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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-257645All States/Provinces: Office Visit Clinic Log Update for Multi-Select Fields in PowerSchool 21.4

Office Visit Clinic Log Report: Version 1.1
As the fields listed were changed to multi-select in PowerSchool version 21.4, the Office Visit Clinic Log is updated to handle multiple saved values for the Outcome field.
The report works as expected for districts that upgrade to PowerSchool version 21.4 as well as previously supported versions of PowerSchool.

  • Assessment
  • Visit Reason
  • Visit outcome
  • Procedure
  • Treatment
PSSR-259492Added a new field to store the Present codes on the School/School Info pageOn the School/School Info page, a new field "Please enter Comma-delimited list of attendance codes to be reported as Present" is added to store the Present Attendance Codes.
PSSR-259493Update to the Attendance Codes extractAttendance Codes extract is updated to report the Present codes entered in the newly added field - "Please enter Comma-delimited list of attendance codes used for Presence codes" on School/School Info.
PSSR-259147Update to the Student Daily Attendance extractStudent Daily Attendance extract is updated to report the Present codes entered in the newly added field - "Please enter Comma-delimited list of attendance codes used for Presence codes" on School/School Info. The modality associated with such codes will also be extracted into the report.
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