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CRDC Student Setup (2020 - 2021)

The following data elements are required for student setup. The first two pages of navigation are removed for brevity:

Data Element

Additional Information



[Student selection] > Demographics

Federal Ethnicity

Choose Yes or No to indicate if the student is Hispanic or Latino.

If you set up the option to allow the student to decline to specify ethnicity (District level setting), then select this value, if appropriate.

Valid Values:

  • -1 – Default, no value
  • 0 – No, not Hispanic or Latino
  • 1 – Yes, Hispanic or Latino


Federal Ethnicity and Race: Race

Select the checkbox for the appropriate federal race category.

If you set up the option to allow the student to decline to specify race then select this value, if appropriate.



Choose either female or male from the pop-up menu.

Note: Female is stored as F, and Male is stored as M.


Additional Information

[Student selection] > State/Province - NY > Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

Exclude Student from CRDC

Select the checkbox if the student should not be considered in CRDC reporting.


LEA Questions

DSED-1, DSED-2. Is this a student enrolled in any distance education courses?

Choose Yes or No to indicate if the student is enrolled in any distance education courses.


HSEE-2. Does this student participate in a High School Equivalency Exam preparation program (for ages 16-19) operated by this LEA?

Choose Yes or No to indicate if the student participates in a High School Equivalency Exam preparation program (for ages 16-19) operated by this LEA.


School Questions

ENRL-2a/2b. Enrollment of English Learner Students

Is this an English Learner students?

Choose Yes or No to indicate if the student was ELL-qualified.

Note: Any value stored in these fields (other than blank) will serve as an override to Program Fact data entered for the student.

Is this student enrolled in an English Learner program?Choose Yes or No to indicate if the student was enrolled in an ELL Program[S_NY_STU_CRDC_X]EnrLEP_YN

ENRL-3a. Is this a student with one or more disabilities served under IDEA?

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether the student has one or more disabilities and is served under IDEA.

ENRL-3b. Is this a student with disabilities served under Section 504, but not served under IDEA?Choose Yes or No to indicate whether the student has one or more disabilities and is served under Section 504, but is not served under IDEA.[S_NY_STU_CRDC_X]Section504_YN
PENR-1/2. Is this student enrolled in a gifted/talented programChoose Yes or No to indicate whether the student is enrolled in a gifted/talented program.[S_NY_STU_CRDC_X]GATE_YN
PENR-3, PENR-4. Is this a student enrolled in Dual Enrollment or Dual Credit Programs?

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether the student is enrolled in dual enrollment or dual credit programs.


APIB-2. Is this a student enrolled in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program?

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether the student is enrolled in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program.


EXAM-1. SAT and ACT Participation

Did this student take the SAT?

Select Yes or No to indicate whether the student took the SAT.


Did this student take the ACT?

Select Yes or No to indicate whether the student took the ACT.


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