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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-288289All States/Provinces: CRDC - DISC1-b Update

CRDC - School File: Version 1.3

DISC1-b (PK Expulsions) in the template was looking at the incorrect logic (DISC1-c). The report is now updated and DISC1-b and DISC1-c will report as expected.

PSSR-281962All States/Provinces: CRDC - LEA File - Output File Updates

CRDC - LEA File: Version 1.3

The web link for the "Harassment or Bullying Policy" is now a hyperlink. This will prevent longer web addresses from overflowing the text box.

For email elements, a space has been added after each email address so the text wraps properly.

PSSR-284900All States/Provinces: CRDC STAFF FTE Fields Update

On the Edit School page, the CRDC Staff FTE fields are updated and now store values to the hundredth place.

PSSR-306326All States/Provinces: Jquery Update

The SR installer has been updated to use Jquery version 3.6.

PSSR-305516All States/Provinces: Jquery Version 3.6 Upgrade

Additional Reference: PSSR-306326

The Jquery library in the PowerSchool SIS State/Provincial Reporting installer has been upgraded to version 3.6.

PSSR-280319All States/Provinces: New - Import ID Look-Up Functionality

The Append Import ID functionality allows users to upload an import file with any of the four student ID values (dcid, id, state student number, or student number). The user can then select which ID/foreignkey their file contains and which of the remaining three, they want to add. The system would create a new version of their import file with defined columns and data and the additional, indicated ID/foreignkey columns added as additional columns.

This functionality helps the user to import data into PowerSchool without having to go through a great deal of manual manipulation especially while importing into extension tables since they use studentDCID which is not easily accessible in PowerSchool.

Append Student Import ID Functionality would appear on the following pages:

  • Start page> Import & Exporting
  • Start Page> Special Functions> Importing & Exporting
  • Start page> System> Page & Data Management
PSSR-303788All States/Provinces: SRP Startup Optimization

The SRP start-up process (which loads the reports available in PowerSchool) has been optimized to reduce the start-up time needed for PowerSchool.

PSSR-285021CRDC 20–21: OFFN-1, OFFN-4, HIBS -1a, 1b Not Showing Correct Counts

CRDC Report (2020-2021): Version 1.3.3

The logic for OFFN-1 and OFFN-4 is updated to include all qualifying incidents with or without an action assigned to the offenders. In addition, the logic for HIBS-1a and HIBS-1b is updated to correctly calculate the number of students with an assigned behavior value of 5a or 5b.

Once final specifications are posted by the OCR, all fixes applied to the 2020-2021 version of the report will be incorporated into this new version.

PSSR-305076Edited Assessment Course Association Records Were Not Processed by the Historical Grades to Assessment Migration Tool

The Historical grades page has been fixed to save the data changes of existing records after they are edited. This change has resolved the issue of Historical Grades to Assessment Migration report and now the data of edited records migrate properly.

PSSR-255833Historical Grades to Assessment Migration - Rewrite for Improved Performance

Historical Grades to Assessment Migration (Beta): Version 1.0

The Historical Grades to Assessment Migration report has been rewritten for improved performance. This report is currently a Beta version, and the existing legacy version will remain until we verify with users that this new version works as expected.

PSSR-299872New eScholar Extract: Partner Project Fact Extract (SFTP)

Partner Project Fact Extract (SFTP): Version 1.0
A new eScholar extract is now available on the State Report page, in the NY eScholar Extracts section. This extract should be used for reporting students’ P-TECH, Smart Scholars, and Smart Transfer program data starting in January 2023.

PSSR-307111Partner Project Fact: Data Collection Updates

The following text entry fields are now available on the New and Edit Partner Project Fact page:

  1. Industry Partner 1 Name 
  2. Industry Partner 2 Name 
  3. Industry Partner 3 Name 
  4. Industry Partner 4 Name 
  5. Internship Or Apprenticeship Name
PSSR-305445Partner Project Fact: Data Entry: Add an Indicator for Required Fields

An asterisk ( * ) has been added to the following fields as an indicator that a value is required for reporting purposes. This is for visual identification only, and users are not prevented from submitting the record if these values are not populated.

PSSR-305468Student Digital Equity: Search Updates

The Student Digital Equity & Learning Preference Search page has been updated to list only NY-specific field names in the search criteria selected.

PSSR-305228Updates to Existing Program Service and Reason for Exiting Enrollment  Codes

Updated the description for Program Service Code 0363 to (0363) Emotional Disability.

The Reason for Exiting Enrollment Code “400 – Compulsory age student, stopped attending“ now appears in the Dropouts section of the options list.

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