This field is view-only for existing historical grades.



Historical Grades to Assessment Migration

Student Class Grade Detail

Summer Class Grade Detail

Hist. grade level

Enter the grade level the student was enrolled in when the grade was earned.



Historical Grades to Assessment Migration

Course number

Enter the course number of the course associated with the historical grade.



Historical Grades to Assessment Migration

Student Class Grade Detail

Summer Class Grade Detail


Enter the alpha grade score, if applicable.



Historical Grades to Assessment Migration

Student Class Grade Detail

Summer Class Grade Detail

Historical Grade Update Script

GPA Points

Enter the GPA Points awarded for the grade, if applicable.



Historical Grades to Assessment Migration

Student Class Grade Detail

Summer Class Grade Detail


Enter the percentage score, if applicable.



Historical Grades to Assessment Migration

Student Class Grade Detail

Summer Class Grade Detail

Historical Grade Update Script

Historical Grades > New/Edit Stored Grade > New York State Information

Pass/Fail Indicator

Select from the following values:

  • P - Pass,
  • F - Fail
  • F- Non-Complete

If blank, the extract defaults to a value of P – Pass.

Optionally, the Historical Grade Update Script can be run to automatically update this value for grades that qualify as ‘failing’. Additional setup is required for this script to work as designed.


Student Class Grade Detail

Summer Class Grade Detail

Historical Grade Update Script

Class Taken for the Purpose of Credit Recovery

Select the checkbox to indicate if the class was taken for the purpose of credit recovery.



Student Class Grade Detail

Summer Class Grade Detail

Post-Secondary Credit Units EarnedEnter the number of credit units the student earned from a post-secondary institution for a dual enrollment course.[S_NY_SGR_X]Post_Secondary_Credit25Student Class Grade Detail

Class Taken in Summer School

Select the checkbox if the class was taken as part of a Summer School offering.



Summer Class Grade Detail

Location Code Override

Populate this value to override the School that has been associated with this record in the field: [StoredGrades]SchoolId

Note: Only numeric values with 6 digits or less will be accepted in this field.



Summer Class Grade Detail

Defining Discipline Incidents


Incident List

Discipline incidents that involve the selected student appear on this page.

Note: It is recommended to create discipline incidents at the school or district level. See Discipline Incident Setup for more information.



VADIR Summary Report

Editing Information for All Enrollments

All Enrollments > Edit Enrollment Record


The course number appears.



Student Class Grade Detail

Staff Student Course

Enroll Date

The first day the student is scheduled to attend this class.

Note: This field is used when calculating the Relationship Start Date in the Staff Student Course report.



Student Class Grade Detail

Staff Student Course

Exit Date

The first day the student was no longer expected to attend this class.



Student Class Grade Detail

New York State Reporting

Regent Exam Grade is Factored into the Course Grade

Select the checkbox to indicate that the grade awarded for this course is affected by the regent exam.

Note: This field overrides any value set at the section or course level.



Student Class Grade Detail

Class taken for the purpose of Credit Recovery?

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate whether the student enrolled in this class for the purpose of credit recovery.

Note: This field is provided as a search tool only; the value recorded here is not used in any reports.



Not reported

Dual Credit IndicatorSelect Yes or No from the pop-up to indicate whether this class is eligible for dual/concurrent credit.




Student Class Entry Exit

Student Class Grade Detail

Dual /Concurrent Credit Code

Select the setting where the student is taking the course for college credit from the drop down.

Valid values:

  • Blank
  • COLLEGE (College)
  • OTHDST (Other District)
  • OTH (Other)
  • INDST (In District)


  • Validation on this field does not allow for conflicting data between Section, Enrollment (CC), and Historical Grade records.
  • This field is additionally located on the following pages:
    • Start Page > School Setup > Sections
    • Start Page > [Select Student] > Historical Grades



20Student Class Grade Detail

BOCES Reporting

Select the checkbox to indicate that this class is a BOCES offering.

Note: BOVL must be populated if BOCES is selected.


School Enrollment

Student Daily Attendance

Attendance Codes

BOVLEnter the BOCES Virtual Location Code (BOVL) for the class.



School Enrollment

Student Daily Attendance

Attendance Codes

Editing Current/Previous Enrollments

Transfer Information > Edit Current/Previous Enrollment

Entry Date

Enter the first day the student is scheduled to attend school for this enrollment.

