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District Setup


The following data elements are required for district setup. The first two pages of navigation are removed for brevity:

Start Page > District Setup.

  1. On the Start Page, click the School link at the top of the page. The school list appears.

  2. Choose District Office from the pop-up menu. The district start page appears.

  3. Click District from the left-hand navigation pane. The District Setup page appears.

Note: For more information on code values see the Appendix.

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports

Defining Calendar Membership Types

Calendar: Calendar Membership Types > [Edit/New]

The following Calendar Membership Types must be created exactly as shown below.

The list is displayed in ‘Code’ – ‘Meaning’ format.

  • I – Instructional day

  • T – Teacher only day

  • H – Holiday

  • M – Make-up day

  • W – Weather day

  • LE – Late Arrv/Early Dism

  • E – Emergency Day

  • PI - Public Health Event with continuity of learning provided

  • PN - Public Health Event with no continuity of learning provided

  • S – Strike

  • O – Other

  • R – Regents (Note: reported as Instructional Day)

  • RH – Religious Holiday (Note: reported as Holiday)

  • RT – Regents-Attendance Taken

  • RN – Regents-Attendance Not Taken

  • SC – Superintendent Conference Full Day


Enter the calendar membership type code as shown above..

Example: I






Enter the calendar membership type meaning that corresponds with the code entered (above).

Example: Instructional Day





Defining Years & Terms

Calendar: Years & Terms > [Edit/New]

Years & Terms

Define term names and abbreviations with term beginning and ending dates.



All Reports

Defining District Courses

Courses: Courses > [Edit] > District - General tab

Exclude from State Reporting

Select the checkbox to exclude this course from state reporting.



Exclude from NY Grade Reporting (SCGD)

Select the checkbox to exclude this course from Grade reporting.



Summer School Classes are offered for this course

Select the checkbox if summer school classes are offered for this course.



Alternate Course Number

Enter the alternate course number for this course.



Primary Instruction Delivery Method

Choose the primary instruction delivery method for this course.



Primary Course Instruction Language Indicator

Enter the primary language of instruction for this course.

Note: Begin entering into the smart search field to add the language.

See Home Language Codes for valid values.



Regent Exam Grade is Factored into the Course Grade

Select the checkbox if the student's score on the Regent Exam factors into the student's grade in the course.



First Assessment Administration Start Date

Enter the start date of the first state assessment period associated with the course.



Second Assessment Administration Start Date

Enter the start date of the second state assessment period associated with the course.



Third Assessment Administration Start Date

Enter the start date of the third state assessment period associated with the course.



Courses: Courses > [Edit] > Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) > See CRDC District Setup (2020 - 2021)

Setting Up Incident Management

Defining Incident Management Codes

Discipline and Log Entries: Incident Management > Code & Subcode Setup

Note: An automated process for setting up incident management codes is available by accessing the Load Codes and Subcodes link on the District Information page. In all instances, the State Detail Report Code must not be edited. Additional descriptions may be edited based on local requirements.

See the Appendix for code values. For more information about creating incidents, see Discipline Incident Setup.

Action Codes

The following Action codes must be set up:

  • Student Actions

  • Staff Actions

  • Other Person Actions

See Incident Management: Action Codes and Subcodes for valid values.





SSEC Summary Data Collection Form

Action Subcodes

Multiple action subcodes must be set up.

See Incident Management: Action Codes and Subcodes for valid values.



[Incident_LU_Sub_Code]Is_State_Reportable_Flg = 1 (True)


SSEC Summary Data Collection Form

Attribute Codes

The following Attribute code must be set up: State Reportable.

See Incident Management: Attribute Codes for valid values.


[Incident_LU_Code]Incident_Category = State Reportable

[Incident_LU_Code]State_Aggregate_RPT_Code = 100


SSEC Summary Data Collection Form

Behavior Codes

Multiple Behavior codes must be set up.

See Incident Management: Behavior Codes for valid values.





SSEC Summary Data Collection Form

Behavior Subcodes

Multiple Behavior subcodes must be set up.

