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Incident Rules

Use the following rules when creating incidents.

Incident Type

State reportable incidents must be associated with the incident type VADIR or VADIR^.


Offenders are not required for incidents to be reported, but should be defined if possible. If the offender is not known, such as in the event that a weapon is found on school grounds, then create and assign the role of offender to an "Other Participant."


Behaviors are not required for incidents to be reported, but should be defined if possible. The most severe behavior is reported for every incident, regardless of which participant is responsible for the behavior. If there are additional less severe behaviors in the incident for different offenders, drag the behavior to the appropriate offender to report that behavior for that individual, in addition to the most severe behavior. The behavior appears under the name of the offender and also remains listed under Incident Elements.

Severity is determined by the lowest behavior (category). For example, if an incident involves robbery (category 3) and an assault with physical injury (category 7), the incident is reported in category 3.


Actions are not required for incidents to be reported, but should be defined if possible. Incidents in categories 1 through 8, and 14 through 19 (involving weapons, alcohol drugs, physical injury or the threat of physical injury) are reported regardless of whether the offender is assigned a disciplinary action.

After you create an action, you must click and drag the action to the appropriate participant to associate the two elements. After the action is associated with the behavior, it no longer appears under the Incident Elements heading.


Victims are not required for incidents to be reported, but should be defined if possible. Victims may be assigned the appropriate action, such as NCLB Violent Crime – Given Opportunity to Transfer.


Witnesses are not reported in VADIR incidents, but may be defined. Witnesses may be assigned behaviors, but the behavior is reported only for the incident itself, not for the witness. Witnesses may also be assigned actions, however actions are only reported for offenders and victims.


Reporters are not reported in VADIR incidents, but may be defined. Reporters may be assigned behaviors, but the behavior is reported only for the incident itself, not for the reporter. Reporters may also be assigned actions, however actions are only reported for offenders and victims.


Attributes are not required for incidents to be reported, but should be defined if an applicable attribute exists for the incident. Attributes are associated with the incident itself and cannot be associated to a participant.


Objects are not required for incidents to be reported, but must be defined if appropriate. After you create an object, you must click and drag the object to the appropriate offender in order to report the object.

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