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Generating Reporting Segments

NOTE: These Reporting Segments are still available to run and are stored in the Gen (6) table; however, they are no longer needed for the New York State Reporting > SAMS - Claim Form A (AT-6) Report.

New York Reporting Segments are created by the "Generate Reporting Segments for AT6" report. This report runs a process that generates 10 reporting segments for September to June, for every school and every school year. 

The first time the Generate Reporting Segments for AT6 report is run, reporting segments are generated for all school years (past and present). After that, this report can be scheduled to run each year to generate segments for new school years, or manually run when new schools or school years are added.

You can edit the generated segments; however, it's important to note that reporting segments are sorted in chronological order so that Total B results on the AT6 report will be accurate. If you change the start date of a reporting segment, be aware that you may have to change the Sort order to ensure the segments are still in the correct order.

To run the Generate Reporting Segments for AT6 report:

  1. On the Start Page, click System Reports. The Reports page appears.
  2. Click the State tab. The State Reports page appears.
  3. Click Generate Reporting Segments for AT6. The Generate Reporting Segments for AT6 page appears.
  4. Click Submit to generate the report.

To edit reporting segments:

  1. On the Start Page, click Special Functions. The Special Function page appears.
  2. Click New York Reporting Segments. The School Reporting Segment Information for [year] page appears.

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports

Special Functions > Reporting Segments > New / Edit Segment

Segment Name

The name of the reporting segment




Start date

The start date for this segment.

Note: Reporting segments are sorted in chronological order so that Total B results on the AT_6 report will be accurate. If you change the start date, be aware that you may have to change the Sort order to ensure the segments are still in the correct order.




End Date

The end date for this segment.




Sort Order

The sort order for this segment. Reporting segments must be in chronological order.




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