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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-313454New “Student School Enrollment Grade Level“: UNK

Users now have the ability to select/save/display the new code "(UNK) Unknown" for the Student School Enrollment Grade Level field on the following pages:

  • Current/ Previous Enrollments (Under transfer Info Page)
  • Create New School Enrollment (under Functions)
  • Enroll New Student Living in the Same Household (Under Functions)
  • Re-Enroll In School (under functions)
  • Transfer To Another School (under functions)
  • Enrollment (School Enrollment) (under the New York state information page)
  • Demographics (Student Lite) (under the New York state information page)

This new code will also be displayed in the following reports:

  • School Enrolment Extract SFTP
  • Student Lite Extract SFTP (Version 4.3)
  • Assessment Fact Extract SFTP
  • Program Fact Extract SFTP
PSSR-288519Report missing attendance(default present) as' Does Not Save the Default Value

Student Daily Attendance Report (SFTP): Version: 3.8

The parameter to Report missing attendance(default present) as has been updated to display any value previously saved by the user as the ‘default value’.

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