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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-266190All States/Provinces: Attendance Profile (System Report) Update

Attendance Profile Report: Version 1.1
The Attendance Profile report PDF library is updated and the pagination from ‘Page X of Y’ to ‘Page X’.

Additionally, due to the large PDF size that can result if the report is run for a large selection of students, a validation is added to the report page to restrict the number of students to 200.

PSSR-265130All States/Provinces: DBMS_UTILITY.compile_schema Update

The RecompilePSSchema.sql files for all states are updated with the compile_all => FALSE constraint, in the DBMS_UTILITY function.

PSSR-265823All States/Provinces: Digital Equity and Learning Preferences Page Keeps Loading

Digital Equity and Learning Preferences page is updated to show the data while editing, even if there are special characters inside the data.

PSSR-259236All States/Provinces: Enable Digital Equity and Learning Preference in Public Portal Pref Does Not Save

The Miscellaneous page in District is updated to save the Pref to Enable Digital Equity and Learning Preference in the Public Portal correctly.

PSSR-261972Student Daily Attendance (SFTP) Report - Exclude Future Dates

Student Daily Attendance (SFTP): Version 3.0

Student Daily Attendance (SFTP) Report logic is updated to prevent the extraction of records containing a future date (greater than the current system date).

PSSR-268025Student Daily Attendance (SFTP) 3.0 Is Pulling Duplicate Present records for Students who have changed schools during the year

Student Daily Attendance (SFTP): Version 3.1

Report is corrected to extract single records for each present day for students with multiple enrollments.

PSSR-267977NY - Student Daily Attendance (SFTP) 3.0 Is Pulling Extra Column "EXCLUDE_ATT" Causing Submission to Fail

Student Daily Attendance (SFTP): Version 3.1

The report is corrected to contain only 12 columns when the 'Display Header and Audit Fields' parameter is set to a NO.


NY: ISS/OSS codes to generate 2 records in the Student Daily Attendance report

Student Daily Attendance (SFTP): Version 3.1

Report logic is updated so that any code that starts with an ISS or OSS will have two records generated, as long as they are mapped to the respective fields on the School/School Info page. This change is applicable to both Present and Absent codes.

PSSR-252648SSEC Summary Data Collection 1.2 - Number of Student Offenders for "Other Sex Offenses" is Not Calculating Correctly

SSEC Summary Data Collection: Version 1.3

The report is updated to correctly calculate the value for the Number of Student Offenders row, under column 2b. Other Sex Offenses.

PSSR-264912Updates to the Assessment Fact report

Assessment Fact report: Version 3.16

Assessment Fact report updated to handle the new exemption codes for the June Regents.

For example, if an assessment exemption code 06304E is entered on the Assessment Fact page, then the Item Description is extracted as “Regents Common Core Algebra I Exempt – Jun”, Alpha score as “E” and the Standard achieved code as “86”.

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