See Incident Management: Behavior Codes for valid values.

When any of the below Behavior Codes is selected, a subcode is not required. A value of 'No SubCode' is displayed, and a null value is stored in the database.

  • Sexual Offense

  • Assault

  • Weapons Possession



[Incident_LU_Sub_Code]Is_State_Reportable_Flg = 1 (True)


SSEC Summary Data Collection Form

Participant Attribute Codes

There are no New York specific Participant Attribute codes.



Not Required

Location Codes

The following Location codes must be set up:

  • On School Property (4a)

  • At school-sponsored function off-grounds (4b)

See Incident Management: Location Codes for valid values.





SSEC Summary Data Collection Form

Object Codes

The following Object code must be set up: Weapons.

See Incident Management: Object Codes for valid values.





SSEC Summary Data Collection Form

Object Subcodes

The following Object subcodes must be set up:

  • Handgun 5a(1)

  • Rifles or Shotguns 5a(2)

  • Other Firearms (5a(3)

  • Knives 5a(4)

  • Chemical or Biological Agents 5a(5)

  • Other Weapons 5a(6)

See Incident Management: Object Codes for valid values.



[Incident_LU_Sub_Code]Is_State_Reportable_Flg = 1 (True)


SSEC Summary Data Collection Form

Participant Role Codes

The following codes are set up by default and should not be changed:

  • Offender

  • Victim

  • Witness

  • Reporter



SSEC Summary Data Collection Form

Time Codes

The following Time codes must be set up:

  • During regular school hours (4c)

  • Before or after regular school hours (4c)





SSEC Summary Data Collection Form

Duration Codes

The following Duration codes must be set up:

  • Hours

  • School Calendar Day(s)

  • School Calendar Year(s)





SSEC Summary Data Collection Form

Action Change Codes

There are no New York specific Action Change codes.



Not Required

Action Attributes

There are no New York specific Action Attribute codes.



Not Required

Defining Incident Types

Discipline and Log Entries: Incident Management > Incident Types


Verify that an incident type is set up for New York incident reporting. The incident type must be either VADIR or VADIR^. This incident type must not be removed or changed.

Note: The Local Use Only incident type can be modified for non-NY reporting.




SSEC Summary Data Collection Form

Entering District Info

District Information: District Info

Name of District

Enter the district name.




Required Setup

District Number

Public schools: Enter the district number.

Charter and Nonpublic Schools: Enter the full Institution Code and select the Charter and Nonpublic Schools checkbox.




Required Setup

Charter and Nonpublic Schools

Charter and Nonpublic Schools: Select the checkbox to indicate if the district is charter or nonpublic.



Student Lite

School Enrollment

Programs Fact

Assessment Fact

Staff Snapshot

District Code

Public schools: Enter the 6-digit BEDS Code.

Charter and Nonpublic Schools: Enter the last 7 digits of your Institution Code and select the Charter and Nonpublic Schools checkbox.

See BEDS Codes for valid values.



Student Lite

School Enrollment

Programs Fact

Assessment Fact

Course Extract

Location Marking Period

Staff Snapshot

Staff Assignment

Staff Student Course

Student Daily Attendance

Student Class Grade Detail

Summer Class Grade Detail

NY Discipline Codes and Subcodes Status:

Load Codes and Subcodes

Select the checkbox to automatically set up codes and subcodes for VADIR (SSEC Summary Data Collection Form). See the Appendix for code values.

Verify that you want to load VADIR (SSEC Summary Data Collection Form) codes before clicking Submit, because the process cannot be reversed. Click Learn More for additional information.

The codes are loaded on the hour or when PowerSchool is launched. However, only the PowerSchool taskmaster application is updated. If more than one PowerSchool application exists in a server array, review additional information about changing task master node designation.

The PowerSchool log window displays either a Complete or Failure message when the codes are loaded.



SSEC Summary Data Collection Form

NY Discipline Codes and Subcodes Status:

Load is complete

This message appears if the New York Incident Management configuration file has been loaded.