Note: The school year for New York begins on 07/01/YYYY and ends on 06/30/YYYY. eScholar students who continued in the same district from the previous school year must submit July 1st of the upcoming school year as their entry date. For example, if the upcoming school year is 2010 – 2011, then the entry date for continuing students must be 07/01/2010.

See Entry and Exit Dates for Continuing Students for more information.




Student Lite

School Enrollment

Programs Fact

Assessment Fact

Student Class Grade Detail



Entry Code

Choose the entry code for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu.

Note: You must choose an entry code for all school enrollments.




School Enrollment

Exit Date

Enter the day after the student’s last day of school enrollment, even if that day occurs during a weekend.

Format: [M]M/[D]D/[YY]YY

Note: The school year for New York begins on 07/01/YYYY and ends on 06/30/YYYY. eScholar students who plan to continue in the same district in the upcoming school year must submit June 30th as their exit date. For example, if the upcoming school year is 2010 – 2011, then the exit date for continuing students must be 06/30/2011. The reports subtract one day from the student’s exit date, so enter 07/01/YYYY as the exit date in order to report 06/30/YYYY.

See Entry and Exit Dates for Continuing Students for more information.




Student Lite

School Enrollment

Programs Fact

Student Class Grade Detail



Exit Code

Choose the exit code for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu.

Note: You must choose an exit code for school enrollments where the exit date is in the past.




School Enrollment

Programs Fact (Audit)

Assessment Fact (Audit)


Full-Time Equivalency

Choose the full-time equivalency for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu.





Grade Level

Choose the grade level for the school enrollment from the drop-down list. Refer to Enrollment Grade Level Codes for valid values.




Student Lite

School Enrollment

Programs Fact (Audit)

Assessment Fact (Audit)



District of Residence

Choose the district of residence for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu.

This value is extracted as the student’s District Code of Residence (as of BEDS day) on the Student Lite extract. To override this value for reporting purposes, use the District Code of Residence field on the student’s Demographics (Student Lite) page.




Student Lite

Exclude this enrollment from State Reporting

Select the checkbox to exclude this enrollment from state reports.

Checked = 1

Note: Applies to this enrollment only. To exclude all enrollments for the current year, set the Exclude Student flag on State/Province – NY page.




Student Lite

School Enrollment

Programs Fact

Assessment Fact

Exclude Student from Attendance Reporting

Select the checkbox to exclude the student from the AT-6 and SA-129 reports.






Location Code

Enter the local BOCES building code for this enrollment, if necessary to override the value entered for the school (Start Page > District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School).

For code values, see




Student Lite

School Enrollment

Programs Fact

Assessment Fact

Location Marking Period

Student School Enrollment Grade Level

Choose the grade level of the student for the reported school year, from the drop-down list as an override if none of the standard grade level codes apply. Refer to Enrollment Grade Level Codes for valid values.

This value will override the value set in the Grade Level field.

Note: The NY-specific 'End of Year logic has been updated to ensure that the value in S_NY_STU_X.SSE_GradeLevel is not copied over to the newly created enrollment.




Student Lite

School Enrollment

Programs Fact (Audit)

Assessment Fact (Audit)

Reason for Beginning Enrollment Code

Choose a Reason for Beginning Enrollment Code from the pop-up menu as an override if none of the entry codes apply. See Reason for Beginning Enrollment Codes for valid values.

This value will override the value set in the Entry Code field.




School Enrollment

Reason for Ending Enrollment Code

Choose a Reason for Ending Enrollment Code from the pop-up menu as an override if none of the exit codes apply. See Reason for Ending Enrollment Codes for valid values.

This value will override the value entered in the Exit Code field.




School Enrollment

Programs Fact (Audit)

Assessment Fact (Audit)

Kindergarten Enrollment

Choose a Kindergarten Enrollment from the pop-up menu, if applicable.

If the student does not meet age or grade criteria for kindergarten enrollment, the pop-up menu will be blank.

A default value of KF will be extracted when the student’s grade level = 0 and this field is null.


This value can also be entered/edited on the State/Province – NY > Miscellaneous page.





Student Lite

School Enrollment

View Guidance Counselor Historical Record

You can view and edit Guidance Counselor Historical Record

Navigation: Start Page > Student Selection > New York State Information > Demographics (Student Lite) > Historical Tracking

Data ElementAdditional Information[Table]FieldNameLengthUsed in these Reports
Guidance Counselor historical recordsView guidance counselor's historical record.[S_NY_STU_Demographics_X]Guidance_Counselor20Student Lite
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