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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


All States/Provinces: Attendance Profile Report - HTML Output Update.

Additional Reference: PSSR-320593

Attendance Profile Report: Version 1.7

The Attendance Profile report has been updated and will the result file will be in HTML (rather than PDF). This change allows for a dynamic presentation of the data which will make the report results more user-friendly.


All States/Provinces: Immunization Rules Engine Update for Student Date fields

The Immunization Rules Engine and rules can now be written that compare dose dates to a student’s entry date (into school).

Note: Immunization compliance rules must be updated to take advantage of this new functionality.


Course INstructor ASsignment (SFTP) Should Include Sections From Several Courses With No Student Enrollments - New Course Code 99899

Course Instructor ASsignment (SFTP): Version 3.2
A new course code 99899 has been added to the existing list to pull the records even if there is no enrollment to the course. 99899 can be a course number, alternate course number, or state-specific alternate course number.


NY CRDC : OFFN-1, OFFN-4 Calculation Logic Changes

Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) Version 1.4.5

The reporting logic is updated to accurately calculate the number of incidents as per following


  • Rape or attempted rape :

Number of incidents, caused by both staff or students incidents with the behavior code "CRDC Specific Behaviors" and subcode of "CRDC: Rape or attempted rape"

  • Sexual assault (other than rape)

Number of incidents, caused by both staff or student incidents with the behavior code "CRDC Specific Behaviors" and subcode of "CRDC: Sexual assault (other than rape)"

  • Robbery with a weapon

Number of incidents, caused by both staff or student incidents with the behavior code "CRDC Specific Behaviors" and subcode of "CRDC: Robbery with a weapon"

  • Robbery without a weapon

Number of incidents, caused by both staff or student incidents with the behavior code "CRDC Specific Behaviors" and subcode of "CRDC: Robbery without a weapon"

  • Physical attack or fight with a weapon

Number of incidents, caused by both staff or student incidents with the behavior code "CRDC Specific Behaviors" and subcode of "CRDC: Physical attack or fight with a weapon"

  • Physical attack or fight without a weapon

Number of incidents, caused by both staff or student incidents with the behavior code "CRDC Specific Behaviors" and subcode of "CRDC: Physical attack or fight without a weapon"

  • Threats of physical attack with a weapon

Number of incidents, caused by both staff or student incidents with the behavior code "CRDC Specific Behaviors" and subcode of "CRDC: Threats of physical attack with a weapon"

  • Threats of physical attack without a weapon

Number of incidents, caused by both staff or student incidents with the behavior code "CRDC Specific Behaviors" and subcode of "CRDC: Threats of physical attack without a weapon"

  • Possession of a firearm or explosive device 

Number of incidents, caused by both staff or student incidents with the behavior code "CRDC Specific Behaviors" and subcode of "CRDC: Possession of a firearm or explosive device "


  • Rape or attempted rape

Number of student incidents with the behavior code "CRDC Specific Behaviors" and subcode of "CRDC: Rape or attempted rape"

  • Sexual assault (other than rape)

Number of student incidents with the behavior code "CRDC Specific Behaviors" and subcode of "CRDC: Sexual assault (other than rape)"


  • Rape or attempted rape

Number of Staff incidents with the behavior code "CRDC Specific Behaviors" and subcode of "CRDC: Rape or attempted rape"

  • Sexual assault (other than rape)

Number of Staff incidents with the behavior code "CRDC Specific Behaviors" and subcode of "CRDC: Sexual assault (other than rape)"

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