SSEC Summary Data Collection Form

Access Incident Management from Teacher Portal

Choose Yes to enable teachers to access Incident Management from the Teacher Portal; otherwise, choose No.



District Information: District Info > Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) > See CRDC District Setup (2020 - 2021)

Mapping NY Discipline Codes

District Information: District Info > Map current incident codes to updated reporting incident codes link > [Select Code]

[Selected Code]

Click Submit to map the local codes to state reportable codes.



SSEC Summary Data Collection Form

Defining School Groups

Create school groups to run certain reports for only a portion of the schools in the district.

Note: A school may belong to any number of school groups.

District Information: District Info > School Groups


The school group code.



Attendance Report Worksheet (SA-129)


The name of the school group.



Attendance Report Worksheet (SA-129)


The codes for the schools in the group.




Attendance Report Worksheet (SA-129)

District Information: District Info > School Groups > New > New School Group


Enter a code for the school group.

Note: The code must not exceed six characters.



Attendance Report Worksheet (SA-129)


Enter a name for the school group.



Attendance Report Worksheet (SA-129)

Available Schools

Select the desired schools from the list. Create a group by using the rightward arrow to move the highlighted schools into the "Selected Schools" column.




Attendance Report Worksheet (SA-129)

Selected Schools

Displays the schools in the group.




Attendance Report Worksheet (SA-129)

Defining Districts of Residence

District Information: Districts of Residence > [New/Edit]

District ID

Enter the eight-character district ID in the format NY123456.

This value is assigned to each student on their Transfer Info > Edit Current/Previous Enrollment page.

This value is extracted as the student’s District of Residence on the Student Lite extract. However, the value can be overridden by the District Code of Residence field on the student’s Demographics (Student Lite) page for reporting purposes.




Student Lite

District Name

Enter the district name.




Required Setup

Defining District Schools

District Information: Schools/School Info > [Edit/New]

School Name

Enter the school name.



Programs Fact (Audit)

Assessment Fact (Audit)

Historical Grades to Assessment Migration


School Abbreviation

Enter the school abbreviation.



Required Setup

School Number

Enter the school number.



Required Setup

Exclude From State Reporting?

Select the checkbox to exclude the school from state reporting.



Student Lite

School Enrollment

Programs Fact

Assessment Fact

Staff Student Course


Enter the school grades (lowest - highest).

Note: Grade levels must be in the range -10 to 20.




Required Setup


Enter the NY SED BEDS code.



SSEC Summary Data Collection Form

Local BOCES Bldg Code

Enter the local BOCES building code.



Student Lite

School Enrollment

Programs Fact

Assessment Fact

Course Extract

Location Marking Period

Staff Snapshot

Staff Assignment

Staff Student Course

Attendance Code

Student Daily Attendance

Student Class Grade Detail

Summer Class Grade Detail

Exclude School From Attendance Report (SA-129)

Select the checkbox to exclude this school from attendance calculations in the SA-129 report.




District Location Code

Private/Parochial School: Enter the value to override the value entered for the District Code on the District Information page: District Setup > District Information



Student Lite

Student Enrollment Extract

Program Fact

Assessment Extract

Course Extract

Staff Snapshot

Location Marking Period

Staff Student Course

Student Class Grade Detail

Summer Class Grade Detail

District Code from District Information page

The page displays the value stored for the District Code on the District Information page. Click the District Information link to navigate to the District Information page to update the District Code.



Edit Marking Period Information

Beginning in 2016-2017, marking period data is in an extended schema table [S_NY_TRB_X], and marking periods must be defined on the School Setup > Final Grade/Reporting Term Setup > New Final Grade page at each school.



Attendance Mode for Calculating Instructional Minutes link > Attendance Mode for Calculating Instructional Minutes for [School]

This value is used for all students when calculating Instructional Minutes in the Staff Student Course Extract.

