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Attendance Codes (SFTP)


This report maps local attendance and suspension codes to state defined values:

Attendance codes

  • (PRSNT-IN) Present - In School

  • (PRSNT-OUT) Present - Out of School

  • (E) Excused Absence,

  • (U) Unexcused Absence

  • (T-IN) Tardy - In School

  • (T-OUT) - Tardy - Out of School

Suspension Codes

  • (ISS) In-School Suspension

  • (OSS) Out-of-School Suspension

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.


The report will generate one record for each attendance code defined as outlined below:

Required Setup:

  1.  Attendance Code Categories should be defined at the individual school level (School > Attendance Code Categories > New) in order to define and report the correct Modality for each code.

    • A category for all codes that will be assigned to students who were expected to be taught entirely in person on any given day

      • Category name: Assign a name that clearly identifies the purpose of the category.  EX: In Person Instruction

      • Code: IN

    • A category for all codes that will be assigned to students who were expected to be taught entirely remotely on any given day

      • Category name: Assign a name that clearly identifies the purpose of the category. EX: Remote Instruction

      • Code: R

    • A category for all codes that will be assigned to students who were expected to be taught both remotely and in person on any given day

      • Category name: Assign a name that clearly identifies the purpose of the category.  EX: Mixed Instruction

      • Code: B

2.  Additional Attendance Codes may need to be created in order to cover all instructional modes offered at the selected school: (e.g. - separate codes for each attendance category and instructional mode combination. e.g. - Present - In-Person, Absent Excused - In Person, Absent Unexcused - In Person,  Present - Remote,  Absent Excused - Remote, and so on)Attendance codes are mapped based on values defined at the school level (District > Schools/School Info > Edit School):

3.  Attendance codes are mapped based on values defined at the school level (District > Schools/School Info > Edit School):

    • Please enter a Comma-delimited list of attendance codes that should be reported as Present - In Person. Include any ISS or OSS codes that are set to count as Present - In Person.

      • Values entered in this row will be mapped to the state defined value of: 

        • PRSNT-IN (Present - In School).

    • Please enter a Comma-delimited list of attendance codes to be counted as Present - Out of School.

      • Values entered in this row will be mapped to the state defined value of: 

        • PRSNT-OUT (Present - Out of School). 

    • Please enter Comma-delimited list of attendance codes to be counted as Tardy-In School. Include any ISS or OSS codes that are set to count as Tardy - In Person.

      • Values entered in this row will be mapped to the state defined value of:

        • T-IN (Tardy - In School)

    • Please enter Comma-delimited list of attendance codes to be counted as Tardy-Out of School. Include any ISS or OSS codes that are set to count as Tardy - In Person.

      • Values entered in this row will be mapped to the state defined value of:

        • T-OUT (Tardy - Out of School)

    • Please enter Comma-delimited list of Excused Absence codes. Include any ISS or OSS codes that are set to count as Absent Excused.

      • Values entered in this row will be mapped to the state defined value of:

      •  E (Absent Excused)

    • Please enter Comma-delimited list of Unexcused Absence codes. Include any ISS or OSS codes that are set to count as Absent Unexcused.

      • Values entered in this row will be mapped to the state defined value of

        • U (Absent Unexcused)

    • Please enter Comma-delimited list of In-School Suspension codes.

      • Values entered in this row that are not present in any of the above rows will be mapped to the state defined value of:

        • ISS (In-School Suspension).

      • Additional values entered in this row should also be present in one of the above rows (for mapping purposes) as appropriate for the assigned the presence status and modality.

    • Please enter Comma-delimited list of Out-of-School Suspension codes.

      • The first value entered in this row must be OSS, which will be the only value mapped to the state defined value of:

        • OSS (Out-of-School Suspension)

      • Additional values entered in this row should also be present in one of the above rows (for mapping purposes) as appropriate for the assigned the presence status and modality.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Select Schools

Choose one of the following:

  • Current School Only – Includes all student records associated with the current school that meet selection criteria. To change the current school, click the School link at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

  • All Schools – Includes all student records on the PowerSchool server that meet selection criteria.

Note: The All Schools option is only available when running the report from the District Office.

Display Header

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate whether to display the header (data element name) for each column in the report output, as well as to display additional fields used to audit the data in the report.

SFTP connections

Choose an SFTP connection from the pop-up menu to have the report output uploaded automatically.

Please refer to the System Administrator portion of the PowerSchool Administrator User Guide for details on how to create an SFTP connection for use with this new report parameter.

Note: Remote connection requires PowerSchool 7.1.4 or higher.

Display Attendance Description

If selected, then the report displays the attendance description corresponding to the attendance code set up at the school level if the attendance code is mapped. If this option is not selected, the report displays the description associated with the state attendance code. RECENTLY UPDATED

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Item #

Data Element



Max Length


District Code

Public school districts: NYnnnnnn       

(NY followed by the first 6 digits of the BEDS code)

Charter and nonpublic schools, State agencies, State-operated schools, AND child care institutions with schools: 8nnnnnnn

(8 followed by the last 7 digits of their Institution code)

If Pref NY_CHARTER_NP = 0 then ‘NY’ concatenated with Pref NY_BEDS_CODE

If Pref NY_CHARTER_NP = 1 and [S_NY_SCH_X]DistrictLocationCode is blank then ‘8’  concatenated with Pref NY_BEDS_CODE

If Pref NY_CHARTER_NP = 1 and [S_NY_SCH_X]DistrictLocationCode is not blank then ‘8’  concatenated with [S_NY_SCH_X]DistrictLocationCode



Attendance Code

Not reported




Attendance Description

If the Display Attendance Description input parameter is selected, this field displays the attendance description corresponding to the attendance code set up at the school level if the attendance code is mapped. Else, the description associated with the state attendance code is displayed.




Attendance Category

Not reported




Attendance Code Long

Local attendance code.

This value is automatically appended with the school number in order to ensure that each record is unique across all schools.

[Attendance]Code + [Schools]SchoolNumber


Attendance Type

Not reported




Sort Sequence

Not Reported




Attendance Status

Not reported




State Attendance Code

State Attendance Code used to indicate:



  • T-IN 

  • T-OUT

  • ISS 

  • OSS 

Note: If a single code is mapped to the OSS or ISS attendance code category as well as another state attendance code category, it will be reported as mapped to the the other code category instead of the ISS or OSS code category.




State Attendance Description

  • Present In School

  • Present Out of School

  • Tardy In School

  • Tardy Out of School

  • Absent Excused

  • Absent Unexcused

  • In-School Suspension

  • Out-of-school Suspension




School Year Date

June 30 of the reporting school year. Ex: 2012–13 =  2013-06-30




Attendance Code Type





Attendance Short Description

Not reported



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