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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-242762District Calendar Setup - Page updates to allow grade-level 13 for K-6 schools

Navigation: Start Page > District Setup > District Calendars > New Calendar
This page has been updated so that any school with a High Grade <=6 will now have checkboxes for grades up to the high grade, plus grade 13.

PSSR-240773Item Description for Assessment Records not Displaying Properly

The New/Edit Assessments (Assessment Fact) page has been updated to always display the correct values for the Item Description field.

PSSR-238068NY - Performance Improvements

To improve performance, the following pages and files were updated to no longer reference legacy custom fields:

  • Start Page > Student Selection > New York State Information > Demographics (Student Lite) page
  • Start Page > Student Selection > New York State Information > Program Services (Program Fact) page
  • Start Page > Staff > Select A Staff Member > Edit Information > New York ENYP Access Records page
  • Updated NY_Enrollment_View.sql file.
PSSR-239168NY eScholar Historical Grades to Assessment Migration - Grammar Error

The report page has been updated to use proper grammar.

PSSR-243039NY Reports - Performance Improvements

Student Credit GPA* (SFTP) - Version: 2.8
Student Class Grade Detail Extract* (SFTP) - Version: 4.1
Summer Class Grade Detail Extract* (SFTP) - Version: 2.5
Assessment ACC MOD Fact Extract* (SFTP) - Version: 2.6

To improve performance, the listed reports have been updated to no longer reference legacy custom fields.

PSSR-243038NY Reports - Performance Improvements

Staff Student Course (SFTP) - Version:2.7
Staff Assignments (SFTP) - Version: 1.4
Staff Snapshot (SFTP) - Version:2.2

To improve performance, the listed reports have been updated to no longer reference legacy custom fields.

PSSR-238063NY Reports - Performance Improvements

School Enrollment Extract (SFTP): Version 4.10
SAMS - Claim Form A Report: Version 2.4
Attendance Codes (SFTP): Version 2.4
Course Extract (SFTP): Version 3.7

Course Instructor Assignment (SFTP): Version2.7

To improve performance, the listed reports have been updated to no longer reference legacy custom fields.

PSSR-243080Program Fact Extract (SFTP) Report - Performance Improvements

Program Fact Extract (SFTP): Version 2.25
To improve performance, the report is updated to no longer reference legacy custom fields.

PSSR-241643School Enrollment Extract (SFTP) fails to populate School Exit Date and School Exit Type Code for all students

School Enrollment Extract (SFTP) Version 4.10
The School Enrollment Extract (SFTP) is updated to extract the School Exit Date and School Exit Type Code for all students.

PSSR-241647Validation and date picker options fail to show on Assessment course Associations

Validation has been added for the listed fields on Start Page > District Setup > Assessment Course Association >Edit/New:

  • Assessment Test Description
  • Assessment Item Description
  • Store Code
  • Date of Administration
  • Score Type
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