Choose one of the following options from the pop-up menu:

  • Default Mode in FTE

  • Meeting (available only when Meeting attendance is enabled on the Attendance Preference page)

  • Daily (available only when Meeting attendance is enabled on the Attendance Preference page)



Staff Student Course Extract

Please enter a Comma-delimited list of attendance codes to be reported as Present - IN

Enter a comma-delimited list of attendance codes. Include any ISS or OSS codes that are set to count as Present - In School.

PRSNT-IN (Present - In School)



Student Daily Attendance

Attendance Code Extract

Please enter a Comma-delimited list of attendance codes to be reported as Present - OUT

Enter a comma-delimited list of attendance codes. Include any ISS or OSS codes that are set to count as Present - Out of School.

PRSNT-OUT (Present - Out of School)



Student Daily Attendance

Attendance Code Extract

Please enter a Comma-delimited list of attendance codes to be reported as Tardy - IN

Enter a comma-delimited list of Tardy attendance codes. Include any ISS or OSS codes that are set to count as Tardy - In School.

T-IN (Tardy - In School)



Student Daily Attendance

Attendance Code Extract

Please enter a Comma-delimited list of attendance codes to be reported as Tardy - OUT

Enter a comma-delimited list of Tardy attendance codes. Include any ISS or OSS codes that are set to count as Tardy - Out of School.

T-OUT (Tardy - Out of School)



Student Daily Attendance

Attendance Code Extract

Please enter a comma-delimited list of Excused absence codes

Enter a comma-delimited list of Excused absence codes.

Note: Values entered will be used in the Attendance Codes and Student Daily Attendance extracts.



Student Daily Attendance

Attendance Code Extract

Please enter a comma-delimited list of Unexcused absence codes

Enter a comma-delimited list of Unexcused absence codes.

Note: Values entered will be used in the Attendance Codes and Student Daily Attendance extracts.



Student Daily Attendance

Attendance Code Extract

Please enter a comma-delimited list of attendance codes used for In-School Suspension

Enter a comma-delimited list of attendance codes used for In-School Suspension.

Note: Values entered will be used to identify absences resulting from in-school suspensions. If a code is mapped to both a suspension code and a non-suspension code, it is only reported for the non-suspension code.



Student Daily Attendance

Attendance Code Extract

Please enter a comma-delimited list of attendance codes used for Out-of-School Suspension

Enter a comma-delimited list of attendance codes used for Out-of-School Suspension.

Note: Values entered will be used in to identify absences resulting from out-of-school suspensions. OSS must be the first item listed in this row. If a code is mapped to both a suspension code and a non-suspension code, it is only reported for the non-suspension code.



Student Daily Attendance

Attendance Code Extract

Officer present on campus on a regularly scheduled basis

Select the checkbox if an officer is present on campus on a regularly scheduled basis. This field is required if applicable.



SSEC Summary Data Collection Form

Officer provides input to VADIR (SSEC Summary Data Collection Form)

Select the checkbox if an officer provides VADIR (SSEC Summary Data Collection Form) input. This field is required if applicable.



SSEC Summary Data Collection Form

Designated as Persistently Dangerous School (6d)

Select the checkbox if the school is designated as persistently dangerous. This field is required if applicable.



SSEC Summary Data Collection Form

Begin Date of Persistently Dangerous school designation

Enter the date that the school was designated as persistently dangerous.

[S_NY_SCH_VADIR_X] PersistentlyDangerousBeginDate


SSEC Summary Data Collection Form

End Date of Persistently Dangerous school designation

Enter the date the school was no longer designated as persistently dangerous

[S_NY_SCH_VADIR_X] PersistentlyDangerousEndDate


SSEC Summary Data Collection Form

Default GPA Method

Choose the default GPA method to be used for students in this school.



Student Credit GPA Extract


Enter the default minimum GPA value that can be earned by a student in this school.



Student Credit GPA Extract


Enter the default maximum GPA value that can be earned by a student in this school.



Student Credit GPA Extract

Default Credit Earned Method

Choose the default GPA method to be used for calculating cumulative credits earned.



