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Teacher Portal - Creating Incidents

Permit Access to Incident Management from Teacher Portal 

Access can be provided to all teachers at the district level only. Either all teachers in a district are given access or none. 

To set up teacher access, navigate to Start Page > District Setup >  District Information.

Setup Email Generation for New Incident

To set up email generation for new incidents created in the Teacher Portal, navigate to Start Page > District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School, and enter the administrator email address in the following field:

  • Email Copies of New Teacher Log Entries/Incident Management To

Create Incident in Teacher Portal

To create Discipline Incidents from the Teacher Portal do the following:

  1. From the Teacher Portal Sign In page, click the Backpack icon.
  2. From the Student Information Page, select a student.
  3. Click Select Screens.
  4. Click Discipline Incidents and fill out the following fields:
Incident DateEnter the date and time the incident occurred.
Incident DetailEnter the details of the incident.
Incident TitleEnter a title for the Incident.
Incident TypeChoose an incident type.
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