Student Credit GPA Extract

Default Credit Attempted Method

Choose the default GPA method to be used for calculating cumulative attempted (potential) credits



Student Credit GPA Extract

District Information: Schools/School Info > Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) > See CRDC District Setup (2020 - 2021)

Special Program Link

Choose the special program to auto-enroll students at this school in the given program.

Special Programs can be defined at the district. Click the Special Program Link to add new programs.

Note: A program should only be specified in this field if ALL students in this school are enrolled in the program when they are enrolled in the school. Otherwise, this option should be left blank.



Defining Ethnicity Codes

Enrollment: Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity Codes > [Edit/New]


Enter the ethnicity code. See Federal Ethnicity for valid code values.




Student Lite

Programs Fact (Audit)

Assessment Fact (Audit)


Enter the ethnicity description.




Required Setup

Setting Up GPA Methods

Grading: GPA Calculations > Calculation Methods > [Edit/New]

Create a unique method to generate each of the following:

  • Graduation Credits Attempted

  • Graduation Credits Earned

  • Cumulative GPA

See GPA Setup for additional setup information.

Method Name

Enter a name for the calculation method.


[Gen]Cat = gpacalcmethod


Student Credit GPA


Enter a description for the calculation method.


Student Credit GPA


Enter the formula used to determine the result of the calculation.



Student Credit GPA

Calculation Type

Set this value to Cumulative for all methods used in NY State reporting.



Student Credit GPA

Grade Scale

To override the Grade Scale used at the course/section level with a single grade scale, choose the grade scale from this pop-up menu.

[Gen]Value Li


Student Credit GPA

Query Options

Specify one or more terms, grade levels, school years or credit types to be used by the method



Student Credit GPA

Only include grades:

Used to narrow the selection of grades used in the calculation.



Student Credit GPA

Defining Assessment Course Associations

New York Specific Information: Assessment Course Associations > [Edit/New]

Please note that all fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.


Choose a course from the pop-up menu for which grades you would like to convert to an assessment score.



Historical Grades to Assessment Migration

Assessment Test Description*

Choose an assessment test from the pop-up menu for which you would like to create assessment scores.



Historical Grades to Assessment Migration

Assessment Item Description*

Choose a related assessment item from the pop-up menu for which you would like to create assessment scores.

  • When you select 'Regents US History & Gov't (Framework) - Jun,' the NYS Assessment Code is set to 06072

  • When you select 'Regents NF Global History - Aug,' the NYS Assessment Code is set to 08208

  • When you select 'Science Exempt,' the NYS Assessment Code is set to 00402



Historical Grades to Assessment Migration

NYS Assessment Code

Enter the NYS assessment code to associate with the new score. This field is automatically populated based on the assessment item description.



Historical Grades to Assessment Migration

Store Code*

Enter the store code to associate with the new score.



Historical Grades to Assessment Migration

Date of Administration*

Enter the date of administration to associate with the new score.



Historical Grades to Assessment Migration

Score Type*

Choose the score type from the pop-up menu to determine which grade to convert to an assessment score, such as the percentage grade for the course (100%), or the alpha grade (A+).



Historical Grades to Assessment Migration

Defining District Calendars

New York Specific Information: District Calendars > [Edit/New]

Districts can set up a calendar for each unique attendance schedule used at the individual school or grade level. A single calendar can be linked to as many schools and grade level combinations as needed.

Calendar Name

Enter a Calendar Name.



Day Calendar Extract

Calendar Description

Enter a Calendar Description.



Day Calendar Extract

Calendar Start Date

Enter the calendar Start date. This will be the first day marked as in session in the calendar.



Day Calendar Extract

Calendar End Date

Enter the calendar End date. This will be the last day marked as in session in the calendar.



Day Calendar Extract


Select each checkbox to link the calendar to as many school and grade level combinations as needed.

Note: When you are creating or editing a district calendar, any school with a High Grade <=6 will have the option to select grades up to the high grade + grade 13.





Day Calendar Extract

Automated Calendar Setup

New York Specific Information: District Calendars > [Edit] > Automated Calendar Setup tab

First Date to be Changed

Select the first date to be changed.



Last Date to be Changed

Select the last date to be changed



Setup Mode

Select one of the following setup modes:

  • Simple

  • Advanced



Cycle Day

Choose Cycle Day for this particular day of the week.



Bell Schedule

Choose the Bell Schedule used for this particular day of the week.



School In-Session

Select the checkbox if this particular day of the week is considered an in-session day.



Membership Value

Enter the membership value for this particular day of the week.



Tracks In-Session

Select the checkbox(es) for the track(s) used on this particular day of the week.









Choose the type of day for this particular day of the week.




Enter any notes regarding the particular day of the week.



Defining Calendar Days

New York Specific Information: District Calendars > [Edit] > Days tab

Cycle Day

Choose the Cycle Day for the particular day.



Bell Schedule

Choose the Bell Schedule used for the particular day.



School In-Session

Select the checkbox if the particular day is considered an in-session day.



Membership Value

Enter the membership value.



Tracks In-Session

Select the checkbox(es) for the track(s) used on this particular day.









Choose the type of day.




Enter any notes regarding the particular day.



Pushing District Calendars to Schools

New York Specific Information: District Calendars > [Edit] > Push tab

First Date to be Changed

Select the first date to be changed.



Last Date to be Changed

Select the last date to be changed



Basic Filter

Enter into the filter and click Apply to show schools that fit the filter.



Additional Filter(s)

Click the Plus (+) icon to filter schools based on more advanced options. Choose one of the following from the pop-up menu to specify the filter:

  • School Name

  • Minimum Grade

  • Maximum Grade




Select the checkbox(es) next to the school(s) to which the district calendar should apply. Click the Push Calendar to Selected Schools button to associate the calendar with the school(s).





Defining District Calendar Cycle Days

New York Specific Information: District Calendar Cycle Days > [Edit/New]

Note: Districts may optionally define the district calendar cycle days information to be used in the district calendars. This detail is not reported to the State but is required for a complete district calendar and for use in copying the district calendar to the school level. The cycle day name must exist at the district level with the exact same naming convention to any school calendar to which it will be copied. If a district calendar is to be copied to multiple schools, the schools must follow exactly the same naming convention for the cycle day name.


Enter the cycle day name. If the district calendar is to be copied to a school, then enter the cycle day name must be identical at the school and district level. If the district calendar is to be copied to multiple schools each school must share a common cycle day naming convention.



Not reported

Defining District Calendar Bell Schedules

New York Specific Information: District Calendar Bell Schedules > [Edit/New]


Enter the bell schedule name. If the district calendar is to be copied to a school, enter the bell schedule name must be identical at the school and district level. If the district calendar is to be copied to multiple schools each school must share a common bell schedule naming convention.

The bell schedule name must contain the value that will be reported to the State. The values are “Full”, “Third” and “Half”. This value is parsed and any other descriptions can be used in the bell schedule name as long as one of these values is present in the name.



Not reported

Creating Entry Codes

Start Page > District Setup > Code Sets > EntryCode

For more information, see Code Sets and Entry and Exit Codes pages in SIS Administration Guide.

Data Element




Code set

Select the Code set type.



Enter the entry code.



Display Value

Enter the code display value.



Enter the entry code description.



Sort Order

Enter a sort order to determine where the code displays on the page.

[CODESET] UIDisplayOrder


Start Date

Enter a start date to activate this code.



End Date

Enter an end date to inactivate this code.



Creating Exit Codes

Start Page > District Setup > Code Sets > ExitCode

For more information, see Code Sets and Entry and Exit Codes pages in SIS Administration Guide.

Data Element




Code set

Select the Code set type.



Enter the exit code.



Display Value

Enter the code display value.



Enter the exit code meaning.



Sort Order

Enter a sort order to determine where the code displays on the page.

[CODESET] UIDisplayOrder


Start Date

Enter a start date to activate this code.



End Date

Enter an end date to inactivate this code.



JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.